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Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:20 am
by VibrantJackal
1) Blackbird - Before I got into Alter Bridge, I'd heard it recommended a few times and never 'got' it. Then once I got into them, I tried it again, and it was just amazing. Every time listening, more things stuck out, it's just amazingly well made, lyrically epic, and Myles delivers those lyrics fantastically, love the solo, and all the other guitar parts, I just love it. I can't really be in depth, it just blows my mind! :lol

2) White Knuckles - I could listen to this live for days non-stop, probably my favourite of their heavier songs, especially the live versions, Amsterdam is just amazing. Use it for running quite often, usually end up sticking it on repeat once it starts playing.

3) Buried Alive - Love using this for my running playlist, has got me motivated in a few tough times, and the end vocal and guitar combo gives me chills.

4) Metalingus - This is the first AB song I heard, years before I knew it was them (Edge's WWE theme, sorry haha!) and I loved it. Love (to attempt to) sing it, another good one for running for me, also repeat it for hours before football matches, newest superstition.

5) Slip to the Void - Struggled for a fifth song (even though I struggled for the whole list and I'd out everything at two, after BB), but due to the intro grabbing me on both the album and live, I've gone for this.

Honourable mentions go to nearly every song AB have done! :lol But Ties That Bind, Broken Wings, Shed My Skin, Coming Home, Isolation, GoDGB, Still Remains, I Know it Hurts, Show me a Sign, Fallout, Life Must Go On, Brand New Start, Come to Life, New Way to Live, One Day Remains, and Ahavo Rabo Taco Salad (which I consider more Tremonti than AB I guess), are the main contenders...yeah, I suck at lists, and this was torture haha! Not even sure I agree with myself, thinking about all the songs I love :lol

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:32 am
by Dan Dando
It changes every single day, but...

1) Blackbird
2) Down To My Last
3) Brand New Start
4) Ghost of Days Gone By
5) Watch Over You

Bloody hell, that was difficult :lol

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:13 pm
by Arctic
Yeah, my top two are pretty much locks but the rest keep changing. I just listened to One Day Remains and remembered it was one of my absolute favorite songs.

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:18 pm
by VibrantJackal
Part of me feels bad that I am really thinking Addicted to Pain deserves an honourable mention haha! It's been out, like, a day, and I love it. Not long enough to accurately put it up there, but right now, if not overplayed (unlikely) before release date, it might be up there...then again, all of Fortress could be!

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:42 pm
by YoungNumb

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:53 pm
by Torsten
It almost seems unfair to choose only 5, but here it is....

Ties That Bind
Still Remains
Brand New Start
One by One

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:34 am
by alterchris
Torsten wrote:It almost seems unfair to choose only 5, but here it is....

Ties That Bind
Still Remains
Brand New Start
One by One
Good list...and yes it is unfair. I was thinking more of a top 5 from each album :D

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:18 am
by plmspecial
Watch over you
Wonderful Life
Rise Today
Ghost of days gone by

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:11 pm
by scarecrow
Coming Home
Slip To The Void
Words Darker Than Their Wings

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:32 am
by Lotha
1. All Hope Is Gone
My favorite, the melody is probably one of the most beautiful I've heard and the lyrics get me, because that's how I've felt once and how I still feel sometimes, and that feeling's against my nature.

2. Watch Over You
Because I'm sentimental. Beautiful song and perfect lyrics. Sometimes staying is harder than leaving.

3. White Knuckles
This one satisfies my metal side :lol Only the strong survive!

4. Brand New Start
One of the songs that got me hooked on AB, so a nostalgic pick at this moment. Great solo, and the lyrics really speak to me, as is the case with most on the list.

5. Ties That Bind
Also a nostalgic pick because it's the first AB song I've heard and I still think it's great.

Of course there are a lot of songs I really love too, and the top 5 changes constantly - well, except the first three maybe. Blackbird of course, Broken Wings, Wonderful Life, Slip To The Void, Coming Home, are all songs that can be a part of my top 5. So I guess this is top 10 really :P

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:37 pm
by Doom
1. Blackbird - It's just the masterpiece, it touch me too much.. the solo is so powerful, it just that, perfect
2. Shed my skin - Another one that I can relate, I love the melody and the lyrics just get alone so well..
3. Before tomorrow comes - It just a great song, with great lyrics, I love when mark and myles sing together.. This song always get me in a good mod
4. New way to live - I have been listening to this song a lot lately, great guitar riffs- sometimes I can relate with this song too- ..
5. Fallout - I love the melody, the guitars, the lyrics, just another great song

Well it was hard to do.. Like everybody else this top 5 will always change with the exception of the first 3 .. A lot from Blackbird, this doesn't mean that the songs from ODR or ABIII aren't just as great as the others.

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:22 pm
by Tom
can't believe i haven't answered in this yet!?

1. Blackbird
2. Zero
3. Make it Right
4. Coming Home
5. Slip to the Void


6. Rise Today
7. Ahavo Rabo Taco Salad
8. White Knuckles
9. In Loving Memory
10. Metalingus

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:49 pm
by MylesKennedyIsGod
1. Blackbird
2. Words Darker Than Their Wings
3. Shed My Skin
4. All Hope Is Gone
5. Home

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:44 am
by fix
This is hard. But this is my shot at it:

1. Blackbird, just perfect.
2. Slip To The Void, love this song as an opener, love playing it, also perfect.
3. All Hope Is Gone
4. Still Remains
5. Ties That Bind

And I feel bad for leaving out White Knuckles, Burn It Down, Broken Wings, Show Me A Sign (<3) and Find The Real. There's a lot of ABIII stuff I really like, because I loved the albums vibe (shown especially on All Hope Is Gone and Show Me A Sign). I noticed a lot of people see it as one of the 'weaker' AB albums, but it's my fav. It's also kinda obvious I'm a metalhead. ;)

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:00 am
by Crumbso
Burn It Down - By far the closest song to me emotionally, still gets me every time. Even 9 years later. I went through a bout of clinical depression in my late teenage years and this was the closest description of it that I could find. There's a stark reality to Mark's lyrics that pinpoint the numbness & misery but are also so uplifting. Even the guitar solo has a burning, longing feeling that resolves itself into the most beautiful ending ever. Fucking. Love. This. Song.

Brand New Start - This is just a great song through and through. I remember how good this sounded when they did the Foxwoods acoustic gig. Everything is feel good and all the riffs are interesting. Great lyrics and a chorus that just begs you to sing along. The real centre piece though, is the solo. Mark really blew me away with that solo. I think he'll be lucky if he ever tops that solo in his career.

Find The Real - This is the greatest first song of any band I can think of. That start just kicks you right in the face and that groove is so solid. THIS is what I call heavy. I love everything about it. I love the mini solos, loads of chord tones and crazy bends. I love the main solo, which is still one of my favourites from Mark. It's amazing fun to play on guitar. Myles sounds the best he's ever sounded here. DAT END NOTE FROM MYLES (oh my god the powah!). It changed my musical world back in 2004, when I was seventeen.

Blackbird - I don't think this one needs any introduction or reasons really. It's still their best live song by far. They never screw this one up.

Words Darker Than Their Wings - This is the first time we heard mark sing a lead and damn it's such a good song. The only one on ABIII that scaled the heights of the other two albums for me. I love the concept of the conversation and the fact that there are only two choruses. Myles is on amazing form and his ad lib lines, ooohhs and moans are all over this thing. Real passion going on here and my god that end sounds so huge. It also served as a great thematic cap to the album.

Prob due to change in a couple of months :P

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:25 am
by TomK
Well this is going to be tough... ummmm

1. Down To My Last
2. Open Your Eyes
3. Shed My Skin
4. One By One
5. Words Darker Than Their Wings

There - done. Really wanted to put a few more in though! Special mentions to Broken Wings, Wayward One and I Know It Hurts :P They could have easily made the list on a different day...

EDIT: Forgot a load more as well :slam haha

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:34 pm
by mtshaw3
Easily #1 is In Loving Memory... After losing my grandfather, who was my best friend and biggest role model, in 2005, this song immediately became my refuge to just remember him and think about him. I read the lyrics of this song at his funeral for my entire family. It will forever be the most important song in my life. (I love you Grandpa!)

#2-5 are interchangeable depending on the day/mood.
Brand New Start- Will always be one of my favorite solos... the song is just so uplifting and just an incredible tune. Love that song!
Blackbird- The subject matter, the epic solos, the amazing feeling from beginning to end... I have a blackbird tattooed on my ribs because of this song, so yeah, TOP 5 for sure.
New Way to Live- Same thing that makes me love Brand New Start, just a really fun groove, awesome lyrics, and the perfect solo. Fun to see them play it live on LFA, too!
Slip to the Void- The way this song just kicks in and melts your face has caused me to nearly wreck many times while driving and jamming out. Just so original and different for AB... Starts so eerie, then just blasts off like a rocket to soaring heights! Love it!
:rockon :mtrocks :mkrules

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:18 pm
by Jim
This thread has gone exactly how i wanted it to, thanks guys

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:00 pm
by CrashN'Burn
1. Blackbird
2. Shed My Skin
3. All Hope Is Gone
4. Buried Alive
5. Ghosts Of Days Gone By

Re: Your Ultimate Top 5 Alter Bridge Songs

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:26 pm
by Sunrunner1
Watch Over You – Very raw, heartfelt song. I love the way it slowly builds throughout the song, but the last verse is what seals the deal for me. It’s the perfect ending to an already great song.
Blackbird – A little slow to start, but once it gets going it truly is AB at their best.
Never Born to Follow – This song has such a unique energy to it. The chorus is just about the catchiest thing I’ve ever heard. The bass and guitar action (and Myles vocals) are really lively and uplifting. Even with the sad lyrics, I just can’t not be in a good mood listening to this song.
Ghosts of Days Gone By – This one was the first song of theirs that I heard on the radio that really stood out for me. I was a bit put off by the unexpected turn in the bridge the first couple times, but once I was able to look at the song as a complete package it became one of my favorites.
Ties That Bind – My first song. First place I heard of AB was through playing this song on Guitar Hero. I’ve always loved the intro, but sometimes I feel like the verses go by too fast. I guess it just depends on what mood I’m in.

And even though I didn’t include anything off of One Day Remains, I still think it’s an amazing album. In fact, as an overall album I might even say it was their best. I just prefer their later songs, style-wise.