Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by AB4Lyfe »

Congrats Micky, hope everything works out! What subject are you looking to possibly teach when you graduate?

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Micky »

Hey guys,

I decided to go to school for Nursing instead of teaching. My job in the Navy was supposed to be a medic, so I feel like I should still try that. I've always wanted to help people and potentially save lives so I think that this may be what's best for me. But, if it doesn't work out, I'll still give teaching a go. Because in their own ways, they both help people.

If I go for teaching, I'd like to be a history or a special education teacher. History because of my high school history teacher, I actually first had him in middle school, but he ironically every year afterwards, moved up to 9th grade, 10th, etc. And each year I had him and we kind of developed a friendship and he's someone I hold dear to my heart. Special education, because of an incident in 7th grade where I actually got in my first fight with another kid because the kid was picking on a child with disabilities. It's a moment in my life I often think of.

Just thought I'd keep you guys updated. I'll be posting a little more frequently as soon as I get my stuff in order. Haha. Love you guys.
Thanks Andy!

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Andy92 »

Sounds awesome, Micky. Keep us up to date!
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by agny »

That's terrific. You can always get experience as a nurse and then teach or mentor younger nurses.
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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Micky »

Hey guys,

I've been in a dark spot lately and I frankly don't know where else to go. I remembered this thread being a great place to vent years ago and talk about things and I realized that I need to talk. 2017 has frankly been the worst year of my entire life and I don't know what to do anymore.

This past spring, I was set to move in with the girl that I thought was going to be the "one". We had rented an apartment and only a few days before I was supposed to move in, I got a text message saying "Hey, don't come to the apartment on Thursday."

Why wouldn't I show up? Why wouldn't I come? That apartment was half mine, after all.

My response was "Uhm, why?" and the last message I received from her was "Because I've been falling in love with someone else and I've asked him to move in. Goodbye".

That was it. The last message I ever got from her.

The very next day, my grandmother was diagnosed with multiple myloma, a cancer in the plasma cells. My grandmother is one of the most beautiful human beings in the entire world. She lost 30 pounds in a month. She is holding on as best she can, but her time on this Earth is running short. My grandmother helped raise me and I do not know what I am going to do without her.

About a month later, my grandfather, her husband, was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had a mass about 9 inches long growing on his lungs. He had surgery to have the growth removed, and he is now cancer free, but has developed other health issues that have put his life in jeopardy. My grandfather, as a few of you on here know, has been the biggest role model for me throughout my entire life. He has helped me grow into the man I am today and I truly would not be alive without him. Truly. He has saved my life so many times from the many dumb decisions I have made in life. I cannot prepare for my life without him in it. I do not know what to do.

As many of you know, I had to deal with a serious back injury two years ago. I almost lost the use of my right leg because of it. Well, I am dealing with the same injury again. I'm in excruciating pain and can barely sleep, walk or stand. I can't take it anymore.

Now, I am in a healthy relationship with a wonderful human being. She is incredible and motivates me to get better every single day and is by my side through everything. She makes me happy

But when I am home, and I am by myself, no matter what I do anymore, I just feel so lost. I feel so small in such a big world. I feel like I was a mistake. I don't know what's wrong with me.

There are days where I can't even gather up the desire to get out of bed, or do anything. I have no desire to do anything anymore. I Just feel like i'm on autopilot and going through the motions.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I truly dont know where else to go.
Thanks Andy!

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Sunrunner1 »

I don't post on here much, but I couldn't not reply to this. Glad to hear you've at least got someone to lean on. That really is a lot to be put through though. Here's hoping Myles words ring true and this is just the fall before you rise. One heck of a fall from the sound of it, but try to stay strong. :(
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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Silvercreed »

Micky, there's nothing wrong with you. It's normal you feel that way, with so many things happening at the same time.
I know that feeling. I've been there.. when we are lost that way, its very easy to fall in a deep hole. Not very easy to get out...
Just keep your head up!

And it's great you have someone, i'm sure she will help you gain another perspective, of the situation, that you need and not to be lost. Like you said, she motivates you. Don't let her escape :)
Hold on to her, to the people you love,trust... friends, family..

Be strong!

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by agny »

Hi Micky, please check in with us even just to vent. As awful as it is what happened with the prior girlfriend, thank goodness you found out how awful she is before you moved in and got even more tangled up with her life.

The older I get, the more I realize the truth of taking things one day at a time, or even a couple hours at a time. It's literally how time goes anyway, and it's less overwhelming than trying to plan the narrative of one's life -- which I realize more and more how little we control in the long-term but it's built little bits at time. Hope you are having some good days and hours in the mix. And getting through it all with some good music. :hug
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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by Crumbso »

agny wrote:Hi Micky, please check in with us even just to vent. As awful as it is what happened with the prior girlfriend, thank goodness you found out how awful she is before you moved in and got even more tangled up with her life.

The older I get, the more I realize the truth of taking things one day at a time, or even a couple hours at a time. It's literally how time goes anyway, and it's less overwhelming than trying to plan the narrative of one's life -- which I realize more and more how little we control in the long-term but it's built little bits at time. Hope you are having some good days and hours in the mix. And getting through it all with some good music. :hug
These are excellent words. As someone who went through some tough time when I was younger, all I can say is power through on moment at a time. Things will get better and one day you'll realise that you're happy again.

If you have a passion that you can throw yourself into that is also good, if not, try and find one. A creative outlet like music, painting, drawing, writing etc can be an amazing therapy.

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Re: Music (Alter Bridge) Saved My Life

Post by anguyen92 »

It's been about six years ago since the last time I posted in this thread and, I guess in between album periods and reflecting about life, I figured now is the time to make this post. I mean it sounds like a cliche around here, but I feel like since AB III, Alter Bridge has really wrote the soundtrack to my life. As I stated before somewhere in a post in the almost 8,500 posts I made in this forum, as great as Blackbird and ODR is and has aged really well, I will still defend to the bone about the direction they took with AB III and The Last Hero as those albums mean as much to me as all AB albums and, of course, Fortress is an all-time great top to bottom for the most part. More about why those albums mean more to me in a moment.

Not only that, I feel like this band had give me something that no one else in the world has really given me. This next thought is going to sound pretty messed up and it is messed up, but I feel like this band had given me something that not even my parents, my sister, my long-time crush had really gave me. Alter Bridge's words and their great music had give me that sorta of confidence, hope, and optimism that maybe I could become something more and, honestly, prior to being 15, I can admit that I never had that before and AB changed that.

As time goes by, bands you listen to 10 years ago are those you do not listen to anymore and new bands take the forefront, AB is always been that band that still remains for me which is why I always feel a bit "anxious" at times when AB decides to call it a year off and focus on their other bands. I mean, after all, the logic in this story, is if the band that gave me inspiration and courage is not around, what can? Other music? Sure, but as I stated the bands I liked 10 years ago are not really the bands I like today.
After all, 10 years ago, I liked Daughtry, Seether, Nickelback, Kid Rock, etc. (mainly due to WWE plugging their songs which is how I got into music). Now in all fairness, those bands are still all right and their recent albums are those I like at times (seriously, Nickelback's Feed the Machine album does not really suck at all).

Nowadays, aside from AB and some of the good active rock bands (Halestorm, Breaking Benjamin, Stone Sour, A7X, etc.), I've been finding inspiration from other bands/musicians that I would honestly admit that I would not listen to 10 years ago. I don't think I would listen to a good mainstream pop act like Ed Sheeran, 10 years ago. I would not listen to Lindsey Stirling or Owl City that does really good electronic/crossover/whatever pop music when I was a teenager. I certainly would not listen to a country band like Zac Brown Band. Heck, nowadays, I've been listening to a fair share of Linkin Park songs, especially Shadow of the Day and Leave Out All the Rest and even you take out the context of Chester Bennington's passing, those words still hit hard. Those acts have really helped me get through certain issues of life and depression that I sadly cannot gravitate to hard rock music to resolve, but only one band still can and we all know who that is.

As I mentioned, AB III have really helped me out of a hard time of lacking direction of where I want to go in life, especially Life Must Go On and Fallout. The Fortress album have really helped me put things in perspective regarding my deteriorating relationship with my long-time crush (long story short, it's all my fault. Let's leave it at that.) The title track was not only the big epic, but it had the most poignant lyrics I have ever heard that makes me go, "It all makes sense now. It's clear." Still despite all of those obstacles, I was able to get back into my college of choice which is Cal Poly Pomona, finished my bachelor's degree in Accounting and left without much direction on to do for a job. Applied for a couple of jobs in the business division like Blizzard Entertainment, Enterprise, a housing firm, etc. Couldn't nailed the interviews. Not only that, the world has really gone insane and everyone does not know how to cope with it in a way we can all come together in these dark times. That's why I needed to hear an album like The Last Hero and songs like Cradle to the Grave and Twilight and find that inspiration from AB once again, like they have in the last 11 years, to get me through these frustrating times as a NEET.

Turns out, things were turning a corner in 2017, my family moved to Garden Grove which is 5 minutes away from Anaheim which holds a lot of music venues that a lot of bands I like plays in (Honda Center, City National Grove of Anaheim, House of Blues). I decided to sign with a temp agency to see if I can get a job for hourly pay. Got a job position about three days later and then 8 months later, they decided to hire me in a full time position and now at this point, I'm tackling on more responsibilities, and my bosses and co-workers trust me to do the duties I know I can handle and excel at, with hopefully a raise in the horizon? I've been to 5 concerts since moving and 4 of them kicked all kinds of asses (one was just ok, marred by bad sound mixing) and I got a 6th and 7th concert to go on on the way.

Still, life brings you roadblocks. My family has a bit of a financial issue. Nothing too serious that makes us broke broke where we cannot pay our monthly rent in our nice house, but it's still something to take notice of and hope to make good decisions to secure our financial future. I just hope in that future, Alter Bridge can give me that new spark of inspiration I need like they have always unintentionally done since I became a fan over a decade ago.

Thank you for those reading this and to all that has made this forum enjoyable to be in for the last 6 years. I appreciate you all.

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