What are you listening to right now?

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by maximzub »

I stopped posting every album I listened to in here because that would quickly have become too many posts in a row, which would result in me getting banned for spam. Instead, I decided to post the list once I'm finished with them all.

- I listened to the ENTIRE Alter Bridge discography during this run. Wow!
- I did not listen to the entire Volbeat discography. I skipped Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies because I already listened to it front to back last week to celebrate its 10th birthday. That and the full listen of Transmissions by Starset were actually what gave me the idea to do this challenge.
- For most of the albums, I included the bonus tracks. I think bonus tracks are like an encore after the main album is done, which is a good thing.

1. Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica (After a few years of not having listened to this album outside of a few songs, I lost a lot of liking for it. I've grown distant from Metallica in the past few years, and this album seemed to have a lot of playing it safe. One thing that particularly stood out to me was the fact that I could still remember how to play half the guitar solos, which shows how lazy Kirk was on this album. Highlights: The speed of Hardwired, the breakdown of Now That We're Dead, the guitar harmonies and the chorus of Moth Into Flame, the verses and outro of Halo On Fire, the breakdown of Spit Out The Bone, and the intro and harmony sections of Lords Of Summer. 5/10.)

2. Vessels - Starset (After having listened to Transmissions last week, I must say that this is not my type of music. Dustin Bates is an amazing songwriter, but the juxtaposition of the styles in here is just too much. They don't blend in together. I would have rather they continued in the same style as Transmissions, and maybe actually scale back on the synths and strings. That being said, there were less of the out-of-place outros on this album than Transmissions. Highlights: The chorus of Satellite, the intro drop of Frequency, the chorus of Die For You, the main riff of Into The Unknown, and the chorus of Monster. 3/10.)
3. Rise. Fall. Repeat - Downplay (A short album, but nevertheless pretty good. This represented the bridge between the alt rock/post grunge styles of the first two albums and the more straightforward hard rock style of the later albums. It's a great mix, honestly. It also has some diversity, as there is a ballad in the middle to break up the heavy. Highlights: The main riff of Save Me, the chorus of Goodbye, the pre-chorus of Burn It Away, and the piano in Red Window. 7/10 only because it's not long enough.)
4. Halestorm - Halestorm (What a cringey album. The songs are great listened to on their own, but one after another, it gets really annoying to keep hearing about the same topics of broken relationships and sex. I can see where the statements that "Halestorm is like a female Nickelback" came from at the time. Highlights: The heaviness of It's Not You, Lzzy's high note in Innocence, all the vocals and the strings in Familiar Taste Of Poison, the chorus of I'm Not An Angel, the chorus riff of Nothing To Do With Love, and the main riff/guitar solo combination of Tell Me Where It Hurts. 6/10.)
5. Boston - Boston (My favorite classic rock album of all time. There's no shortage of guitar harmonies and vocal greatness. Also, the production is way ahead of its time. I'm starting to like the idea of recording most or all of the instruments by yourself, like Tom Scholz did here. If Boston had kept going, I'm sure they would be putting out some modern rock classics nowadays. Highlights: Every single guitar harmony in every song, the main riff of Peace Of Mind, the epic intro of Foreplay/Long Time, the main riff of Smokin', and the tempo change at the beginning of Something About You. 10/10.)
6. AB III - Alter Bridge (This is just kind of a depressing album. It gets repetitive after a while, which is hard to say about an Alter Bridge album. I also think that the production hampers it a bit. Sometimes the mix is off and you can't hear something that should be at the front. Myles's vocals's were the most annoying in this era than in any other. Surprisingly, this might get knocked down to my least favorite Alter Bridge album. Highlights: The main riff of Isolation, the refreshing change of pace when the intro of Ghost Of Days Gone By starts, the chorus of I Know It Hurts, the chorus and outro of Show Me A Sign, and the chorus of Zero. Yes, I didn't even put the high note of Words Darker Than Their Wings as a highlight because it's not nearly as good as on Live At The Royal Albert Hall. Crucify me now. 6.5/10.)
7. Mammoth WVH - Mammoth WVH (A solid debut album, but of the songs I hadn't heard before, nothing matched up to some of the songs I had already heard. Interestingly enough, of the songs I had heard beforehand, I gravitated towards the album tracks and not the singles. There weren't enough moments that were really powerful like some of the other music I listen to. Highlights: The main riff and guitar solo of Mr. Ed, the dual guitar solo of Mammoth, the chorus of Think It Over, the main riff of You're To Blame, the breakdown of Stone, and the chorus of Goodbye. 7/10.)
8. Seal The Deal & Let's Boogie - Volbeat (WEAK. I think after the amazing Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies, the band settled into a predictable formula that just didn't capture the greatness they had before. It has some strong songs, even including my favorite Volbeat song of all time, but as a whole it's just not great. Highlights: The main riff of The Devil's Bleeding Crown, the verses and choruses of The Bliss, the main riff of The Gates Of Babylon, and the main riff of The Loa's Crossroad. 6/10.)
9. Rewind, Replay, Rebound - Volbeat (Even weaker than the previous album. The lyrical content is great and among their best, but the music really falls flat and it's way overproduced for how simple the music is. Sometimes, I forgot I was even listening to Volbeat. That being said, the back half of the album is much better than the front half, and the album tracks are mostly better than the singles. Highlights: The energy of Die To Live, the energy of Cloud 9, the breakdown of Cheapside Sloggers, the main riff and chorus of Leviathan, the guitar solos of The Awakening Of Bonnie Parker, the ambience of 7:24, and the lyrics of Under The Influence. 5.5/10.)

10. Dust - Tremonti (Solid album, but not as good as some of the other Tremonti albums. It doesn't have a good opener, but it does have good tempo variations to break up the styles of songs. The production is not that bad after all compared to Cauterize, which I decided not to listen to this week. Highlights: The halftime drumming in My Last Mistake, the chorus of Dust, the chorus and outro of Betray Me, the chorus of Rising Storm, and the chorus of Unable To See. 7.5/10.)
11. Beyond Hell/Above Heaven - Volbeat (A weak album, but it at least sounds more like Volbeat than the previous two I'd reviewed. Mostly the same types of songs throughout. The production was at a low point, and Michael's voice sounded not like himself much of the time. However, it did have some musical elements that set up the greatness of their following album. Highlights: The intro of The Mirror And The Ripper, the intro of Who They Are, the chorus of Fallen, the guitar solos of 7 Shots, and the jarring change of style in Evelyn. 6.5/10.)
12. We Are Not Alone - Breaking Benjamin (Quite a strong album from a band that was still trying to find their sound. They held on to some of the angsty stuff from the debut, but found a way to streamline it into something more listenable. The production was not amazing, but it was right at the level it needed to be. Overall a solid album from front to back. Highlights: The main riff of So Cold, the main riff of Follow, the chorus of Firefly, the chorus of Break My Fall, and the chorus of Blow Me Away. 8/10.)
13. The Strength/The Sound/The Songs - Volbeat (This one is a tiring listen. Pretty much the entire album is nonstop heavy, and the production makes it even heavier. There's no shortage of cool riffs, but there's also no shortage of weird lyrics and monotonous vocal melodies. I used to like this album a lot more, but I guess as I expanded my palate, I grew distant from this style. Granted, there are quite a few bangers that I still listen to from this album. Highlights: The drop in Caroline Leaving, the pre-chorus riff of Rebel Monster, the harmony riff of Say Your Number, the chorus of I Only Wanna Be With You, and the guitar solo of Healing Subconsciously. 7/10.)
14. When Legends Rise - Godsmack (I don't know why I slept on this album for a long time. It's amazing! The production is spot on, and the songs are a perfect example of what modern rock should be. Lots of catchy melodies to be found. Some decent guitar solos, although nothing flashy. The tempos are also perfectly balanced, with a piano ballad smack dab in the middle of the album to break it up. Highlights: The breakdown of When Legends Rise, the main riff of Every Part Of Me, the guitar solo of Under Your Scars, the main riff of Say My Name, and the main riff and chorus of Eye Of The Storm. 9/10.)
15. Walk The Sky - Alter Bridge (Probably the most tiring listen of any Alter Bridge album. There's so much going on all at once that you can't really break apart what each instrument is doing at times. Although there are still a lot of Alter Bridge signatures, the songs just sound like outliers in their discography. I might also say it's probably their least inspired album. Highlights: The main riff of Native Son, the chorus of Take The Crown, the pre-chorus of Pay No Mind, the verses of Clear Horizon, and the chorus of Walking On The Sky. 7/10.)
16. Marching In Time - Tremonti (After the amazingness that was A Dying Machine, I found this album to be a bit predictable. There are still some songs that veer off of Tremonti's usual style, but most of it is just a watered down version of the previous album. I also think some of the melodies Mark came up with are a little creepy. However, I must say that the production is great. Highlights: The chorus of A World Away, the chorus and breakdown of Now And Forever, the verses and breakdown of If Not For You, the main riff of Let That Be Us, the chorus of Not Afraid To Lose, the main riff of Would You Kill, and Ryan's interesting drum patterns in Marching In Time. 7.5/10.)
17. Onyx - Pop Evil (Considering what Pop Evil has become in the meantime, this is actually a solid modern rock album. Granted, I think they were already starting to push the difference between the pop and the evil sides of music. I could have done without some of the screaming and electronic elements. Other than that, it's another good modern rock album. It also has enough variety to flow well when listened to in track order. Highlights: The last line of the chorus of Trenches, the main arpeggio and chorus of Torn To Pieces, the chorus of Divide, the chorus of Silence & Scars, and the main riff of Fly Away. 7.5/10.)
18. The Last Hero - Alter Bridge (Another tiring listen. However, it's not as exhausting as Walk The Sky, which may or may not be an unpopular opinion here. The bigger problem with this album is that there's a clear difference between the great songs and the mediocre songs. This is a big problem for albums, because they need to be somewhat consistent, which this is not. Obviously, though, there are some amazing songs on here. Highlights: The intro of Show Me A Leader, the pull-off bridge and the guitar solo of The Writing On The Wall, the chorus of Cradle To The Grave, the chorus of Losing Patience, the main riff of Island Of Fools, the breakdown of The Last Hero, and the breakdown of Last Of Our Kind. 7/10.)
19. Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin (The first thing I noticed is that it is so overproduced. Although it's clear that these are all being played on real instruments, it sounds so smooth that it's hard to believe it's not electronically generated. Ben's vocals were already getting a harder edge by this time, which I don't like. The songwriting is very much a copy of Phobia, sometimes even blatantly. That being said, there are some great songs on the album, particularly in the back half. Highlights: The main riff of Fade Away, the chorus and guitar solo of I Will Not Bow, the main riff of Give Me A Sign, the chorus of Dear Agony, and the main riff and verses of Into The Nothing. 6/10.)

20. All I Was - Tremonti (The production is very slick on this album, sometimes becoming a little too much to take in. A lot of the songs sound like AB III rejects, only tuned down to so-called heavier tunings for Mark's voice. However, there are a lot of great riffs and big choruses on the album that mostly make up for its shortcomings. One interesting thing I did is I actually listened to it in an alternate track order that I found online that is supposedly better. I think the album flows well in that order, and the original order might mess up that flow, especially with the strange opener. Highlights: The main riff of Brains, the chorus of So You're Afraid, the verses of New Way Out, the drumming in Wish You Well, and the main riff of All That I Got. 8/10.)
21. Blackbird - Alter Bridge (Man, this is an amazing album to listen to in track order. Some of the songs individually sound like filler, but together with the main songs, they're awesome. It's not an understatement that some of the best songs of all time can be found here. The biggest problem I have is the production, which sounded like it was attempting to be modern while retaining an older sound. Also, a certain three-song run that I mentioned in an earlier post should have been broken up so that I wouldn't have an emotional breakdown. Highlights: The chorus of Ties That Bind, the main riff and chorus of Come To Life, the guitar solo of Brand New Start, the chorus of Rise Today, everything in Blackbird, the chorus of Watch Over You, and the main riff of White Knuckles. 9.5/10.)
22. 72 Seasons - Metallica (Well, I was desperate and I found a leak of this album online the day before it was released. So I actually listened to it six hours before it was supposed to be out. I must say it exceeded my expectations. I thought it would be another Hardwired, which contains many of the reasons why I drifted away from Metallica in the first place. Instead, it's a perfect mix of all eras of Metallica, with emphasis on the 90's. The riffs are great, the production is spot on, and there are a lot more vocal harmonies than I expected. The only thing missing is the big choruses that I've come to expect from modern rock, which Metallica is notorious for shying away from. Also, almost every song could have done without as much repetition as there was. Highlights: The main riff of 72 Seasons, the chorus of Shadows Follow, the pre-chorus and chorus of Lux Æterna, the second main riff of Crown Of Barbed Wire, the chorus of Too Far Gone?, the guitar harmonies in Room Of Mirrors, and the chorus of Inamorata. 7.5/10.)
23. War Of Angels - Pop Evil (There isn't a single bad song on this album at all. It's a perfect blend of modern hard rock with earlier heavy metal, post-grunge, and country rock. The vocal melodies are on point, there are a lot more guitar solos in here than in some of their later work, and the drumming is perfect for the style. Plus, its runtime is perfect and the album doesn't really need any more songs. It has it all in just 37 minutes. Highlights: The main riff of Last Man Standing, the chorus of Broken & Betrayed, the main arpeggio and chorus of Monster You Made, the main riff and chorus of Black & Blue, and the chorus of Next Life. 10/10.)
24. Rock The Rebel/Metal The Devil - Volbeat (After their first album, I believe they did work to refine their sound, and it shows on here. The styles are very diverse, showcasing what Volbeat would later become. There are some classic songs that I still like to listen to. However, there were still a lot of predictable moments and songs without any shine. Highlights: The drumming in the chorus of The Human Instrument, the intro and outro of The Garden's Tale, the energy of Sad Man's Tongue, the dark verses of Radio Girl, and the outro of Boa [JDM]. 7.5/10.)
25. Radiocalypse - Downplay (This is a really fun album. After having explored post-grunge, emo rock, and screamo, I think the band refined their sound into the category of mainstream modern rock. It's great. The riffs are groovy, the melodies are catchy, and there's enough diversity of tempos to not lose the listener. If only they had kept going, Downplay had the potential to become popular among the same crowds as the bands that influence them. As an added bonus, I threw in some Downplay-style reworkings of Starset songs. They're great and I would have rather they release those songs rather than Starset. Highlights: The main riff of Save Me, the main riff of Bury Myself Alive, the chorus of Shadow With You, the verses of Sleep, the juxtaposition of styles in Won't Let Go, the chorus of My Demons, and the chorus of Let It Die. 9/10.)
26. Servant Of The Mind - Volbeat (While this album didn't live up to the hype that was thrown around before its release, it is nevertheless a solid album. The riffs and the heavy edge is back, replacing the uninspired music of the previous two albums. The melodies are still great. The only problem is that sometimes the band ventures too far into the creepy side of metal, which is not to my taste. Highlights: The intro of The Sacred Stones, the breakdowns of Say No More, the verses of The Passenger, the main riff and first guitar solo of Becoming, the main riff of Mindlock, and the breakdown of Don't Tread On Me. 8.5/10.)
27. One Day Remains - Alter Bridge (This is such a relaxing album. It stands apart from Alter Bridge's other albums because the style was less towards the heavy stuff they do nowadays and more towards the post-grunge of a couple decades ago. However, what makes it better than the rest of the post-grunge acts around that time is the amazing musicianship of the instrumental members and Myles's soaring vocals. Therefore, at the end of the day, it still sounds like Alter Bridge. There's so many amazing ballads on this album, balanced out with the equally amazing heavy songs. Highlights: The chorus of Open Your Eyes, the main clean riff and chorus of Burn It Down, the main riff of Metalingus, the intro and chorus of Broken Wings, the chorus of In Loving Memory, and the chorus of Shed My Skin. 10/10.)
28. Back From The Dead - Halestorm (Yet another album that is greater than the sum of its parts. Actually, it's leagues better as a whole than the songs individually might show. I was tired by the time I got to this album, but the first few songs filled me back up with energy and I was grooving along to the rest of the album. It's much heavier and more powerful than Halestorm's previous albums. I also can't really see why some people think it's full throttle all throughout. The two ballads are placed perfectly and I wouldn't change the order for any reason. Highlights: The chorus of Back From The Dead, the main guitar melody and the chorus of Wicked Ways, everything in Strange Girl, the aggressiveness of Brightside, the intro of Bombshell, and the emotional delivery of Raise Your Horns. 10/10.)

29. Pawns & Kings - Alter Bridge (Starting the run of my absolute favorite albums is the other album that I was the most hyped for it to be released. Remember how I originally criticized this album for being weak? Well, I must say that I was wrong and it's very much a grower. There's not a single bad song on the album. Everything is fun to listen to. The production is the best Elvis has ever done, and the songs are heavy, powerful, melodic, and catchy. Highlights: The intro and main riff of This Is War, the main riff of Dead Among The Living, the intro riff and chorus of Silver Tongue, the main riff of Sin After Sin, the chorus of Stay, the chorus of Holiday, and the main riff and chorus of Pawns & Kings. 10/10.)
30. Phobia - Breaking Benjamin (A very nice slice of modern rock, and probably also the most diverse collection of songs that Breaking Benjamin has ever done. The heavy songs sound natural but not completely raw, and the ballads are great. There are even a couple of guitar solos thrown in. Definitely Breaking Benjamin's best album. Highlights: The intro and main riff of The Diary Of Jane, the intro and verses of Breath, the main guitar melody of Until The End, Ben's high note in Dance With The Devil, and the guitar harmonies in Unknown Soldier. 9/10.)
31. A Dying Machine - Tremonti (What a masterpiece. This covers every style that Tremonti has ever done, from speed metal to hard rock to ballads and everything in between. All the songs are placed perfectly where they should be. The production is among Elvis's best. The story is great, and I love how Mark managed to sing about ordinary things but work them into the storyline. Definitely Tremonti's best album. Highlights: The drumming in Bringer Of War, the harmonic riff and the falsetto outro of Trust, the chorus of The First The Last, the main riff of A Lot Like Sin, the main riff of The Day When Legions Burned, the chorus of As The Silence Becomes Me, and the chorus of Take You With Me. 10/10.)
32. The Strange Case Of... - Halestorm (The songs are all great. It's got a wide variety of styles ranging from heavy, rock n' roll, piano ballads, country, you name it. However, there is one big problem with the album that drags its score way down. The heavy songs are all in a row in the first four tracks, and then three ballads are in a row after that. Therefore, the sequencing could have been improved a lot. This is why it has now fell to my second favorite Halestorm album in favor of Back From The Dead. Highlights: The main riff and guitar solo of Love Bites (So Do I), the main riff of Mz. Hyde, the chorus of Freak Like Me, the chorus of Break In, the main riff of You Call Me A Bitch Like It's A Bad Thing, and the vocal melodies of Don't Know How To Stop. 9/10.)
33. Fortress - Alter Bridge (And now we arrive at what is widely agreed upon as Alter Bridge's best album, and also my second favorite album of all time. The production is on point, the energy never lets up, the instruments are all doing their job skillfully, and Myles's vocals are much more well-rounded than on any other album. Sure, I may have a dislike of two of the songs, but that is more than made up for by more than half of the album being some of my favorite songs of all time. Unfortunately, I was interrupted towards the end by a friend who I ended up talking through while half-listening to some of the last songs, so I didn't get a chance to enjoy the entire album in peace. I'll do that some other time. Highlights: The intro and chorus of Cry Of Achilles, the main riff and outro of Addicted To Pain, the guitar solo of Bleed It Dry, the main riff of The Uninvited, the intro and chorus of Calm The Fire, the outro of Cry A River, and the chorus of All Ends Well. 10/10.)
34. Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood - Volbeat (The last album I listened to has been my favorite of all time for over three years. This collection of songs showcases Volbeat's ability to morph styles all while retaining the modern rock sound the best out of any of their albums. Sure, the production is not as good as some of their other albums, but it's still very impressive. The track listing is very well-balanced. There's heavy stuff, there's lighter punk stuff, and there's even a couple ballads. I could go on and on with talking about the good things this album has. Highlights: The energy of Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood, the main guitar melody of Back To Prom, the blending of voices in Mary Ann's Place, the intro of Hallelujah Goat, the energy of Maybellene I Hofteholder, the breakdown and guitar solo of Still Counting, the intro and main riff of Find That Soul, and the energy of Making Believe. 10/10.)
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MaraCarr wrote: It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
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My Long Alter Bridge Facts Post
Order Of Me Hearing Alter Bridge Songs
Order Of Me Hearing Tremonti Songs

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by riemslag1 »

Some harder and darker metal from Belgium : "the death dealer" by Sons Of Jonathas
If you like the genre, than give it a try ; one of the most underappreciated albums in the scene.
Really amazing album (if you like bands like Slayer, Exodus, testament) !!!!!
Unfortunately this remained their only album.

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by gbruin »

So random...I'm in my local grocery store today where the overhead music is usually somewhere between Muzak and gentle 70's pop...when suddenly the beautifully familiar acoustic guitar and keyboard layers of the intro this all time gem comes on. I was stunned. One of the greatest songs all time comes on and I'm just singing in the Italian food aisle and wistfully thinking of all those magical songs from this era. Triumph has to be one of the most underrated bands of all time (and definitely the 2nd best Canadian trio ever) and this was their anthem to the Magic Power that music brings to our lives. - something we can all understand.

Triumph - Magic Power

same song...just live with cool early 80's laser effects

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Metallica 72 Seasons

Post by MaraCarr »

I love it! ❤️
I’m wearing yellow today to honor of the Album. I never wear yellow. Black is all I usually wear. Special Day! 😊
My favorite track so far:

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by Crumbso »

This was more what I was hoping the new Extreme single would have been like. I missed the funkier riffs and more lush chord choices.

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by Summoner »

Possessed by this song

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by maximzub »

Genuinely one of the funniest songs I've heard in a long time.
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MaraCarr wrote: It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
Check out my coolest TABN posts!
My Long Alter Bridge Facts Post
Order Of Me Hearing Alter Bridge Songs
Order Of Me Hearing Tremonti Songs

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by AB4Lyfe »

BANGER of a metalcore song - really catchy chorus.

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by Crumbso »

It must have been more than a decade since I last listened to this. What an incredible voice, man. So soulful and deep, rare for a prog metal band.

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by Dan Dando »

On repeat.

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Re: What are you listening to right now?


A Spotify playlist I made by taking an album from each my current favorite female fronted rock/metal bands is in pretty heavy rotation.

Beyond The Black
Unleash The Archers
Ad Infinitum

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Re: What are you listening to right now?

Post by maximzub »

SHEAKENBAKEN wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:26 pm A Spotify playlist I made by taking an album from each my current favorite female fronted rock/metal bands is in pretty heavy rotation.

Beyond The Black
Unleash The Archers
Ad Infinitum
No Halestorm.... :mope


I just watched a bunch of Metallica live videos, mostly from last night. I actually watched a livestream of the show as it was happening, but it cut out during Nothing Else Matters.

Otherwise, the playlist I have in heavy rotation has all the typical bands for me. In order of how many songs I have from them: Volbeat, Alter Bridge, Halestorm, Headroom Karma (just added today, I wasn't feeling like listening to my own stuff for the better part of this week), Tremonti, Breaking Benjamin, Downplay, Pop Evil, Starset, Mammoth WVH, Metallica, Godsmack, Bon Jovi, Hardy, YU Grupa, Boston, A Day To Remember, and Daughtry.
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MaraCarr wrote: It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
Check out my coolest TABN posts!
My Long Alter Bridge Facts Post
Order Of Me Hearing Alter Bridge Songs
Order Of Me Hearing Tremonti Songs

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My favorite track… they made it official! 😊❤️

Post by MaraCarr »

I am in love with this song and I am so happy they made a video!.

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Inamorata is prob my favorite right now.

Post by gbruin »

Agreed, Mara. The new record is the best thing they've done since the Black album.
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Re: Inamorata is prob my favorite right now.

Post by MaraCarr »

gbruin wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 11:19 am Agreed, Mara. The new record is the best thing they've done since the Black album.
I am absolutely in love with it! I was just talking to someone about them and how much they mean to me. I have never met them but I have always felt like I am their family. It is not like a crush or a lust thing. It is pure and their music helps me so much all the time. I absolutely love all of them and I am just so incredibly thankful for their gifts. It keeps me going and it makes me happy. I hope to hug them before I leave this earth and say thank you ...but if I could just get in that snake pit once....My life will be complete. :)

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Be like zaz. Take quotes out of context.

Post by maximzub »

MaraCarr wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:38 pm It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
This is going into my signature.
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MaraCarr wrote: It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
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Full Circle Moment... Iron Maiden

Post by MaraCarr »

This afternoon after work... I found myself watching a video of a song by Metallica called...."I Disappear" It is one of my favorites. Out of nowhere...A cool looking concert came on and what stood out to me was when the lead singer asked the audience, "Are you afraid of the Dark"?

I don't listen to Iron Maiden or "I didn't" before tonight other than watching Nita Strauss play "Trooper" on her guitar. Gorgeous human.
I can honestly say I had a full circle moment... it is like this song is meant for me. So crazy I know... but it is so incredibly sweet. :)

To answer his question. I used to be very afraid of the dark ... until...I became it.

DARKNESS... It's really not so bad. :hug

My "full circle" song. It's a good Monday. :cloud9

I Disappear ...

Last edited by MaraCarr on Mon May 01, 2023 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Be like zaz. Take quotes out of context.

Post by MaraCarr »

maximzub wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:59 pm
MaraCarr wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 7:38 pm It is not like a crush or a lust thing.
This is going into my signature.
LOL! it is a true statement. :D Wisdom

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Re: Full Circle Moment... Iron Maiden

Post by Crumbso »

MaraCarr wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 8:04 pm Out of nowhere...A cool looking concert came on and what stood out to me was when the lead singer asked the audience, "Are you afraid of the Dark"?

I don't listen to Iron Maiden or "I didn't" before tonight other than watching Nita Strauss play "Trooper" on her guitar. Gorgeous human.
I can honestly say I had a full circle moment... it is like this song is meant for me. So crazy I know... but it is so incredibly sweet. :)

To answer his question. I used to be very afraid of the dark ... until...I became it.

DARKNESS... It's really not so bad. :hug

My "full circle" song. It's a good Monday. :cloud9

Hoo boy, have you got a lot of great material to wade through. I would say, start from the beginning and either listen to the first two albums or start from the Bruce-era and begin with Number of the Beast. For the first 5 or 6 albums, they didn't put a single foot wrong.

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Up The Irons \m/

Post by gbruin »

No band ever has been so great for so long as Iron Maiden. 17 studio albums, 10 of which are fantastic top to bottom, and the greatest live album ever: Live After Death.

(yes, of course this is opinion)

Seeing Maiden live somewhere in South America with those insane fans would be a bucket list item for me.
Another photobucket casualty... :(
As your courage crashes down before your eyes, don't lay down and die

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