AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by John3977 »

scarecrow wrote:
facelessman07 wrote:
Mr.Vlado wrote:Do you guys also love this passage "So entitled since the day that you were born..." that much?
Might be one of my favorite parts of any AB song. The repetition with the change in rhythm/power etc. is so incredibly great, cannot stop listen to that. :mkrules :mtrocks

Edit: I also get the feeling that this song COULD be about Trump, fits very well, especially the passage I am talking about. Makes me love this song even more. :peace

Dude, give it a break.

Statements like this just prove how loony those with Trump Derangement Syndrome have become in today’s world. Literally everything has become about him and it’s rather sad to watch my fellow man wallow in misery.

Let’s be honest for one second. I hate bringing politics into boards for music but there are a LOT of people who LIKE and voted for trump in spite of what the main stream media portrays. Yes he’s loud, and says how he feels but who gives a F. Have you people heard some of the utter garbage to come out of liberals and democrats. They have lost it between their Russia Hoax and it never ends. Point blank they can’t get over their lost elections. No one cried corruption when Clinton blatantly destroyed evidence and the Obama Justice Department let her off the hook. There have been so many untruths, supposed credible sources and the whole Mueller thing was a huge joke. As a US citizen I work hard, for my money, home and to provide for my family. It’s BS that these democrats take every raise I get and give it to someone else. That we are taxed to death and now they want to provide health care to non us citizens. They’ve lost their damn minds. Their only counter is always your racist and that shuts down the conversation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Trump pulling out of a climate agreement where the biggest offenders contributed zero for decades while the US taxpayer picks up the tab. Same goes for NATO. It’s not the US job to pay for the security of the world and other countries namely the EU doesn’t pay their fair share. Look at how open border liberal policies are destroying Europe with immigration, boatloads of refugees, who once there refuse to assimilate and want Sharia law. While I have a heart and feel for these people it’s absurd that people don’t see the stupidity. Having been to Paris, that place is overrun by foreigners, crime and homeless tents everywhere.At least Trump has the balls to secure his countries borders and show strength. Obama was a pure apologist.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Sugar Blade »

Wow, never would thought that this thread would turn into a Twitter because lyrics contain the word "entitled".

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by John3977 »

Sugar Blade wrote:Wow, never would thought that this thread would turn into a Twitter because lyrics contain the word "entitled".
It works have been better to just say it has a political tone to the lyrics. People are entitled to our opinions. I guess we can all agree on some things like enjoying AB !!!

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Fish Tacos »


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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by JGremore »

2019...where anything and everything turns into a political conversation. You literally can't escape it anymore, its so toxic....mainly because people can't have a mature logical conversation without bashing others with name calling. To assume one thing is about politics and think we are right because it fits "our" theory is wrong. Unless Myles says its about politics then you should assume its not, not a "YEA BUT IT COULD" mindset, is not necessary. Y'all want to go into politics, create a separate thread for it or go to a social media site. Unless a song is 100% confirmed political, drop it....

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scarecrow »

the song IS inherently political and it's fine to discuss it

HOW it's political is up for debate, but it's pretty clear to me and i recall an interview with myles from 2016 where he explicitly talked about his distaste for DT

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scalthom »

If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by TheEndisHere »

scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
Those songs are about Myles inner struggle with faith and religion.
However, I think Myles was disappointed in Obama and the political system as whole(as were many progressives) as seen in the lyrics of the last hero:
"I remember dreaming
Not so long ago
The change was gonna come
I still had hope
How long must I keep waiting?
Feeling so ignored
Is anything worth saving anymore?
I just don't know
But need you so" (2nd verse)

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by Mr.Vlado »

scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
I said that I think this song COULD be about Trump. Music lyrics are often not very specific and can be interpreted in different ways.

I feel sorry for having started (in a way) such a political debate, this was not my goal. :shrug

But I have to add that I feel that we have some Trump defenders here which started the real debate by defending him in a way.
It should be okay to interpret this song either way. I find it very confusing that some of you think that it is inherently a bad thing to interpret a song as political. :shrug

I've also read that Trump is not different to all the other presidents... come on. It already started with his election. He is racist and officialy a global warming denier. A President who said that he only wants to become president because it is the only thing he cannot buy with money. I am rather shocked to see people still defending him even here, but that's my problem.

"Look at how open border liberal policies are destroying Europe with immigration, boatloads of refugees"
No, just no. It is not destroying Europe, I have been living in Europe my whole life. It's still great and I love to help people and that my country in which very privileged people are living is helping those who feared for their life every day.

btw in this German interview prior to the elections in 2016 Myles states that he doesn't like Trump for various reasons. He also states that Clinton is also not a good choice in his opinion but that Trump would be even worse. (https://www.laut.de/Alter-Bridge/Interv ... -2016-1390)

I still love you all because of the AB connection and I think you're all wonderful people, regardless of what you think about these political matters as I don't think we have any real racists here (e.g.). We are all humans, no matter what we think or say. But this is exactly the point Trump seems not to understand.

This was my last off topic post regarding this topic, I hope I won't get blocked from this forum, I don't know how strict you guys are regarding such a matter, but I just had to get this off my chest. If someone wants to discuss this topic further you can always pm me :peace

I still love the song btw :headbang
I am thinking it should have been the first single, not necessarily because it is better (I think I - for my part - like it more), but I think it has such a catchy chorus.
Last edited by Mr.Vlado on Fri Jul 26, 2019 7:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by anguyen92 »

I think no matter whose in the office, no matter what side has control. Whatever other stuff. I think this whole system is just broken since no one is really working to achieve something that everyone can get behind to better ourselves. That's all I can say about the politics stuff.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by facelessman07 »

Mr.Vlado wrote:
scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
He is racist
Ugh, no he's not. That's literally what someone says when they cannot attack arguments, so they attack the person. This is also known as an "ad hominem" fallacy.

Someone who criticizes people across the color spectrum isn't racist. He's an equal opportunity insulter. He even insults inanimate objects! LOL!

Say, but if you actually think Trump's a racist, then surely you also think that Ralph Northam is one too, right?

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scarecrow »

facelessman07 wrote:
Mr.Vlado wrote:
scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
He is racist
Ugh, no he's not. That's literally what someone says when they cannot attack arguments, so they attack the person. This is also known as an "ad hominem" fallacy.

Someone who criticizes people across the color spectrum isn't racist. He's an equal opportunity insulter. He even insults inanimate objects! LOL!

Say, but if you actually think Trump's a racist, then surely you also think that Ralph Northam is one too, right?
lmao he's a huge racist who comes from a family of huge racists

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/opin ... acist.html

https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/ ... sm-history

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scalthom »

Funny how you’re calling him a racist.... yet he dated a black woman for almost two years (who has gone on the record saying he’s not racist) and he’s married to an immigrant.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by anguyen92 »

All right. Guys. I'm going to say this in caps for emphasis.

Unless the band officially says otherwise, PAY NO MIND IS NOT A SONG SPECIFICALLY ABOUT DONALD TRUMP OR POLITICS. ANYONE THAT THINKS IT IS THE CASE IS THEIR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS AND NOT OF THE BAND'S (UNLESS CONFIRMED). Take the discussion outside so that the rest of us can enjoy discussing a band called Alter Bridge. Please. I beg of you.
Last edited by anguyen92 on Fri Jul 26, 2019 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by facelessman07 »

scarecrow wrote:
facelessman07 wrote:
Mr.Vlado wrote:
scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
He is racist
Ugh, no he's not. That's literally what someone says when they cannot attack arguments, so they attack the person. This is also known as an "ad hominem" fallacy.

Someone who criticizes people across the color spectrum isn't racist. He's an equal opportunity insulter. He even insults inanimate objects! LOL!

Say, but if you actually think Trump's a racist, then surely you also think that Ralph Northam is one too, right?
lmao he's a huge racist who comes from a family of huge racists

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/opin ... acist.html

https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/ ... sm-history
Quoting two "opinions" to go along with yours does nothing to strengthen your position.

It's become clear you have no interest in anything but shoving your illegitimate and ignorant views down the throat of those who don't agree with you.

Hope you can live with 6 more years.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

AB23 wrote:Hating Trump isn't limited to someone who is intellectually lazy or someone who "turns on their tv for 10 seconds for inspiration."

Trump is one of the most hatable people on the planet, and this extends a couple of decades before he was ever running for POTUS. Even if you agree with his political ideology, he's an extremely hatable dude. He's an obnoxiously privileged, annoying, seemingly unintelligent, and objectively bigoted dude who skipped out on military obligations, makes lewd comments about women, has cheated on his many wives with porn stars/strippers, and loves to tout obviously untrue conspiracy theories.

It's not "intellectually lazy" to dislike this person. It's fucking rational. Throw his political ideology and political career aside. This guy is a fucking extremely dislikable person. It's difficult for me to think of more dislikable people unless they're pedos and murderers or something.

So spare me, Trump supporters. Stop getting so triggered, seriously. You're ONLY making this song political bc the guy happens to be POTUS. But almost every one of these lyrics applied to the guy before he was ever in charge. Humanize it

All i know about Trump for a fact is he is hunting down pedo's and he has them running scared. Most are high profile, the latest Epstein Island thing ive known about for years i wont go further into that coz its way to dark but it totally relates to Pizzagate which is real. Most of the celebs that are very aggressive towards Trump are not only involved but high up on the chain. The reason i know btw is know a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse who was literally shipped around the world to the elite for sex parties/cult/sacrifices who has not only had sexual encounters with celebs,politicians etc., but knows many involved.

The smear campaign on Trump, the Russian hoax, the whit surpremacy stuff is a distraction from what they are really doing.Not what i was hoping to discuss on an AB forum lol

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by ToNsOFuN88 »

scalthom wrote:Funny how you’re calling him a racist.... yet he dated a black woman for almost two years (who has gone on the record saying he’s not racist) and he’s married to an immigrant.
Being racist and having sex with other races are not mutually exclusive. I've heard so many examples of black women dating/marrying/ having a kid with a white man, just for him to call her the n-word the moment they have a fallout or big fight.

This whole discussion makes me want to barf. Can't believe we're multiple pages into a discussion about Trump, all because of a single that probably had nothing to do with him. I feel like I'm in a Facebook post comments section right now.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scarecrow »

facelessman07 wrote:
scarecrow wrote:
facelessman07 wrote:
Mr.Vlado wrote:
scalthom wrote:If “Pay No Mind” is about Trump then “Slip to the Void,” “All Hope is Gone” and the rest of AB3 is about Obama.
He is racist
Ugh, no he's not. That's literally what someone says when they cannot attack arguments, so they attack the person. This is also known as an "ad hominem" fallacy.

Someone who criticizes people across the color spectrum isn't racist. He's an equal opportunity insulter. He even insults inanimate objects! LOL!

Say, but if you actually think Trump's a racist, then surely you also think that Ralph Northam is one too, right?
lmao he's a huge racist who comes from a family of huge racists

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/24/opin ... acist.html

https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/ ... sm-history
Quoting two "opinions" to go along with yours does nothing to strengthen your position.

It's become clear you have no interest in anything but shoving your illegitimate and ignorant views down the throat of those who don't agree with you.

Hope you can live with 6 more years.
Those are all documented things that actually happened. You seem to be tacitly denying that there's anything wrong with them. Incredible.

Apart from climate change (which is an imminent threat but probably won't kill me in the next six years) and the doomsday clock being the closest to midnight that it's been in my lifetime (partially thanks to the sociopath in the West Wing), I can live with it. There are a lot of oppressed Americans and non-Americans who'll pay a grave price, though. I hope the Dems can pull a decent candidate out of thin air but I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scarecrow »

LosingPatience wrote:
AB23 wrote:Hating Trump isn't limited to someone who is intellectually lazy or someone who "turns on their tv for 10 seconds for inspiration."

Trump is one of the most hatable people on the planet, and this extends a couple of decades before he was ever running for POTUS. Even if you agree with his political ideology, he's an extremely hatable dude. He's an obnoxiously privileged, annoying, seemingly unintelligent, and objectively bigoted dude who skipped out on military obligations, makes lewd comments about women, has cheated on his many wives with porn stars/strippers, and loves to tout obviously untrue conspiracy theories.

It's not "intellectually lazy" to dislike this person. It's fucking rational. Throw his political ideology and political career aside. This guy is a fucking extremely dislikable person. It's difficult for me to think of more dislikable people unless they're pedos and murderers or something.

So spare me, Trump supporters. Stop getting so triggered, seriously. You're ONLY making this song political bc the guy happens to be POTUS. But almost every one of these lyrics applied to the guy before he was ever in charge. Humanize it

All i know about Trump for a fact is he is hunting down pedo's and he has them running scared. Most are high profile, the latest Epstein Island thing ive known about for years i wont go further into that coz its way to dark but it totally relates to Pizzagate which is real. Most of the celebs that are very aggressive towards Trump are not only involved but high up on the chain. The reason i know btw is know a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse who was literally shipped around the world to the elite for sex parties/cult/sacrifices who has not only had sexual encounters with celebs,politicians etc., but knows many involved.

The smear campaign on Trump, the Russian hoax, the whit surpremacy stuff is a distraction from what they are really doing.Not what i was hoping to discuss on an AB forum lol
If this isn't a satiric post, you should probably leave.

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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Post by scarecrow »

anguyen92 wrote:All right. Guys. I'm going to say this in caps for emphasis.

Unless the band officially says otherwise, PAY NO MIND IS NOT A SONG SPECIFICALLY ABOUT DONALD TRUMP OR POLITICS. ANYONE THAT THINKS IT IS THE CASE IS THEIR OWN PERSONAL VIEWS AND NOT OF THE BAND'S (UNLESS CONFIRMED). Take the discussion outside so that the rest of us can enjoy discussing a band called Alter Bridge. Please. I beg of you.
Is there a politics thread? I'd love a sanctioned place to make fun of the resident Trump supporters.

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