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Re: Gimme 2 hours. Gonna go study Dumb & Dumber.

Post by zazisaspaz »

zazthespaz wrote:So I’m currently sitting in a hell phase with 2 guys who I said I would send to heaven. Kevin even said he was sure Shea was mafia and still opted to send Shea to heaven over himself. And now I have to choose between these two and decide which is mafia?!
:lol :lol :lol
Just had to join in the interruptions to say that this entire page has me cracking up.

Edit: Well seeing as this is now a new page, I should clarify “all of page 34 has me cracking up”

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Re: Oh, Kev is allowed to go 19 hours with no consequence? My b.

Post by zazthespaz »

Oh, for crying out loud, Kev or Ubik. Post something. I've been sitting here for hours not trying to figure this out and not re-reading this thread. We've gone over 19 hours on a Sunday night/Monday morning since the last phase ended.
anguyen92 wrote:Oh, for crying out loud, Zaz or Shea. Post something. I've been sitting here for an hour trying to figure this out and re-reading this thread. We've gone over 12 hours on a Friday night/Saturday morning since the last phase ended.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Re: Oh, Kev is allowed to go 19 hours with no consequence? My b.


zazthespaz wrote:Oh, for crying out loud, Kev or Ubik. Post something. I've been sitting here for hours not trying to figure this out and not re-reading this thread. We've gone over 19 hours on a Sunday night/Monday morning since the last phase ended.
anguyen92 wrote:Oh, for crying out loud, Zaz or Shea. Post something. I've been sitting here for an hour trying to figure this out and re-reading this thread. We've gone over 12 hours on a Friday night/Saturday morning since the last phase ended.

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Post by anguyen92 »

All right, you want me to say something? You are not going to like it. Honestly, this is pretty much a big coin flip for me to decide and sadly, with the way voting went to send Shea, I have to go with this vote. Honestly, you can vote for me as well since I was so dead certain Shea was mafia, given his posts this entire game, and now I'm regretting some of the posts I made.

Vote: Zaz

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Post by Micky »

Cam's getting a little feisty again. EVERYBODY RUN!

Thanks Andy!

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Re: *waits for Ubik*

Post by zazthespaz »

anguyen92 wrote:All right, you want me to say something? You are not going to like it. Honestly, this is pretty much a big coin flip for me to decide and sadly, with the way voting went to send Shea, I have to go with this vote. Honestly, you can vote for me as well since I was so dead certain Shea was mafia, given his posts this entire game, and now I'm regretting some of the posts I made.

Vote: Zaz
Very well. Then I will say something you will not like either. Brace yourself.

"Alright" is one word.

Good day, sir.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Ubik »

As us mortals are dead at the end of this round anyway, forgive me for quickly sobering up for ease of understanding.

I think, briefly, that this game has been tough because there are no facts beyond death. That's the only way we find out someone's role and whether the people they trusted/suspected was based on good faith or mafia strategy. That's one reason why my guessing of AB4Lyfe early on was in retrospect not ideal, because we got to see very little of how he behaved with the rest of us, and because it may have got a mafia to heaven on goodwill. Most of us were sure at one point or another that one of Timo and Andy were mafia and were wrong. Micky's regrettable death was at the time the only way I could think of to get some info from the round, but still wasn't worth the cost in the end.

My vote is based on two things. One: partnerships. I see no evidence that Kev was working in concert with Summer or Lotha, whereas I can see good evidence for zaz on both in terms of voting patterns and strategy. I'm potentially vulnerable to this myself with regards to Summer as I instigated the vote, however I'd argue back that it's highly unlikely I would work out a plan in phase one to kill my teammate to gain favour for access to heaven, only to then throw that trust away in the next phase by coming up with the Andy/Micky plan. It would make zero sense.

Two: behaviour. Zaz has been great at hanging in the background when it comes to decision making. He'll contribute plenty elsewhere but when it comes to votes, he's always a few behind everyone else and invariably lands in line with the majority, safe and free from view. If a townie is about to die, he always prepares the ground with a "I'm sure this will prove wrong, but hey, wasn't my decision". Then there's something more specific - the frequency that he's brought up the idea of me going to heaven across the game. I initially thought this was in good faith, however his actions in the last round shone a different light, where he acted like this was a selfish idea on my part, then later on pretended that he'd been willing to do it if only I hadn't voted for Shea. There, it seemed more of a trap designed to get me to agree, and then once I did, have it treated as suspicious.

I can't guarantee that I'm right, I'd say I'm about 70/30 in favour of it being zaz in light of the above, but that'll have to be enough. That's a longer post than I intended but still doesn't really do the game justice. If you want to challenge parts of it or get me to clarify something I'll do that tomorrow because I really need to sleep.

Vote: zazthespaz
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Post by zazthespaz »

Ubik wrote:As us mortals are dead at the end of this round anyway, forgive me for quickly sobering up for ease of understanding.

I think, briefly, that this game has been tough because there are no facts beyond death. That's the only way we find out someone's role and whether the people they trusted/suspected was based on good faith or mafia strategy. That's one reason why my guessing of AB4Lyfe early on was in retrospect not ideal, because we got to see very little of how he behaved with the rest of us, and because it may have got a mafia to heaven on goodwill. #1. Most of us were sure at one point or another that one of Timo and Andy were mafia and were wrong. Micky's regrettable death was at the time the only way I could think of to get some info from the round, but still wasn't worth the cost in the end.

My vote is based on two things. One: partnerships. #2 I see no evidence that Kev was working in concert with Summer or Lotha, whereas I can see good evidence for zaz on both in terms of voting patterns and strategy. I'm potentially vulnerable to this myself with regards to Summer as I instigated the vote, however I'd argue back that it's highly unlikely I would work out a plan in phase one to kill my teammate to gain favour for access to heaven, only to then throw that trust away in the next phase by coming up with the Andy/Micky plan. It would make zero sense.

Two: behaviour. #3 Zaz has been great at hanging in the background when it comes to decision making. He'll contribute plenty elsewhere but when it comes to votes, he's always a few behind everyone else and invariably lands in line with the majority, safe and free from view. If a townie is about to die, he always prepares the ground with a "I'm sure this will prove wrong, but hey, wasn't my decision". #4Then there's something more specific - the frequency that he's brought up the idea of me going to heaven across the game. I initially thought this was in good faith, however his actions in the last round shone a different light, where he acted like this was a selfish idea on my part, then later on pretended that he'd been willing to do it if only I hadn't voted for Shea. There, it seemed more of a trap designed to get me to agree, and then once I did, have it treated as suspicious.

I can't guarantee that I'm right, I'd say I'm about 70/30 in favour of it being zaz in light of the above, but that'll have to be enough. That's a longer post than I intended but still doesn't really do the game justice. If you want to challenge parts of it or get me to clarify something I'll do that tomorrow because I really need to sleep.

Vote: zazthespaz
Went through the thread for my defense thinking I’d come out making a fight to vote for Ubik - quite surprised at my findings!

I’ll respond below to the parts in your quote I’ve highlighted and bolded.

#1 - I historically did not believe Timo was mafia (more on this later). I was suspicious of Andy for a while, but after his selection of Lotha for heaven, I changed my mind and actively tried to get us to not send him to hell. After it became clear the group was sticking to the pact, I agreed to uphold my end of the bargain and sent him to hell against my better judgment. In both cases, I was right and they were not mafia.

#2 - I agree there is no evidence of Kev working with Summer or Lotha (or AB4Lyfe for that matter). Here is the voting order for those 3:

zaz: #4
Kev: Only one to vote Ubik
Ubik: #1

Vote For Summer
zaz: #7
Kev: #8
Ubik: #3

Vote for Lotha
zaz: #3
Kev: #4
Ubik: #5

Kev was one of the few to not vote AB4Lyfe (mafia) and voted for Summer and Lotha (one of whom is mafia) after me! Lotha was a shoe-in, granted (granite - we still doing Gurthie spelling?), but if Summer is mafia and Kev is her teammate, that’s a pretty convenient time to vote, no?

#3. Agreed again, I have been vocal in the phases and delayed in the voting game. Here’s more of the voting order:

Vote for Andy
Questioned sending Andy to Hell despite set up. Tried to get out of it, but ended up sticking to the pact that Ubik established. (Andy was a townie)

Vote for Mara (page 30-31)
zaz: #4
Ubik: #2
I was last to the vote because there was very little information on her. Worth mentioning again that Kev did not partake in that vote for a townie.

Vote for Timo
Voted late on Timo because I knew he wasn't mafia. Here’s what I said instead of voting.
zazthespaz wrote:I don't want to give the final vote yet, not before Shea has said something. I know Andy had his suspicions of Timo and that Andy turned out to be a townie, but I don't have a good feeling about voting him out.
While we’re on the subject of Timo (who reminder, was innocent):
Timotheus wrote: zaz and I have a similar voting record. Let's look at our votes.
-Phase one: mafia to hell
-Phase two: Sum to heaven, unknown if townie or mafia.
-Phase three: both started out voting for Andy and zaz switched over to Micky, though he didn't want to.
Vote for Shea
I still stand by the notion that sending Shea to heaven was a bad idea, even knowing he is a townie. I think if it comes to a judgement day, I want the best judges working for me; especially if one is mafia. Shea consistently voted to send himself to heaven or hell, jumped on any bandwagon he could, and voted for Inconquerable. If we get to a judgement day, we cannot count on him to make a sound judgement.

Which brings me to:
#4. I suggested sending you to heaven because it was done in good faith. You started the vote for AB4Lyfe which is something a mafia wouldn’t do (unless they’re playing a dangerous con game) so that means you have a good sense of judgment. I did not want you to get to a point in the game where you would have to fight to become a martyr because we’re risking a solid judge at that point.

I voted for Kev in the last heaven round because I thought he’d be the safer bet between him and Shea (I was obviously wrong and got lucky thanks to you guys in that regard) and he would be easier to change the mind of (which proved to be true). I was convinced Shea was mafia so I was hoping to go for the snowball effect and have you side with us to avoid sending a mafia to heaven. (You yourself pointed out how he missed that you were already voting for him giving credibility to the fact that if he’s not mafia, he’s at least not a good martyr) I had my Kev snowball building but wasn’t hearing from you - I thought you might’ve read my post and were thinking about it, which is why I suggested sending you to heaven instead. It wasn’t a quid-pro-quo matter, it was me trying to move the momentum away from Shea and going with anyone who I thought would be a better choice.

All that is why I am going to say:

Vote: Kev

I still believe Ubik is a solid judge of character (except in this case, but even he said there’s a 30% chance he’s wrong) and would’ve made a great martyr judge. I’m hoping his last vote will be changed to keep that consistent.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by anguyen92 »

zazthespaz wrote: Vote for Mara (page 30-31)
zaz: #4
Ubik: #2
I was last to the vote because there was very little information on her. Worth mentioning again that Kev did not partake in that vote for a townie.
Uhhhhhhh. I was the first guy in the round that voted for Mara. You even asked me to explain why.
anguyen92 wrote:All right, I'm not going to send Timo to heaven then and I'm not voting Shea.

Vote: Mara
zazthespaz wrote:
anguyen92 wrote:All right, I'm not going to send Timo to heaven then and I'm not voting Shea.

Vote: Mara
Kev, please explain why Mara - I'll support it but I want to know why you want to send her.


Everything else. I have no quarrels about since I have no clue what I'm doing. I don't even know what I'm doing now.

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Re: 2 hours of work and its integrity is destroyed in 10 minutes hahaha

Post by zazthespaz »

:lol dammit! I was bouncing around so much writing that up that I missed that! Kind of a minor point though.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Ubik »

Timotheus wrote:Shea was not capable to manipulate the game this way. He's been way too absent. If it's Shea, or if it's even you, Kev, the townies deserve to lose, because we all suck, lol.

Both Ubik and zaz pushed for Summer. So did I, and I'm willing to go to hell for that mistake, but both Ubik and zaz mentioned Summer before I did.

Ubik set up the 'perfect' plan, that really wasn't that good after all. I'd go after him first. If it's zaz, he's played a really subtle and strong game.
Good post, zaz. But I won't be changing my mind.

My thoughts at the moment are best laid out by Timo, above. If it's Kev, he's expertly played us all. Going back through the thread he never really gets close to being voted out or having to defend himself (except when I joked about it) because no-one's ever really suspicious of him. It's possible that he's a steely-eyed missile Kev, but I can't make a decision here based on the idea that he's a mafia savant. I'd also agree with Timo that people should be most suspicious of zaz and me (though I obviously disagree on his ordering). I'd like to think I've done enough throughout to show that I'm town - instigating a pile-on on AB4Lyfe that would've made no sense given that I then actively lost the trust I'd earned in the next round, and then coming up with an idea to stop the maf from voting their partner up in which I sided with a proven townie. These weren't perfect plans but I put myself in the firing line and didn't retreat to the back, at least, something not very wise for a mafia that's one death away from losing.

If this game is to make true sense, from beginning to end, zaz is the final mafia. If I'm wrong and the game goes to judgement day, I fully expect to lose for the same reasons I outlined above. High stakes, and without anything concrete I can only go with my gut. I was even happy to send him up in the last phase, the only thing stopping me was that I felt a mafia zaz would've used Shea's already stated suspicion of me to vote me off in this phase, and would stand a good chance of beating him in the final judgement day. That was even the idea behind suggesting myself - I was intending to get the two votes from Kev and zaz before then getting Kev sent up instead. As this would be insane for a mafia to do, I'd have used it as proof of my town-ness going into the final couple of rounds. So even if that plan had worked as I planned, if Kev was maf we'd still have lost.

So, I'm going to have to live or die in this one based on the collective wisdom of the town. I can't justify a vote for Kev at this stage based on anything I've seen. My vote for zaz remains.
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Re: Original lyrics to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen.

Post by zazthespaz »

Ubik wrote:I was even happy to send him up in the last phase, the only thing stopping me was that I felt a mafia zaz would've used Shea's already stated suspicion of me to vote me off in this phase, and would stand a good chance of beating him in the final judgement day.
zazthespaz - page 32 wrote:Took a shower, did some thinking (mostly washing though) and have decided that I want Kev to go to hev. A) It rhymes. B) I feel it's a safer bet that Kev is a townie than Shea is. C) Kev is a more reliable judge of character should it come down to Judgement Day.

In the hell phase, Ubik and I will vote Shea off and hopefully it will be revealed that he's mafia.
Obviously, I was wrong about Shea being mafia, but I had no intention of Shea making it to a judgement day phase! Ubik, I still think you're in the clear and that's why I wanted you and I to be the last ones! I'd missed my opportunity to send you to heaven earlier, but was 99% sure you were a townie so it made sense to make it to the end with you so we could team up against whoever the last mafia was! Don't blow it now!
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Ubik »

If you're concerned about this going to purgatory, don't convince me, convince the martyrs.
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Re: has this guy never killed a man before?

Post by zazthespaz »

Ubik wrote:If you're concerned about this going to purgatory, don't convince me, convince the martyrs.
It's gonna be hard to convince the martyrs if I'm dead!
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Inconquerable »

I'm ending this at 5:00PM EST (35 minutes from now). If anybody has anything else to say, (do it quickly).

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Re: has this guy never killed a man before?

Post by Ubik »

zazthespaz wrote: It's gonna be hard to convince the martyrs if I'm dead!
If you're mafia, very hard.

Time is short, if you're truly town then I'd hope that you try and help the town martyrs out with your dying thoughts. If we're both town and neither of us can come up with good arguments against Kev, then I don't see how they can either.
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Re: My soul is clean doctor. Pull the plug.

Post by zazthespaz »

Martyrs - I think Kev is the mafia!

That being said, I would like to come clean and apologize to Kev. It was made apparent to me that "all right" is actually the preferred way of writing in published text, so you were correct and I was wrong. I am sorry.

That being said, Kev is mafia.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Ubik »

Where is Kev, come to think of it?
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Re: Oh. My. God.

Post by Inconquerable »

As the souls our three remaining residents of purgatory floated in the unknown, they were visited by a familiar face.

Rising up from the fire and brimstone came Gurthie7 himself. Gurthie lowered his sunglasses down his nose and raised his right eyebrow at Cam, Ang, and Ubik. Gurthie raised a microphone up to his mouth.

“FINALLY,” Gurthie began, “Gurthie HAS COME BACK… to… TABN!” He lowered the microphone, waiting for applause. “And this, this is what I’ve come back to? This is who’s left? You…” Gurthie pointed in Ubik’s direction. “Nobody knows what the hell you’re saying. And you,” Gurthie turned his attention to Ang, “you were too busy eating enchiladas to realize that you could have gone to heaven. Well let me tell you something, um, what was your name again?” “My name - “


Gurthie turned his attention to Cam this time. “And then there’s you!” He took his sunglasses off and hung them on the collar of his shirt. “Josiah. Good to see you again, bitch.” “I’m not Josiah, bitch, you are,” Cam responded. “No I’m not Josiah, you’re Josiah, bitch.” “No you’re Josiah.” “No you’re Josiah.” “No you’re Josiah.” “No you’re Josiah.”

Suddenly, descended from the heavens was Nahaa. He left his group of women (and Shea) to break up the bitch fest happening in purgatory. He stepped right up between Gurthie and Cam and looked them both dead in the eye.

“I don’t give a damn who either of you are, but what I do give a damn about, is why you,” Nahaa moved his gaze toward Ang, “wouldn’t accept the offer to come to heaven (fraud hypocrite).” Ubik tried to back away from the madness quietly, but he wasn’t spared either. “And bachelor daddy’s down here drinking beer. You think it’s cool to drink beer? You’ll never be happy drinking beer, son.”

“How dare you come down here and interrupt Gurthie when he’s addressing the millions…” Gurthie looked up into the sky as Ang yelled, “AND MILLIONS!” “Millions of Gurthie’s fans in purgatory?!” Ubik looked around. “There’s only five people here.”

“I don’t care about the millions of Gurthie fans in purgatory,” Nahaa explained. “What I want to know is why you can’t tell me the name of your 10th grandfather’s…” “WHAT?!” Ang yelled. “10th grandfather’s…” “WHAT?!” “10th grandfather’s…” “WHAT?!” “10th grandfather’s…” “WHAT?!” ”10th grandfather’s grandfather.”

Nobody knew how to answer Nahaa. “I’ve made my point. (infertile minds)


Gurthie and Nahaa stared each other down, jaw jacking all the while. In the background though, the residents of purgatory decided to send Cam to hell. Breaking character, Gurthie said, “oh hell no bro this is trolelolololol.” “They gave me Shea,” Nahaa said with a shrug.

“Well hell, if I’m going down, I’m taking you down with me,” Cam said before grabbing Gurthie by the throat, lifting him into the air, and slamming him down with a devastating Chokeslam!


The force of the Chokeslam caused both Cam and Gurthie to fall down to the depths of hell. Nahaa looked down at his fallen foes. “Hey, do me a favour and take your devil sister with you.” Ang and Ubik looked at one another, proud of their handiwork, but both were recipients of a Nahaa Stunner!



Here are the results!

AB4Lyfe (Mafia)
SHEAKENBAKEN (Townie) (Martyr)
Andy92 (Townie - Millionaire)
MaraCarr (Townie - Martyr)
zazthespaz (Mafia)
Timotheus (Townie)
Micky (Townie - Modposter)
zazisaspaz (Mafia - Martyr, Journalist)
Lotha (Townie - Martyr)
anguyen92 (Townie)
Ubik (Townie - Original Drunk)

Thanks for playing the longest game (by page numbers at least) of Mafia in our history! I know it was stressful, but I hope at the end of it all, everybody had fun. Thank you all for indulging my wrestling references as well, you can blame Ang and Summer for those.

I would love to hear some feedback on this setup from as many people as possible. This was a lot of fun to watch because the format made mostly everybody post, and nearly everything was done in the game thread in public, which I think made for an exciting game. Please tell me what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you would change, etc because I would like to run this setup again sometime down the line.

Congratulations to the townies, good game everybody!

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Jk GG Bachelor Daddy

Post by Lotha »

Other than that little blip with Timo I think it's safe to say Andy and I carried.
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