The Walking Dead

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

AHart96 wrote:Negan is already my favorite character. The acting was phenomenal

I had a dream last night someone told us you committed suicide. They said you hung yourself and Shea was super upset.

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Re: The Walking Dead


Fish Tacos wrote:
AHart96 wrote:Negan is already my favorite character. The acting was phenomenal

I had a dream last night someone told us you committed suicide. They said you hung yourself and Shea was super upset.
I would be super upset if ANY single one of you committed suicide!

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Re: Sorry?

Post by AHart96 »

Rock Never Dies

Thanks for the sig Don Harry!

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

Yeah and they broke the news in that super tiny font. :shrug

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Re: The Walking Dead


Fish Tacos wrote:Yeah and they broke the news in that super tiny font. :shrug
Harties apparent suicide?

Hey Tacos, did you watch the video I linked? You should and let me know if you think that should have been the official ending? All it took was some easy editing and it would have been so much better for everyone :shrug

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

Yeah I saw it, I'm just not convinced it was Glenn yet. I was reading about Maggie talking about 'needing to move forward' for the 3rd time and something about the song they were playing in the shower had lyrics like 'this is the end' and the audio from the leaked finale that was redacted to be fewer people yelling but idk. Eugene giving up the bullet recipe was just too convenient.

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Re: The Walking Dead


Fish Tacos wrote:Yeah I saw it, I'm just not convinced it was Glenn yet. I was reading about Maggie talking about 'needing to move forward' for the 3rd time and something about the song they were playing in the shower had lyrics like 'this is the end' and the audio from the leaked finale that was redacted to be fewer people yelling but idk. Eugene giving up the bullet recipe was just too convenient.
Well you're in the minority I think. Everyone else is pretty adamant it's glenn. Steven Yeun is off doing a movie in Siberia or something still I think and that'll carry over into season 7 filming. Others are saying it's Daryl (just because they want him dead/is the only one worthy of Lucille.) And Abraham is the 3rd most guessed because of his story arc in season 6 and how much screen time he's got with the Sasha love interest and his PTSD. Personally, I'm inclined to think it'll be Glenn but I hope it's Daryl, and Abe should stick around longer. Not to mention when Glenn acted out of line when Maggie was threatened, Negan gave him a smile and a look like he'd already made up his mind. But then that opened the door for the fans thinking there's a possibility of Maggie getting Lucilled just to torture Glenn for acting irrational. So it really could go either way.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

I could see Abe as well, but it seems like a wasted opportunity to explore his relationship with Sasha. Eugene is totally expendable to me. And why do you WANT it to be Daryl?!?!

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Re: The Walking Dead


Fish Tacos wrote:I could see Abe as well, but it seems like a wasted opportunity to explore his relationship with Sasha. Eugene is totally expendable to me. And why do you WANT it to be Daryl?!?!
I agree. I think and hope Abe and Sasha are the next relationship on the show. They seem nice together. Better for Abe than Rosita too and vice versa. Sasha is probably my favorite female character so its a win-win :lol Eugene is expendable to a certain extent but he provides awkward comic relief like Abe does and is still a very smart individual. Plus with his combat training now and the ability to make bullets, id say he's the least expendable he's ever been. I want Daryl to die because the writers have been butchering his character since season 4. He's barely got anything worth while in 3 seasons and is only there to be a badass and mumble his redneck quotes. He either needs to be given a bigger purpose on the show/in the group or he needs to go. Right now he's just AMC's cash cow. His status on the show amongst the fanbase has made him so popular that if they really wanted to shock the viewers and make Negan's entrance as big as in the comics, they'd have to Lucille Daryl. But they don't have the balls.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

I don't see them killing Daryl right now, he's too much of a fan favorite and I think it would cost them viewers which is what they're worried about the most at the moment. And Eugene gave Rick the bullet recipe so his only real use now is if they have an autism shortage.

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Re: The Walking Dead


Fish Tacos wrote:I don't see them killing Daryl, he's too much of a fan favorite, I think it would cost them viewers. And Eugene gave Rick the bullet recipe so his only real use now is if they have an autism shortage.
Viewers is something they can manage to lose a few of. Still over 10 million viewers six seasons in is pretty good. I doubt they'd lose a million if Daryl died. But I know its not going to happen unfortunately.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Timotheus »

After that conversation in the truck with the sun in the background and him being all positive, I thought it was going to be Abe. Which would not affect me that much, even though I like him.

Glenn, Maggie or Daryl would suck. The most logical thing to do for Negan would be killing Rick, but obviously that's not going to happen.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by cheesedip1 »

Timotheus wrote:The most logical thing to do for Negan would be killing Rick, but obviously that's not going to happen.
The most logical thing to do would be to kill Eugene. He's clearly the most useful/badass character.


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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Timotheus »

I think the mystery death is either Daryl, Glenn or Rosita (but probably not Rosita). A few times in the episode you have these vague shots from their point of view in the truck, the opening of the episode being one of them. The ending is POV as well. I think that might be a bit of a reference.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

Wouldn't it be a boring move to have it be Glenn if he was the one who died in the comics? Then the comic readers already have it spoiled for them. Mixing it up would make sense to me.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Timotheus »

The writing in the last two episodes was so illogical that you really have no idea what to expect from this show, lol.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: The Walking Dead


The owner of The Spoiling Dead Fans made an open letter to Scott Gimple (the current showrunner) about the finale. I understand not a lot of people feel this way, hell maybe non of this forums fans do, but I thought they were pretty spot on honestly.
Dear Mr. Gimple,

Hey there, Friendo. How were your Rice Krispies this morning? Mine were disappointing. A disappointing mess that start out full of promise with crispy, golden puffs that snapped and crackled, but then slowly deteriorated to soggy nothingness. I stirred around said puffs for 90 minutes only to realize in the last few minutes I wasn’t going to eat the Rice Krispies. Oh I wanted to. They were glistening. They were lightly sweetened and fizzling. I had promised myself and all those around me that I. Would. Eat. Those. Rice Krispies. I hyped. I buzzed. I brought all Rice Krispies fans to the brink. But for no logical reason, I just decided to put them back in the refrigerator. I’ll check on them again in about 7 months. By then the Krispies will just all be dissolved into a mushy glob. But that’s okay. I’ll just pour myself some Bitchnuts. Screw those Krispies.

What I have for you is this. I’m not a casual viewer. I’m not a so-called “rabid” fan, either. I’m somewhere on the outside longing for good storytelling, intense performances, creative special effects and because of…reasons… I have a special insight into what’s going to happen on this show. I do not have difficulty grasping foreshadow or innuendo, I absorb details, am able to insert complicated, character puzzle pieces into place, and I understand implication. What I don’t understand is why you and your fellow writers continue to treat fans such as myself as starry-eyed, catatonic, fanboyz/gurlz, to such an extent to where you become completely disconnected from your duty as a storyteller? You have no idea who your audience is anymore. Like Negan, you have become the star of your own movie. A movie that may have gotten good review on its first weekend at the box office, but continues to dream up more far-fetched and illogical contrivances to botch it every time a sequel hits the screen. You are the Batman v. Superman of the Justice League movies.

The purpose of a cliffhanger is so the audience will be excited for what happens next. However, in this case, majority of the audience already knows what’s going to happen. (Remember the graphic novel?) We all know one of our favorite characters has been bludgeoned to death by a barbed wire bat attached to the hand of an alarmingly sexy psychopath. So why? What was the storytelling purpose of adding this tired, television ratings grabbing device to this episode? I just want an honest reason. If it’s ratings – just say it. Don’t wrap it in fluff. It would be better than wasting time listening to nonsensical comparisons to Lost and the mysterious hatch. (By the way, that comparison was not on point. That Lost finale left the audience excited to find out what wonderous things were in the hatch and set a clear delineation in the story. All you did is piss people off. All they have to look forward to is the bloody mess of a bludgeoned, beloved character that they know damned well has already been murdered, lying in the dirt in front of the RV.) Definitely do not compare yourself to the Game of Thrones showrunners. Their season ended on a cliffhanger at the same point the source material did. There is a world of difference there.

I don’t buy your whole “end of Rick’s story” nincompoop. The entire series is Rick’s story. In every single episode Rick ends up somewhere different than when he started. We all saw the defeat in Rick’s eyes, but you didn’t let him feel or emote the effects of Lucille and you didn’t let us see it either. That’s still part of this story arc. That is the comeuppance of this first meeting with Negan and you blew it. What you haven’t mastered is layering an arc to its natural precipice and then then designing the payoff to fulfill the audience while maintaining the story’s and character’s integrity.

Forget promising to deliver a story in a new episode that justifies a previous one. A good showrunner doesn’t need to justify prior episodes, it only needs to progress the story further, develop characters and convince the audience to come along for the ride. How do you expect your audience to follow you when they haven’t been given an ending to the story you built up for them? A show should not need an hour long talk show after each episode to explain what happened in it. It shouldn’t need website bios to fill in time gaps.

Get out of your own way, Gimple. Maybe it’s possible that you’ve forgotten who you write this show for. Is it to enlarge Kirkman’s ego? Is it to satisfy money-grubbing producers? Or is it for the audience? The better question is, do you write it this story in a way that does justice to the story? Because the story exists already. Like it or not, this show does have a basis in printed canon. (By the way, issue 100 didn’t end on a cliffhanger.) Your actors are doing it justice. Andrew Lincoln is Rick Mother Fucking Grimes. Danai embodies embattled but hopeful Michonne. Steven’s emotional performances are second to none. Melissa McBride’s portrayal of Carol is so understated and mesmerizing. Let’s not forget Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Just – wow. I’m giving him and the casting department credit for that one, though. He nailed the monologue that Kirkman wrote (yeah, Kirkman, not you). Everyone else on the cast has grown and improved due to the bar being raised by the actors working alongside them and I truly appreciate the most minor of characters. Even Nicholas made me love to hate him. But you just kicked them all in the balls, Gimple. I feel really sorry for the cast who now has to feel the backlash of your decisions and whose performances are overshadowed by the sheer ego you have displayed.

You’re not Abrams, man. You’re not learning from your previous mistakes. During this writing, I was blessed to read your press conference responses regarding your creative decisions. You all but insulted the entire fan base. Stop talking down to your audience and telling us that how we feel about your storytelling is just our cynical minds. The so-called skeptics that you are condescending to have given you ratings season after season. Insulting us does not exemplify your “caring” about the audience. It’s the exact opposite. We gave you the benefit of the doubt during the Governor’s two-week pity party, we gave you the benefit of the doubt that Grady Hospital of Sadists actually had a purpose, we gave you the benefit of the doubt when you presented the mid-season finale as a cliffhanger, just to gloss over the aftermath and the grief of the characters in the following episode. And we’re supposed to think that’s all going to change now? The script is written.

Gimple: “The hard thing about it is you can’t say why you do some of the turns you take because you’ll wind up telling details of the story. I do know the writers and producers and cast and crew know why we do what we do. We know our intentions are good. We care about our audience and we’re just trying to deliver them an experience.”

Sorry, Friendo, but the writers and producers are not the people you need to make believe in your story, it’s the audience. The audience should know the details of the story. They shouldn’t have to watch a talk show to get them. If you can’t convey your “why,” in your episode (which is part of the experience), then you’re just not a good showrunner.

Didn’t someone, somewhere along the line say, “Uhh, Scott? Yeah, ummm, I was just thinking…. ummm….the fans already know Negan’s coming because you know, it’s a book and all, and because we’ve been doing all these interviews and stuff and telling them how shocking it’s gonna be and how the actors can’t sleep and were sick to their stomachs and all, and so…. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let our entire audience fester in anger for six months because you know that the spoilers are gonna leak during filming anyway so what’s the point?” Yes. Yes, I’m sure someone said that to you.

Although I am someone who dedicates countless hours to this show, albeit not in the same way any of the cast or crew do, I don’t necessarily feel entitled to this opinion nor do I expect you to even give it one ounce of consideration. You’ve made it clear that this “intelligent” audience just doesn’t ‘get you.’ But I am compelled to voice this opinion on behalf of thousands of fans just like me who have been loyal and steadfast, discerning and deserving of those promises you casually hand out, but never fulfill.

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by cheesedip1 »

Imo, it's just a tv show. I do admit the ending was anti-climatic tho.

Timotheus wrote:The writing in the last two episodes was so illogical that you really have no idea what to expect from this show, lol.
Could you give an example or so?

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Re: The Walking Dead


cheesedip1 wrote:Imo, it's just a tv show. I do admit the ending was anti-climatic tho.

Timotheus wrote:The writing in the last two episodes was so illogical that you really have no idea what to expect from this show, lol.
Could you give an example or so?
People go missing from Alexandria, "lets take all of our main fighting power with us to find them. But no one else leaves" and now Alexandria is basically waiting to be attacked.

"The saviors keep cutting us off of the road path, lets try another road and another and another" even though thats obviously not working.

"Lets argue loudly in the middle of a forest and get ourselves captured by aparent ninjas who dont make any noise and are invisible"

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Re: The Walking Dead

Post by Fish Tacos »

I kinda lol'ed at the "you're not Abrams" part...he's very popular but I wouldn't say he's necessarily worth aspiring towards.

Idk, overall while I think characters like Morgan (at least until the last episode) are kinda dumb, I think the main problem with the show is it's just stagnant. In my mind, nothing of note has really happened since Beth died and they discovered Alexandria mid season 5. And Neegan's crew is really just another biker gang. Apart from the sheer number of people he commands and how crazy organized they can become (even though they were super easy to wipe out earlier in mass numbers for some reason) there's nothing special about him/them.

The show is still in sore need of an overarching plotline. I've said it before, but Eugene's goal of getting to DC was a decent one but then they nerfed it. For me, Alexandria has been boring since day one and we haven't had any interesting villains to distract us from it. That (satellite?) facility where they killed everyone in their sleep would have been a great location to have a military leader holed up with his troops walking the line between doing what they have to in order to survive and still preserving their chain of command / holding out for the government to reestablish. If they were oppressing Hilltop somehow without actually being a murderous gang of thugs and Hilltop gave Rick and Co. the mandate to solve this problem for them if they wanted some food, would Rick & Co. still have tried to wipe out these "good guys" if they couldn't come to terms? How would they fare against trained soldiers with ample firepower and experience with walkers? Or what if there was a scientist that was conducting experiments on unwilling people because they couldn't spare soldiers (perhaps part of the aforementioned government operated base) in order to try and find a cure and they were making real progress? What would the main characters do then?

You can only regularly make villains so evil without making it mundane. We've already seen how some of the cast have become "the walking dead" figuratively after dealing with these people. Challenging them with their own reason through ethical dilemmas or even their own humanity again is what should be explored next to breathe life into the show. They seem to try to be doing this with Morgan but IMO zenmaster hippie bullshit was the wrong vehicle for it.

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