AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Sugar Blade »

mycarhasabs wrote:I def received some mixed opinions on a post I made about this on Ao12.

I too am a bit surprised at how negative the reactions are from the fans this go round. I think the obvious reason their music is sounding vastly different from past entries before an album release is they're taking a strong shot at garnering more radio play. This next part is where I pissed some people off.. but secretly 'sorry not sorry'.

People who still listen to the radio as their primary source of music discovery.. suck. I can't stand those people because they're the source of the problem in the music industry. They're the reason why we have musical artists (who I don't doubt are talented in their own ways) cranking out this corporate 'made on computer' bull s***. Your Post Malone's, Cardi B, Lil Wayne, Fall Out Boy, Bhad Bahby (cash me outside girl). All of these artists are glorified on the radio as being the 'creme de la creme' of the music industry. This is my opinion so I understand if I have some disagreements, but the vast majority of their music is complete trash. It's uninspiring, it's not creative nor artistic, and it's slowly weathering down the core of music culture in this country. Again, my opinion.. but the vast majority of the radio is complete trash. The radio is merely an outlet that tells it's listeners what to listen to and who to root for. That's it.

With that being said, I think if you want radio play now.. you have to water your music down a bit. It has to be cut down to a certain length, it has to be appealing to a particular crowd. Here's a few analogies I'd like to tack on to this theory:

1) I work at an advertising agency. I'm a graphic designer. If a client tells me they need a 10 second animation using this particular music and this and that 'creative direction', the end result is going to be very simplified. Versus... "hey here's an idea, it can be any length for a video, use any colors, surprise us! Creative is totally open". 10 fold, I'm going to do some of my best work in this scenario as my creativity is unrestricted.

2) I'm a craft beer enthusiast. My office throws monthly happy hours in the cafe area. When it's my departments' turn to host, I'm in charge of getting the beer. Personally,.. I love a good bourbon barrel aged stout or really earthy DIPA. However, as vastly superior as those styles may be in complexity to more 'simpler beers' like a Kolsch, or a Lager. I have to understand that my taste buds do not much my fellow coworkers. I have to 'please a crowd'. So I'm going to 'water down' my selection and variety a bit in order to have a high turnout for the 'mainstream' beer drinkers. However, if I'm hosting a party for nothing but Craft Beer snobs, you but your a** I'm going all out and getting nothing but the good stuff.

This is just like getting on the radio, you have to 'please a crowd' and I'm sorry to say, that crowd in my opinion are musically illiterate. Tim has been really pushing the fans to ask their local radio stations this time around and I think that's very strong evidence to back up my 'radio playability' theory. Some of the hardcore fans appreciate the new singles. Others like myself notice something's a little "off". Despite all of that, I'm very confident we have yet to hear the best this album has to offer.
Interesting idea. And it makes new album even more... "Strange", I guess? Because when Myles sings:
All of these lessons I've learned them so well
There is no gain worth the commerce of self
Heed my advice, may you hear every word
Don't sacrifice meaning for riches that burn
And when these lyrics are packed in the most typical modern rock song possible, designed to be played on the radio, they start sounding like this «fear of selling out» is not genuine source of anxiety, but some focus group tested gimmick created by marketing team at their music label. Also I remember Myles having a severe depression after being disappointed in musical business between TM4's last album and ODR and now they are doing this album. I think this is pretty inconsistent.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by joshuabeau »

Michael said that the album wasn't rushed by any means and that both Mark and Myles spent years working on full songs. Also, says that he thinks it's their best album to date but ya know, we'll see. I think the four that have been released are the more commercial sounding tunes and that the remaining ten we'll be the more artistic songs like we're used to. I know i can't wait to hear Forever Falling, Walking On The Sky and Dying Light.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Ubik »

Alter Bridge have written a few anthemic songs with big choruses before, you know guys.
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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Jesterhead92 »

I really don't see what's so especially "commercial" about Wouldn't You Rather or any of the new songs. Some people act like Alter Bridge was this avant-garde progressive band that suddenly started making 4 chord pop music lmao

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by anguyen92 »

Jesterhead92 wrote:I really don't see what's so especially "commercial" about Wouldn't You Rather or any of the new songs. Some people act like Alter Bridge was this avant-garde progressive band that suddenly started making 4 chord pop music lmao
That's what I'm getting the impression of when it comes to various people's reactions to the songs. Wouldn't You Rather is no different than Isolation or Addicted to Pain. Just a good heavy rock lead single to reintroduce the band back to people's minds to get ready for a new album.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Nick_917 »

I'm enjoying the songs that have been released so far. Maybe there could have been some changes here and there, but they work as accessible singles like anguyen said. I can honestly say I've had In the Deep's chorus stuck in my head the past few days. And if this album is supposed to go hand in hand with ABIII, I think it will do just fine. Musically, that album wasn't anything overly complex, but it still has some of their best work. Their epics have spoiled some people into thinking anything simpler isn't good enough. Ultimately, I see AB as a talented group of musicians who have created a good balance between mainstream and actually being creative. They've fit that definition for me since ODR, so idk what the big deal is.
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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Blackbirddd »

anguyen92 wrote:
Jesterhead92 wrote:I really don't see what's so especially "commercial" about Wouldn't You Rather or any of the new songs. Some people act like Alter Bridge was this avant-garde progressive band that suddenly started making 4 chord pop music lmao
That's what I'm getting the impression of when it comes to various people's reactions to the songs. Wouldn't You Rather is no different than Isolation or Addicted to Pain. Just a good heavy rock lead single to reintroduce the band back to people's minds to get ready for a new album.
Oh of course they're different, Isolation and Addicted To Pain where catchy, this single nothing at all, so I don't get when people say that they're looking to be more commercial when being commercial it's having catchy melodies.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by AngusWolfe »

Despite the fact they've never had much radio play, for a lot of people, Alter Bridge are a pretty commercial band. A lot of Metal fans would put them on the commercial end of the spectrum, and I think there's a reason a lot of casual music fans (for lack of a better term) find things they like in AB that they don't find in a lot of other rock bands. I've had friends who aren't rock fans turn their nose up at Metallica love Alter Bridge.

I think there's an idea that because there's a guitar solo and some distortion it's different, it's niche, but rock is pretty mainstream, really. It's a lot of the same chord progressions, just played on a Mesa Rectifier instead of a Fender Deluxe. How many rock fans do you know? I'm willing to bet quite a few. And how many Jazz fans do you know? Classical fans? Rock and Country are flavours of pop at the end of the day. People need to get off this high horse that their music is "better" because it's different, when it's really not.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by MuffinMcFluffin »

DCooper727 wrote:Did it again, somehow. Jesus.
Jesus is not a moderator on here. If you want them cleaned up without a trail, you might have to PM someone from this list.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by anguyen92 »

MuffinMcFluffin wrote:
DCooper727 wrote:Did it again, somehow. Jesus.
Jesus is not a moderator on here. If you want them cleaned up without a trail, you might have to PM someone from this list.
I found it humorous that Zaz is all along as a moderator in that list which means he actually does haven't the power to grant modship (phew, good news for me).

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by TheEndisHere »

So couple interesting tidbits from the interviews:
-no WTS tracks that haven't been released will be played until the album comes out (boo)
-the solo and outro in TTC are on different guitars with Mark doing the solo and Myles the outro (I called this but was told I was wrong. looks like I was right)
-Journey is an influence on AB (I've never known or thought this until recently when my coworker who is a huge journey fan called it and she was right.

My thought on In the Deep: the solo is Myles and not Mark

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Jesterhead92 »

The leads on In The Deep have Myles written all over them. Not sure if I'd call it a solo, but that's splitting hairs.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Kreuger »

DCooper727 wrote: This is not great, at least IMO. AB has always been stronger together with Mark/Myles contributing to each song, and now it seems that all the side projects could actually be harming the band for the first time.
I find it interesting that someone here would say that because the general consensus is that ODR is the best sounding album and was almost exclusively written by Mark.
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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by riemslag1 »

Practising thread shortening here by not quoting long posts and replies.
I personally think DCooper727 nailed it. These four songs are not in the same league of anything they written en produced untill the fourth album.
But man, I really still hope the remaining ten tracks will be much better and somehow stop the downfall of this band.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by anguyen92 »

Boy, these songs and The Last Hero is causing the downfall of this band? Honestly, regardless how anyone feels about these songs, that's a bit too exaggerated I feel.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by John3977 »

I like this song. I don’t love it but that may change with a few listens. I am being honest and not a hater when I say this. Tremonti the band was the worst thing that ever happened to AB. I’m sorry, it’s true. I feel like Mark has been so obsessed with getting Tremonti off the ground that he basically blew all the good material on Dying Machine. I love Dying Machine, it’s epic. But while I like these four songs I feel they are missing that epic sound Mark brought on Dying Machine. To me these singles all lack the great punch mark has with his solos and riffs. Yes, sometimes he goes crazy with the shredding but that and his melodies are his wheelhouse. Every release so far had me waiting for that signature Tremonti solo or dual solo with Myles, hell even Flip sounds contained on this album. I don’t know. Maybe we’re all going to feel stupid for overreacting to these singles and these were basically a bone they were throwing us in anticipation of the release. If that’s true we’re lucky as fans to have these guys. If it’s not and the album isn’t great, then maybe these guys need to be honest with themselves about their commitments and the future of AB. They are my favorite band and as good as Tremonti last album was I personally would rather see him dedicate that passion the way he has in the past instead of piecemealing an album together that doesn’t cut it. That being said let’s give them a chance and listen to the finished product before we all freak out as many are on this board so far.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

RevenantGB wrote:Has anyone noticed how nasal Myles sounds now for the mixed/higher notes, particularly for In The Deep? As much as I want to ignore it and just enjoy the song I can't help but notice. In The Deep's bridge and the vocal melody just before the final chorus are great examples.

I'm not sure if this is a stylistic choice or simply the effect of age, but compared to the vocals on Fortress it's not as pleasing in my opinion. Still my favourite singer by a long shot though.

Its not nasal its twang

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Marshall »

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by VigilantSteve »

anguyen92 wrote:Boy, these songs and The Last Hero is causing the downfall of this band? Honestly, regardless how anyone feels about these songs, that's a bit too exaggerated I feel.

Especially since the songs are pretty damn good, IMO.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by SamarthJoshi »

I’m just glad that my brain works in the way it does and I like most of what I heard from the new album. Feeling bad for those who don’t feel the same. Pretty sure you want to enjoy this album as much as anyone else.

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