Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AllC392Was »

its all a bunch of he said she said. I've never heard MT say anything negative yet about SS. I could be wrong but Mark has always been a private person regarding feelings and what not. Bands argue.. AB even argues. Creed will be back eventually in the future, Maybe not for awhile but they will be back

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Arctic »

Yeah...all I'm hearing is Them Bones saying Mark has talked shit about Stapp. I've never actually heard him say anything against him, really.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

Arctic wrote:I didn't think anyone could be this weirdly pro Stapp.
what? :lol

Am not gonna bother myself with this shit. Go find a link yourself. Plenty around when it comes to Stapp being thrown under the bus, for example that infamous MTV interview(don't worry there a lot of others, but am sorry I am not keeping a tab with all the AB interview links :shrug ) . About Mark directly talking shit about Stapp, I remember few board members from back in the day posting on here how Mark had a lot of stories to share at meets at AB shows about how pathetic Stapp was and stuff. Am sure you'll find it in the archives.
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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

And, that was not the point, shit happens people argue, everyone comes out as an asshole, you and I sit and judge here and blame the people judjing each other, thats some shit happening right there. What am saying is that you can't have one side to the story embedded in your head, a coins got a flipside, but for the most in Creed's case, we clearly only know some of it and most of us choose to bury Stapp only without exactly knowing what happened. And in doing so, ruining what musics supposed to be. Its not a competition that some of us feel the need to have a "whos winning contest".
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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

Dude... I will be a man and tell you you're right if you give me a link to a post full circle scott bashing. That's all I ask. All the other bullshit your posting is unnecessary because all I'm asking for are links to back up what you're saying. I'll give you links to my side if you want, but I've looked for links for the points you're trying to make and I can't find them for the life of me. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm trying to be better informed on the topic in general. But you have to understand that if you can't even give me one link about it after I've asked multiple times then its difficult to take anything you're saying on the matter seriously. If proof wasn't required in arguments then it would just be a bunch of senseless opinions. But with proof, comes solidified fact. That's all I want. I could probably look it up right now and give you 3 or more for my side.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

Well dude, I don't give 2 fucks about you agreeing with me or taking me seriously or not. Not gonna change the things I've observed, read or heard. Call me Pro Stapp or whatever man, but I do not have the time to be your guide, look hard and you'll find, start with the MTV(2004) interview if you haven't read that, it had a lotta harsh things in there imo. Besides am not even trying to defend what we've come to know of Stapp, I don't care, but for he fact that Stapp gets a little too much heat than he deserves and the others equally responsible are probably being put on a pedestal.
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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

If you don't care if we agree or not, then why go through the effort of making these long posts defending him despite the fact you can't give me shit?

You got it all wrong. You think that every member here is like a fuckin nerd who has it out for Scott stapp. We are all realists. If you were to give us proof then maybe you wouldn't look like an idiot with every post you make. It's absolutely senseless for you to say that WE ARE the ones wrong here when you have nothing to back it up. That's insane. You're wrong tb. You have this misguided sense that stapp is just the fucking martyr who had to deal with 3 other assholes when he was the asshole.

If you don't care about our opinions then quit fucking defending him, not that hard. The fact that you keep defending him and you can't even give a quality reason to why you do so besides your own fucking opinion makes you look like you have a hard on for him. I'm an adult, you give me a reason as to why you're right I'll admit it. Til then, stop fucking arguing cuz everyone here knows you don't have shit else to say besides what you think, not what actually is.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

That's how arguing works. You don't take someone to court and say " fuck judge, you wanna find out why he's guilty go fucking find out yourself." You can't even give me a pity link to a post full circle shit talking. Ive never said you were wrong once you just keep proving you are cuz you have no evidence. I mean good lord, I'm not trying to involve everyone else here, but they all think the same thing I do, I just am saying it. Mark could very well be the cause of the trouble but all I know are facts. Those facts lead everyone to believe stapps an ass, you wanna give me something to believe otherwise then do it. If you can't even do that then your argument is pointless and full of holes. Everything you're saying is irrelevant right now cuz you can't back your shit up while I can. Argument over.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

AB23 wrote:If you don't care if we agree or not, then why go through the effort of making these long posts defending him despite the fact you can't give me shit?

You got it all wrong. You think that every member here is like a fuckin nerd who has it out for Scott stapp. We are all realists. If you were to give us proof then maybe you wouldn't look like an idiot with every post you make. It's absolutely senseless for you to say that WE ARE the ones wrong here when you have nothing to back it up. That's insane. You're wrong tb. You have this misguided sense that stapp is just the fucking martyr who had to deal with 3 other assholes when he was the asshole.

If you don't care about our opinions then quit fucking defending him, not that hard. The fact that you keep defending him and you can't even give a quality reason to why you do so besides your own fucking opinion makes you look like you have a hard on for him. I'm an adult, you give me a reason as to why you're right I'll admit it. Til then, stop fucking arguing cuz everyone here knows you don't have shit else to say besides what you think, not what actually is.

Am stating facts that I know. That Ive observed over the years of having been a Creed/Alter Bridge fan. Am "STATING" them, not begging you to believe them. When you guys get "confused", I tell you what I know and have read, heard from interviews and print media. I am not trying to defend Stapp if you clearly read my posts, I am nobody to judge people, again, I am stating what I know off. And... lets not even start on those words.

And that entire last paragraph of yours is precisely how I feel about you. Stop reflecting on your personality and writing an autobiography with someone else's name on it you waste of sperm.
Last edited by Them Bones on Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

Alright dude. I'm not tryna get a warning for this. I just think it's messed up that you're accusing people without one link at all.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

Yeah, better back off aint it? thats how arguing works ha? arguing my ass.
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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

No tb, you can't provide me proof to back up your opinion, so we aren't arguing. It's like I'm talking to a fucking echo. "I know facts but I don't have to provide you any" shows you can't find anything. You're wrong and I'm right. I'm backing off becaus everyone and their mom knows I'm right but I also know you're too immature to admit it. Like a little 12 year old you have this fantasy opinion and are too arrogant to admit when you're clearly wrong


Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Decay »

You two will have the entire Creed subforum deleted :lol

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

Not my intentions, I just want to be informed as to why mark is the bad guy lately when no one has heard anything. TB you know I'm right about this, the fact that you can't give me one link shows it. Just give it up man. This is stupid. It's not a big deal that you like a singer that keeps fucking up, but it is a big deal that you keep denying it

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

Hey here's an idea tb, why don't we take this to private messages that way no one has to deal with our bullshit.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by creed009 »

What if neither of them are "f***ing up", and both of them simply want to do their own thing at the moment?

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by AB23 »

No we're jot saying that. He's sayin that mark has repeatedly based stapp post full circle and in saying only stapp has bashed mark, not the other way around. Basically, I'm saying stapps the asshole and he's saying mark is

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Timotheus »

To be fair, I've read some negative posts about Creed in recent Alter Bridge articles. Not straight from Mark; often it's the journalist talking. But still, usually with articles like these the band gets to read and approve these articles before they get published.

It's probably the label that gets to do stuff like this though, but I agree with TB that not everything is black/white.

But, even back in the day, Scott used to talk bad about the other guys a lot more often.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by creed009 »

AB23 wrote:No we're jot saying that. He's sayin that mark has repeatedly based stapp post full circle and in saying only stapp has bashed mark, not the other way around. Basically, I'm saying stapps the asshole and he's saying mark is
I guess I'm saying that neither one are assholes. There was only one interview where Stapp really "bashed" Mark, and then he just played it off like a joke, apparently realizing he made a mistake in what he said. But in every other interview he hasn't been critical of the other members of Creed.

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Re: Creed not meant to be right now (Stapp on Rockline)

Post by Them Bones »

AB23 wrote:No we're jot saying that. He's sayin that mark has repeatedly based stapp post full circle and in saying only stapp has bashed mark, not the other way around. Basically, I'm saying stapps the asshole and he's saying mark is

You are delusional. I am saying both have had words to words, and not just since post Full Circle. Post Full Circe has been mellow, but its been more of a recent thing. Am saying both of them probably have been ass holes and Mark maybe more so cuz we were led to believe otherwise.

Anyways, am done with this. You want proofs? go find em, am not giving you any, I don't have them? I Can't give them? Suit yourself.
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