The Doctor Who Thread

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nickgordon Citizen
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Re: The Doctor Who Thread

Post by nickgordon »

I'm definitely liking the new direction they are taking this doctor. Its interesting to see the less goofy and more cold doctor. The giant plot holes are still there though.

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Re: The Doctor Who Thread

Post by TenaciousBe »

Resurrecting this thread from the depths of Page 5 to say that I finally dove into Doctor Who over the past couple years - at least the "modern" era (though I catch an odd old school episode on PBS once in a while). I'm caught up through Capaldi's first season, though I also skipped ahead and watched the most recent season as it was happening just cause I wanted to. I'm sure I didn't "get" everything as I will when I re-watch it in sequence, though. Hoping to plow through the rest of Capaldi's run this summer before the full-on debut of Jodie Whittaker. I know there is/was some resistance to the Doctor being a woman, but I'm super excited. Plus, it's sort of a soft reboot of sorts since Moffat is done writing, Capaldi and his companions are gone, and we get a new Doctor with new companions.

I know it's popular to claim Tennant as your favorite, but I've really enjoyed each of the Doctors in their own way. Same with the companions. I wasn't really fond of Clara at first as she felt like a sort of know-it-all, but she's growing on me. Looking forward to the new season and seeing what happens!
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