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Post by Seeker_1306 »

I too did not buy the box and I rarely post on here due to work, etc. But that post has really run all over me.

Trying to pin the band changing record labels on this message board? That is simply not true. Especially when the band has gone on record numerous times to give an explanation as to why they changed labels.

Secondly, the only reason you have been able to invest money into Alter Bridge and sell products of their likeness is because of their loyal fanbase. I think the guys would tell you the same thing; without the fans, this band would not be where it is today. And that is something that I, and everyone else takes great pride in.

From the countless amounts of money, time spent driving/attending concerts, promoting the band on social media and on the streets, etc., the true character of the fan base has been shown. NOT by backlash you guys received from a project that still is not fully complete after YEARS. Go ask Fret12 how much hate they get. Maybe you'll pick up a thing or two on how to run a successful company.

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Post by CreedFeed »

Hahaha wow. He still doesn't get it. He won't take the blame for anything that has gone wrong.

Just a side note, I took a screen capture of his post in case he deletes it. You can see it here
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Post by Seeker_1306 »

Mark or someone really needs to be made aware of this.

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Post by AB4Lyfe »

Anybody want to send it to Mark, Myles, Flip, or Brian? By all means feel free but I don't know what would be gained from it.

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Post by riemslag1 »

Somehow I'm under the impression that he wrote this anyway after ties with AB were cut ? just a feeling I get reading it. A sensible person would not write such things if he was still heavily business-wise involved with the band that gets patronized here, I suppose. Unfortunately that would definitely mean the end of any chance for Milan and W3D. After this further cooperation of AB with this company is hard to imagine.

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Post by Ashlee »

It takes a real special sort of person to blame a worldwide legion of fans for record label troubles and side projects, call them losers, and then sign a post "respectfully".

There are more unhappy people than they're willing to admit, because the very Facebook page Dan references is the same one from which everyone who complained, asked hard questions or raised concerns was deleted from. A group of happy, supportive people was cultivated as proof of "happy customers". I have no doubt some customers are happy, but being labeled as "negative" because people voiced opinions about very real, very provable issues is out of line. In order to be negative there would need to be something to be positive about. Therefore, I don't believe anyone has been negative so much as they've been disappointed, aggravated and plain fed up.

In being blocked from the page, those of us who had issues have had no access to updates or the videos mentioned above. We don't even know if we'll be included in the new round of books. Did region 1 DVDs go out to replace the region 2 ones that were included in some of the sets and wouldn't play in American players? I don't know, I can't see any updates, because it's cooler to have vendettas and be unprofessional than provide excellent customer service.

We've been told that no one will want to work with AB because of some perceived negativity. We've been blamed for record deals and revolving management. It's been insinuated that AB won't be anywhere in 5 years. Basically, we've been told that with us as fans Alter Bridge is doomed to fail. That should completely piss you off. Don't give this toxic person anymore of your time, energy or money. Seriously.

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Post by Jhenrid »

In all honesty you're not missing anything by being blocked on that page, it's mostly pr bs and them contradicting themselves without being called on it. As of now though none of the replacements have been sent out as they've been waiting for all of europe to get their boxsets but that doesn't sense especially if you're going to send them replacement books as well. I'm not much of a poster on anything so I haven't been banned.

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Post by GazEd »

Thank god I am outta this shit. And got the money back.

I have all the CDs and DVDs and I travelled across the fucking globe for 1 gig in my life and paid 3 wages for that.

I am a shitty fan.

I saw lation
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Post by AB23 »

DC3director wrote:I thought I wold jump in here and answer some of these questions and shed some light on this situation.

First- let me once again apologize on how the box set turned out. By now, you will see that we have stayed true to our promise that we would see this through to the end and have had people working on this project non-stop to make it all right. This has been done at great cost and time. The last box sets, as promised have finally been shipped and now AFM and our company are working together to send replacement units out and the new books. Our company has tried our best to make each customer happy. Although a few on here keep complaining and spewing crap like it was a complete disaster, it certainly was not, as thousands of fans are VERY happy and for every Sharpie comment written, we get 50 positive comments. The "X" Facebook page and the over 450 emails we have received form happy customers is a testament to that

With that being said, I can not just sit here and watch these malicious attacks against me and my company anymore. How quickly some forget the hundreds of hours of amazing footage we have produced of this band and also the 2 DVD's, dozens of webisodes and 2 music videos that were released without ANY issues whatsoever. It is funny that some of the biggest shit talkers on these boards were the very same people who complimented us on these projects and have copies in their collections. These very same people would also constantly hang with me at shows and call me, text me and email me all sorts of compliments for years. It is a shame that a few bad seeds (yes only a few and we all know who they are) ruin things for others. The negative people who continue to spew shit, even over a year later have ruined a lot for the band and for themselves. Not for me at all. You see, I DON'T WORK FOR THE BAND! Yes- just so you know I have funded every project and it is the other way around- they work for us! I have invested over $1 million into this band and this fan base, only to be ridiculed and bashed on over one project, where the issues were out of our control. Do you honestly think that my investors or any other company will want to do business with this band in the future when they see how their fans treat companies & people who work with them? Why do you think the band has had 4 different record labels and two sets of Managers by now? The bad seeds on these boards make it very unattractive for any commercial entity to ever do anything here. God forbid there is an issue. You will get attacked by a bunch of immature people who love to hide behind their computers and spew negative energy. Yes- they all hide, as when these people have been face to face with me or any employee of mine, they hug and kiss us or walk the other way. At least I have the balls to face issues and people head on.

The time for this entire thread to end is now. You are just hurting the band! Alter Bridge was less than 1% of our overall business and they have never paid us a dime. You are doing nothing but harming the fans who want stuff to be done with this band and also hurting the chances of any other company ever wanting to do a deal with them. Just so you know - there aren't a line of companies lining up to do videos for these guys, so congrats on spoiling the one deal they "did" have.

I love how people keep making comments like they really know what is going on and act like that have some kind of inside knowledge. It is just silly and these people are liars and not in any way affiliated with anything we are doing (the only people who really know what the status is currently work for us or AFM). Our Company does not rely on AB business and in fact, we have never even made a dime off this band or community. We only invested over $1 million into it out of our love for the band and our desire to see them become larger than life. Who could possibly blame us now if we choose to never do anything with them again? Why would anyone put up with the trash talking from these same 8-10 trash talkers? Who needs that? In case you haven't noticed, we certainly don't. We not only have been winning award after award in the Documentary field, we are in the middle of a major TV Series, working with artists far bigger than Alter Bridge. We are also currently doing multiple live concert projects and since we started the Box Set, have done dozens of other projects, all without one issue. The fact that people trash talk City Drive and DC3 like we don't know what we're doing just makes them look like the morons (or disgruntled ex-emplyees they are). We work at the highest level and have standards higher than anybody we know. We are very proud of our work and have amazing relationships with Artists and fan bases.

I am very proud of the work we have done with AB and all the bands I have worked with. In 20 years, I have done over 200 music videos, 150 DVD's and 100 TV specials. I have never had issues like I did with the AB Box Set. We only have seen manufacturing issues on "maybe" 2-3 other projects out of over 200 in my career. Not bad odds. I also have never experienced so much hatred and negativity in my life. Hats off to the fans who try to stop these so-called "haters" from doing what they do. Shame on the ones who do spread hate and negativity. Over 150 people were involved in the creation of and making of the AB Box Set. They put a lot into it and no one intentionally made a mistake. It is a shame that instead of people thanking them for their hard work and dedication to the band, they get shit on by a bunch of losers. Yes- losers. If you were real fans of AB, you wouldn't be shitting on the one company who actually cared. You also wouldn't fill these message boards and the rest with your constant ridicule and crap talking. Negativity does no one any good. People looking to do business with a band, usually will RUN from negativity. You are causing people to not want to work with this band- trust me.

I'll leave you with this one last request. Keep it up. I can't wait to see where AB is in 5 years with all of you continuing to show the world how classless AB fans can be and also how much you shit on the companies/ people who support and work with the band. For me, I don't really care anymore. I am over it and have already moved on. You aren't hurting me or my company. We don't make a living off this band- and NEVER have. However, the next time you complain that no one gives AB a chance or Myles needs another 2 years off to sing with Slash, or why Brian is selling real estate, or Mark rather play solo shows- you may want to look in the mirror and ask yourself why this is happening?

Next time you see some of the "hate crew" - make sure you shake their hands and thank them for alienating so many people. Maybe, even give them a Sharpie for a good laugh. Why don't you ask them to put up $500,000 to shoot the next DVD so you can have a great keepsake of your favorite band. Let's see how that goes and how much of a big shot they are then.

It is blatantly obvious you've never had ANY training in HR or customer service.

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Post by AB23 »

What a load of shit "for every one bad comment there are 50 good ones on our Facebook page." BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BLOCK OR DELETE THE BAD ONES. This dude must think we're idiots or something. He is, by far, the worst businessman I have ever seen. I will always reference this whenever I'm trying to teach my future children lessons on how to be a shitty human.

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Post by Timotheus »

Way to think in extremes.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Post by Tremonstration »

First post on here but I wanted to join the conversation about this box set

my wonderful girlfriend bought this for me for my birthday and we knew we'd have to wait. We made the difficult decision late last year to get a refund because, despite my love for the band, I had major concerns about both the quality of the product and the legitimacy of the DC3/Catullo operation. I made my feelings known on the ABX Facebook page and all my comments were deleted within a few minutes... and I was kicked off the page!

After a few months away I logged back on and could see that people STILL haven't got what they paid $300 for! And then I see that frankly staggering rant/post from Mr Catullo himself and my jaw hit the floor. Alter Bridge fans, you are not at fault here and you are not the 'haters' here. Also, I work in video and music production and distribution, everything he's saying is... total horse s**t.

The band would have entered into an agreement with DC3 for them to produce the Box Set based on the fact that DC3 thought they could make money on it ( so they likely did make an investment in resources, time etc) but to then say the band works for them is just... well its ridiculous.

So first it was weather, then product, then packaging, then postage and now it's the bands fault and the haters fault...

It's an attempt to make you feel complicit in a total failure at every level by this company to deliver a box set on time and to the acceptable standard... and nobody should be made to feel complicit in something they've bought and paid for. It's simple, would you walk into Tescos to buy a christmas cake, pay for it up front and then have to wait two years ( or less) for it and then Tescos tell you it's your fault? Customer service, be it over the internet or not, remains the same.

DC3 works for the customers... who are buying it because of the band.

To suggest otherwise would make that person an idiot sandwich

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Post by Ubik »

I've not got involved in this over the years because I couldn't afford it so didn't bother looking much into it or this thread, but wow, that post is something. I love the idea that it's the fans' fault that they haven't got the product they spent a ton of money on, and are killing the band by complaining about it. The actual audacity of shifting the blame that much has made me kind of angry :lol The ego that drips from it is unbelievable.

Idea - someone put the text to the Downfall vid and get it viral. I'm pretty sure it would match up fairly well.
For all of the hope that it brings...

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Post by Tremonstration »

I've made a copy of his ridiculous statement and will be sharing it with press outlets in the coming week, got a few connections in decent places.


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Post by riemslag1 »

This may sound strange coming from me. Please don't actively contribute to the downfall of this company. When it goes bankrupt also a lot of normal hard working employees will suffer. They also have to support families. With this kind of customer service it will go down anyway in due time. Also remember we also expect replacements for misprints and damages, hopefully within 2 years. We will not get those from a bankrupt company.

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Post by Tremonstration »

There's nothing wrong with sharing... especially given that he seems okay with saying those things. And those things are incredibly awful

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Post by Patty »

riemslag1 wrote:This may sound strange coming from me. Please don't actively contribute to the downfall of this company. When it goes bankrupt also a lot of normal hard working employees will suffer. They also have to support families. With this kind of customer service it will go down anyway in due time. Also remember we also expect replacements for misprints and damages, hopefully within 2 years. We will not get those from a bankrupt company.
This is going to sound harsh but I disagree. The employees of DC3 are the company's responsibility. Remember, it was Dan who posted those words on a PUBLIC forum. If he didn't want those thoughts shared online, then he shouldn't have posted what he did. And if that in anyway jepardises the employees then the heat is all on him for it.

As long as no one is fabricating anything, sharing and posting Dan's disgusting rant is fair game imo.
Credit to the original sig creator. (Please remind me who you are so I can credit you properly)

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Post by vChris »

I thought this whole thing came to a close long ago... so disappointed - again.

Actively going to media hits a little bit too close to "vengeance" for me. Not really a fan of personal vendettas. But yeah, he seems to not care all that much about the "public" part of this forum.

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Post by Andy92 »

Anyone read Brian Marshall's comments in the Facebook group saying none of the band members or their families have ever got their box set either? What a fiasco. :lol
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Post by Timotheus »

Lol, I wonder if Dan's gonna delete his account from the page.

I don't think going to the media with this will have any effect. Honestly, I don't think anybody would care. I just hope the band gets to read that ridiculous post Dan made on the last page.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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