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Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:52 pm
by Blackbirddd

A good question would be like why this is not the cover of the single instead of the lazy blue dress woman cover

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:24 pm
by GazEd
I absolutely hate reading people's opinions about music because for some strange reason they make an influence.

Let me only say one thing: I love the fact that the new songs are all sooo different. They can not be compared to each other. It almost sounds like 4 different bands. Damn

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:25 pm
by Ubik
Blackbirddd wrote:Image

A good question would be like why this is not the cover of the single instead of the lazy blue dress woman cover
A further question would be what in the hell has happened to her head (or alternatively, why are her boobs on her back?)

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:33 pm
by RevenantGB
Relieved to say In The Deep has grown on me! Still not as good as Pay No Mind or Take The Crown, but I enjoy the song now which is all that matters.
Sugar Blade wrote:I didn't like the previous three songs, but in this one there are a few moments that were pretty good.

And that's the problem. After reading all the feedback about new songs, I haven't saw anyone say something like "this song is perfect as it is from start to finish". Almost everything I've read was "the verses are cool, but the chorus not so much" or vice versa.

The band wanted to make new music less disjointed by applying "one song - one songwriter" rule and ended up with even more disjointed music. I have a feeling that it wasn't their creative choice to apply this rule, but absence of time to refine the material caused by their insane non-stop touring.

But most importantly - I don't hear any passion behind it. Listen to "A Dying Machine" - Mark gave everything he had for this record, listen to "Year of the Tiger" - last time I heard Myles that sincere was on ABIII. And these new songs - it's not even side-project level of devotion, more like "it's just a job".
Quoting this because I believe it hits the nail on the head, particularly the last paragraph. A Dying Machine and Year of the Tiger are in a different qualitative universe when compared to the singles from Walk the Sky. When listening to almost any song from either of those albums, I get a very real emotional reaction that is simply not present in these 4 songs. I'd be interested to know if anyone else is the same.

I suspect it's because, lyrically speaking, these may be the most forgettable songs AB has released to date.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:37 pm
by prslover
OK , I'm not really too excited about the tracks from the new record. They are okay and I will probably grow to like them a bit more but I am adamant when I say that they need to divorce Elvis for the next AB record. Aren't they interested in what someone else can do with their sound? It's not like they been pumping out hit songs with Elvis at the helm.
Part of this is unfair to every band right now because compared to the new Tool record everything sounds like shit.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:49 pm
by Arctic
Tool is garbage. I’d rather listen to In the Deep on repeat for 24 hours straight than listen to that pretentious, disjointed nonsense.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:56 pm
by anguyen92
prslover wrote:Part of this is unfair to every band right now because compared to the new Tool record everything sounds like shit.
Well, everything else may sound like crap, but I would take all of these songs AB has out so far, even with Elvis at the helm producing, than wanting to relisten to that Tool album again. Nothing wrong with the way that album is crafted and sounds, but I just don't have the desire to relisten to that album again and spend the 86 minutes when I could be listening to other stuff (like AB's entire catalog to get myself ready to see them in the East Coast in five days).

It also hurts me that Octane is willing to play those 10-15 minute Tool songs in full when its an instant station switch to me. I can respect what that band has done over the years and they have build an enduring fanbase that is willing to wait the 13 years for this album. It's just not for me. Not everyone that listens to modern hard rock should be obliged to like Tool or have to get into them, even if their albums is the most pristine sounding album of all.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:05 pm
by AB4Lyfe
zaz, can you ban the man who said tool belongs in a can? Thanks, pal.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:09 pm
by Fish Tacos
Ubik wrote:
Blackbirddd wrote:Image

A good question would be like why this is not the cover of the single instead of the lazy blue dress woman cover
A further question would be what in the hell has happened to her head (or alternatively, why are her boobs on her back?)
She got Steve Irwin'ed.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:53 pm
by Timotheus
Arctic wrote:Tool is garbage. I’d rather listen to In the Deep on repeat for 24 hours straight than listen to that pretentious, disjointed nonsense.
Lol, disjointed. Tool's 10+ minutes songs are generally more cohesive than the average Alter Bridge song.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:01 pm
by anguyen92
Boy. People say one thing about Tool that looks negative (even if it may be incorrect) and everyone goes after you.

Is this how we are as well when people talk smack about AB?

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:07 pm
by MuffinMcFluffin
anguyen92 wrote:Boy. People say one thing about Tool that looks negative (even if it may be incorrect) and everyone goes after you.

Is this how we are as well when people talk smack about AB?
TOOL backwards is LOOT. Loot means steal. They do the opposite of stealing. They originate.

AB backwards is BA. Ba go sheep. Sheep follow orders without question. They are the opposite of sheep. They are free-thinkers.

Free-thinkers originate, therefore AB = TOOL.

Making fun of one is making fun of the other.


Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:08 pm
by Timotheus
Is this how we are as well when people talk smack about AB?
Depends if you can tell if the person has given them a fair chance or not.

*dabs on the haterz*

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:16 pm
by Fish Tacos
Getting called out for making an incorrect statement? What is this board coming to?!

Besides, we all know the only thing that is objectively trash is the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:26 pm
by Ubik
Tool is a lame band name. My view on this.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:26 pm
by anguyen92
I mean calling them out if people feel the statement is incorrect is fine. I just feel like when it comes to talking smack about Tool, everyone looks to be ready with the pitchforks and torches (this doesn't apply to only this forum as well).

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:46 pm
by DeadCell
I think it’s more that Tool’s new album was highly anticipated. People waited 13 years for this. And... sadly it’s just not very good. The intro noises and such drag on way too long and this album just doesn’t have any real hooks like past ones had. Just my two cents.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:02 pm
by Blackbirddd
MuffinMcFluffin wrote:
anguyen92 wrote:Boy. People say one thing about Tool that looks negative (even if it may be incorrect) and everyone goes after you.

Is this how we are as well when people talk smack about AB?
TOOL backwards is LOOT. Loot means steal. They do the opposite of stealing. They originate.

AB backwards is BA. Ba go sheep. Sheep follow orders without question. They are the opposite of sheep. They are free-thinkers.

Free-thinkers originate, therefore AB = TOOL.

Making fun of one is making fun of the other.


Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:02 pm
by TheEndisHere
On the new Tool album:
I appreciate that Tool has strong musicianship and will experiment but I feel like it's way too mellow and that all the set ups never pay off, especially Maynard's vocals. He is capable of so much more but was kinda monotone the whole time.

Re: AB VI Studio/Recording Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:23 pm
by One Drew Remains
I haven't heard the new Tool yet. But last time they put a record out, my teenager was 1. Therefore, it better be killer.

I like In The Deep so far. Not my favorite of the four, but I can see it growing on me.