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Post by Patty »

It's ok. I've apologised to Brian on behalf of us all because along with the management and record label changes, the band not getting their box sets is obviously our fault too.
Credit to the original sig creator. (Please remind me who you are so I can credit you properly)

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Post by Andy92 »

Awww they deleted it. :lol
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Post by BSC »

Did anyone screenshot Brian's comments? There's a video of boxes labelled for each of the band and their families, whilst repeatedly panning to each box, just to make sure we get the message I guess? I'm waiting for Dan to call Brian a loser and contributing to the downfall of the band.

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Post by Timotheus »

Andy took a screenshot of the first comment. Not sure about the second one about the families.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: I do this solely to raise suspicions about andy

Post by zazthespaz »

edit: nvm
Last edited by zazthespaz on Mon May 25, 2015 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Post by Mr. Slash »

Who cares about Brian? He is contributing to the downfall of AB aswell since he is now doing a second job as a realtor. He didn't deserve a box set! Same goes for Mark and Myles with their weird side projects. They should all leave the band, to preserve AB from even more downfall. Only Flip deserves his box set. AB should be a solo project of him now imo.

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Post by SharpieNazi »

I asked an administrator for all my previous posts under another username to be removed because the truth had came out and there was no point continuing to showcase the unethical business practice of DC3/TCD. I had hoped that the situation would change for the better. Regretfully, that is not the case and I now wish that my original postings were still in place. I'm amazed. My comments below in red
DC3director wrote:I thought I wold jump in here and answer some of these questions and shed some light on this situation.

First- let me once again apologize on how the box set turned out. By now, you will see that we have stayed true to our promise that we would see this through to the end and have had people working on this project non-stop to make it all right. * Most likely had to put off sending out orders because money for shipping the product ran out. This has been done at great cost and time. *How much money did you collect from all the pre-orders. Let's not everyone forget that full cost of money was charged the day the order was made. The last box sets, as promised have finally been shipped and now AFM and our company are working together to send replacement units out and the new books. Our company has tried our best to make each customer happy. Although a few on here keep complainingEven if just a small few, which it's not, that's way too many. and spewing crap like it was a complete disaster*It was, it certainly was not, as thousands of fans are VERY happy*I was initially happy too, mostly because I was happy just to get anything after having paid money for something that took a year to get. I'm sure once they look closer to all the errors and then an ongoing wait for a replacement book, they'll add to the "few"mentioned above. and for every Sharpie comment written*Which I still find HILARIOUS for two reasons, for being used to fix damage and for instantly being associated to the DC3/TCD ABX box set. The iPhone 6 had Bendgate, the ABX Box set will always be remembered for Sharpiegate , we get 50 positive comments *I would love to see that math on that to see if that is even remotely true. The "X" Facebook page and the over 450 emails we have received form happy customers is a testament to that

With that being said, I can not just sit here and watch these malicious attacks against me and my company anymore. Maybe it's then time to use "attacks" and use the constructive criticism to change ways. How quickly some forget the hundreds of hours of amazing footage we have produced of this band and also the 2 DVD's, dozens of webisodes and 2 music videos that were released without ANY issues whatsoever. It is funny that some of the biggest shit talkers on these boards were the very same people who complimented us on these projects and have copies in their collectins. Who? These very same people would also constantly hang with me at shows and call me, text me and email me all sorts of compliments for yearsMostly like before you were discovered for who you really are. I'm sure those same people don't want to associate with you now and would never hang again . It is a shame that a few bad seeds (yes only a few and we all know who they are) ruin things for others Let's swap out seed with ass. You can't blame others for what you ruined yourself. . The negative people who continue to spew shit, even over a year later have ruined a lot for the band and for themselves Most likely the same people who have been still waiting for over a year. Don't try to make it appear that the band is loosing money on the ABX set, THE BAND HAS ALREADY BEEN PAID, not even a lot either. . Not for me at all. You see, I DON'T WORK FOR THE BAND! Yes- just so you know I have funded every project and it is the other way around- they work for us! I have invested over $1 million into this band and this fan base Don't lie, you don't have that kind of money. I mean what happened to the California office? , only to be ridiculed and bashed on over one project, where the issues were out of our controlWhat exactly were you accountable for then? Just taking people's money?. Do you honestly think that my investors or any other company will want to do business with this band in the future when they see how their fans treat companies & people who work with them? I think it's the exact opposite, the band will NEVER work for you again. You couldn't tell when no one wants to meet with you at shows and you can only have conversation through other people. Or maybe it is because you take your family on tours and don't pay the band back for the costs of the bus for your family. I know though, the band probably owed you or just really like you. Why do you think the band has had 4 different record labels and two sets of Managers by now? The bad seeds on these boards make it very unattractive for any commercial entity to ever do anything here. God forbid there is an issue. You will get attacked by a bunch of immature people who love to hide behind their computers and spew negative energy. Yes- they all hide, as when these people have been face to face with me or any employee of mine, they hug and kiss us or walk the other way.There's always people who use people. Like when you use a band's fanbase to attempt to make a profit off of. At least I have the balls to face issues and people head on. If any women customers feel left out from this statement and would like me to accompany them, I can assure my balls are large enough for all. In all seriousness, one of these days these type of comments are going to work out unfavorably for you. You essentially are challenging people to confront you. Are you looking for a physical combat or just a verbal assault?

The time for this entire thread to end is nowThis doesn't just end because you say so. Threads like these are important and serve to remind everyone of the ABX experience provided by The City Drive and DC3. You are just hurting the band! How? By taking almost two years to ship out a poor quality product? That would seem more hurtful to a brand. Alter Bridge was less than 1% of our overall business and they have never paid us a dime That's because you approached the band about producing this catastrophe in exchange for a fee paid to the band. I'm sure your idea was to pay the band a small fee and be able to make a large profit off the margin. You are doing nothing but harming the fans who want stuff to be done with this band and also hurting the chances of any other company ever wanting to do a deal with them. Just so you know - there aren't a line of companies lining up to do videos for these guys, so congrats on spoiling the one deal they "did" have. I for one think they will be entirely better off without your services, I mean if anything you made it even better for the band to be contacted by another vendor. All the competition would have to demonstrate is something slightly better then the absolute worst.

I love how people keep making comments like they really know what is going on and act like that have some kind of inside knowledge. It is just silly and these people are liars and not in any way affiliated with anything we are doing (the only people who really know what the status is currently work for us or AFM). Our Company does not rely on AB business and in fact, we have never even made a dime off this band or community.Probably due to poor business practices and budgeting. People like you don't propose projects like ABX to do for free. You went at this to make money off the band from the fanbase. Denying that would be an insult to everyone's intelligence. We only invested over $1 million into it out of our love for the band and our desire to see them become larger than life. So how did that work out for you? Who could possibly blame us now if we choose to never do anything with them again? The creditors and the people out money. Why would anyone put up with the trash talking from these same 8-10 trash talkers? Who needs that? In case you haven't noticed, we certainly don't. We not only have been winning award after award in the Documentary field, we are in the middle of a major TV Series, working with artists far bigger than Alter Bridge. We are also currently doing multiple live concert projects and since we started the Box Set, have done dozens of other projects, all without one issue. The fact that people trash talk City Drive and DC3 like we don't know what we're doing just makes them look like the morons (or disgruntled ex-emplyees they are). We work at the highest level and have standards higher than anybody we know. We are very proud of our work and have amazing relationships with Artists and fan bases. Hmm... one might wonder if the funds generated for the ABX set were misappropriated to fund other projects. Not an accusation but merely a speculation.

I am very proud of the work we have done with AB and all the bands I have worked with. In 20 years, I have done over 200 music videos, 150 DVD's and 100 TV specials. I have never had issues like I did with the AB Box Set. We only have seen manufacturing issues on "maybe" 2-3 other projects out of over 200 in my career. Not bad odds. I also have never experienced so much hatred and negativity in my life. Hats off to the fans who try to stop these so-called "haters" from doing what they do. Shame on the ones who do spread hate and negativity. Over 150 people were involved in the creation of and making of the AB Box Set. Did you ever pays the people who filmed the Milan show for their footage or are they not considered part of the 150? They put a lot into it and no one intentionally made a mistake. It is a shame that instead of people thanking them for their hard work and dedication to the band, they get shit on by a bunch of losers. Yes- losers. If you were real fans of AB, you wouldn't be shitting on the one company who actually cared. You also wouldn't fill these message boards and the rest with your constant ridicule and crap talking. Negativity does no one any good. People looking to do business with a band, usually will RUN from negativity. You are causing people to not want to work with this band- trust me. If what you consider yourself is a winner, I'm perfectly ok with being considered a loser. It appears that your line thinking is opposite from everyone else.

I'll leave you with this one last request. Keep it up. I can't wait to see where AB is in 5 years with all of you continuing to show the world how classless AB fans can be and also how much you shit on the companies/ people who support and work with the band. For me, I don't really care anymore. I am over it and have already moved on. You aren't hurting me or my company. No need from us, you demonstrated being perfectly capable of doing that yourself. We don't make a living off this band- and NEVER have. However, the next time you complain that no one gives AB a chance or Myles needs another 2 years off to sing with Slash, or why Brian is selling real estate, or Mark rather play solo shows- you may want to look in the mirror and ask yourself why this is happening? You must make business deals such an ideal experience. You should just come clean and share how much you paid the band from the funds that were paid for ABX.

Next time you see some of the "hate crew" - make sure you shake their hands and thank them for alienating so many people. Maybe, even give them a Sharpie for a good laugh. Why don't you ask them to put up $500,000 to shoot the next DVD so you can have a great keepsake of your favorite band. Let's see how that goes and how much of a big shot they are then.

That's actually one of the best ideas you have had. If people were willing to put out 200-250 for your shitbox of a product, I'm sure the same would be willing to start a crowd-funding campaign to hire a good production crew to do the next big show and have it be the best one yet.

3000 ABX box sets X $250 ea. = $750,000 (What fuck did you have to put a million dollars in for? Better yet, what fuck did you do with that all? It certainly wasn't to pay for a tour bus for your family to go to Europe

I'm sure the band's fanbase is well over 10,000. Imagine if only 10,000 gave $50.00 for a quality production.

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Post by riemslag1 »

SharpieNazi ? How the hell and why did you come up with such a name ?
Don't understand.

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Post by SharpieNazi »

riemslag1 wrote:SharpieNazi ? How the hell and why did you come up with such a name ?
Don't understand.


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Post by RavishingRik »

Just wow

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Post by RavishingRik »

AB23 wrote:What a load of shit "for every one bad comment there are 50 good ones on our Facebook page." BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BLOCK OR DELETE THE BAD ONES. This dude must think we're idiots or something. He is, by far, the worst businessman I have ever seen. I will always reference this whenever I'm trying to teach my future children lessons on how to be a shitty human.
This is the best Alter Bridge Facebook Group

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Post by RavishingRik »

In the interest of fairness, this is the post, I put in the facebook group this morning, following my reading of Dan's post.

"As many of you will know I've been a fan of Alter Bridge since discovering their music in 2004, I set up this group back when it was just Jared Ward and I, Jared, I met back on the old I've seen AB play live 9 times now, having caught every London show (and a few others) except the Fortress London show as it clashed with my wedding, I'm hoping the band can forgive me that one. A personaly highlight for me was Michael Tremonti arranging for me to interview Brian Marshall back when I was on the radio.
Anyway, back to the point, back in 2013, DC3 took pre-orders for the AB X Box Set, this was a project I was completely behind and despite the delays, I've backed Daniel E Catullo III and his team where many others have not. I always believed that regardless of the delays, DC3 would deliver eventually. Which they did and very happy with the box I was too.
I can understand why people are upset at still waiting for their boxes and they have every right to complain, just as I am now.
I'm not complaining about the wait for the box, I'm complaining about Dan himself and his comments on the regarding the whole situation, the fans and the band.
I always felt that Dan was a sound individual, a decent guy, I even tried to work with him about arranging a fan screening of the AB X Documentary at a cinema near me but this morning a read the post from him and I find his comments, highly unprofessional and hurtful and I'm left feeling extremely disappointed with Mr Catullo.
Anyway, I'll let you all decide for yourself, you can visit the forum here: viewtopic.php… Dan's post is on page 112."

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Post by ToNsOFuN88 »

Andy92 wrote:Anyone read Brian Marshall's comments in the Facebook group saying none of the band members or their families have ever got their box set either? What a fiasco. :lol
Honestly, that's probably why he went on a rant about the band then. It pissed him off, so now he has to throw dirt on AB.

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Post by ToNsOFuN88 »

Mr. Slash wrote:Who cares about Brian? He is contributing to the downfall of AB aswell since he is now doing a second job as a realtor. He didn't deserve a box set! Same goes for Mark and Myles with their weird side projects. They should all leave the band, to preserve AB from even more downfall. Only Flip deserves his box set. AB should be a solo project of him now imo.
The next album will just be twelve 4-5 minute drum solos :lol

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Post by Patty »

I've got the whole thread on my phone.

Replying to a thread about a lady in Italy still not having received their box set.

Brian Marshall: I haven't gotten mine either!

Replying to someone on the thread;

BM: Yeah. Seriously. No band members or their families (that we ordered for) have received the box set.

Daniel Catullo: The bands box sets have been in Florida for over a year at XXX house. The band knows this, as we have made over a dozen attempts to deliver. The requests to deliver were made direct to the band and through management. If the band needs anything they know how to reach us. XXX has over 40 box sets sitting in Orlando for the band and we have informed all the band members of this.
Credit to the original sig creator. (Please remind me who you are so I can credit you properly)

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Post by CreedFeed »

LOL they posted a video showing the boxes with paper taped to the top saying "FLIP FAMILY" and "FLIP VIP" and "TREMONTI FAMILY" and etc... haha damage control. So if Brian hadn't posted what he did, I suppose they never would have made any further efforts to get them to the band. LOL what a shitstorm.
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Post by BastiMix »

I can understand that he goes on the offensive for constantly being attacked but fuck, he gave us a pretty good reason too, don't you think? I don't understand a whole lot about business but it's doesn't take an MBA to see the flaws in a number of DC3's projects. Like announcing releases ahead of time: Creed Deluxe DVD - announced, never released; Milan DVD - announced, before the band ever gave their permission on the material. And regarding AB X, yes, there were the weather issues but if you look closely at all the explanations we got for numerous delays it became clear that the box set was not ready to be assembled, let alone shipped, when it was initially supposed to be shipped. Maybe it's just me but shouldn't you have design, content etc. approved and ready to be produced BEFORE you start a pre-order? I will say this: I bought one of the box sets, received it 12 months later. Truth be told, I'm over the hate and despite everything that happened, I like my box set. But that is due to the band it is about. And Dan's post in the forums really ignited a fire under my ass, he went way over what was necessary to be said, even changing facts to his liking and is now taking shots at one of the most loyal fan bases any band could have, stating WE are the reason the band is inactive right now and that WE were the reason for multiple label changes? And he's also taking a shot at the band itself? That's just low and Dan will have to deal with the fact that he's bringing a bad rep on his own company with stuff like that. Of course, he would never admit that ;) With that begin said, I think it's time the Ties That Bind AB to DC3 should finally be cut, operations should be moved to Fret12 and we should all be aware of how AWESOME of a family we all are, despite of what some people think! :) GROUPHUG! :peace
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Post by RavishingRik »

BastiMix wrote:I can understand that he goes on the offensive for constantly being attacked but fuck, he gave us a pretty good reason too, don't you think? I don't understand a whole lot about business but it's doesn't take an MBA to see the flaws in a number of DC3's projects. Like announcing releases ahead of time: Creed Deluxe DVD - announced, never released; Milan DVD - announced, before the band ever gave their permission on the material. And regarding AB X, yes, there were the weather issues but if you look closely at all the explanations we got for numerous delays it became clear that the box set was not ready to be assembled, let alone shipped, when it was initially supposed to be shipped. Maybe it's just me but shouldn't you have design, content etc. approved and ready to be produced BEFORE you start a pre-order? I will say this: I bought one of the box sets, received it 12 months later. Truth be told, I'm over the hate and despite everything that happened, I like my box set. But that is due to the band it is about. And Dan's post in the forums really ignited a fire under my ass, he went way over what was necessary to be said, even changing facts to his liking and is now taking shots at one of the most loyal fan bases any band could have, stating WE are the reason the band is inactive right now and that WE were the reason for multiple label changes? And he's also taking a shot at the band itself? That's just low and Dan will have to deal with the fact that he's bringing a bad rep on his own company with stuff like that. Of course, he would never admit that ;) With that begin said, I think it's time the Ties That Bind AB to DC3 should finally be cut, operations should be moved to Fret12 and we should all be aware of how AWESOME of a family we all are, despite of what some people think! :) GROUPHUG! :peace
:yeahthat :hug

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Post by devv88 »

You know you've fucked up bad when even the people who were defending you and your product are turning against you. Christ, this guy behaves like a child.

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Post by riemslag1 »

Just wishing that everybody who paid for this long agoo will receive their boxset and/or replacements asap, so we can close this awfull thread. What a collectors item this will become !?

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