Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Blackbirddd »

Arctic wrote:I never really liked Waters Rising as much as a lot of fans, I think Forever Falling destroys it.
Yeah, I actually don’t like WR at all, but I love Forever Falling

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by AngusWolfe »

LosingPatience wrote:
AngusWolfe wrote:So just a quick one after one listen from me:

When you guys were describing The Bitter End, I was convinced it wasn't going to be for me, but it's an instant banger for me, and is the part that made me take this seriously as one of their good albums It's not Fortress, and maybe not quite Blackbird, but it's at least on par with ABIII for me, at the moment. It's surpassed ODR for me, and it leaves TLH so far in the dust it's not even funny (the Spotify algorithm tried to play My Champion after it though, that got an instant skip from me). Forever Falling, Clear Horizon and Walking on the Sky are instant favourites, Pay No Mind has already grown on me to be up there, and there are more growers for sure. The first half of the album does feel a bit like it was ideas stuck together, but they're all solid ideas, and from The Bitter End onwards, it becomes tune after tune. Very happy at the moment, but we'll see how I feel when it's not 1am and the "ooh shiny" feeling wears off.

Not sure i agree it leaves TLH in the dust, nothing on here is topping TSOF,Island or Cradle for me and TLH actually had guitar solos but still its a great album
I absolutely love Island of Fools and Cradle to the Grave, I'm a big fan of the Other Side as well. I've never been as big on This Side of Fate as others, but I see where people are coming from. The big difference here is consistency. There is no "Instant Skip" song like My Champion or You Will Be Remembered, which are the only two AB songs I actively dislike, and unlike ABIII I feel like every song has an identity, either musically or thematically. There are parts of ABIII where I forget what song I'm listening until the chorus, there's none of that here. I knew there were going to be no prog masterpieces going in, so that's fine. There's something in every song that I like, and I wasn't able to say that about TLH.

As for Guitar solos, I addressed this in another post somewhere, but the shreddy guitar solo has been done. There's nothing that Mark can do that hasn't already been done by EVH, Satriani, Nuno Bettencourt, or someone else. That's not a knock on Mark, he does a much better job than many guitarist, that's rock music and guitar solos generally. So I'd much prefer having one solo like the one in Dying Light that's different musically than one that's just pentatonic widdly stuff I've heard before. It's also why I want to hear Myles unleash his full jazzy glory over a stupidly heavy riff somewhere eventually. Maybe there are fewer solos on Walk the Sky, but it has the first one I've given a damn about since Blackbird.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Timotheus »

Apologies for all the typos!

One Life
Great intro track. It wouldn’t have bothered me if they’d extended this into a full song, but I appreciate what they are trying to do here. I really don’t have much to say about this song. I don’t really consider it to be a song, just something to experience when listening to album in full.

Wouldn’t You Rather
When I first heard this song I disliked it so much. It’s grown on me to the point that I think it’s okay. Never thought that would happen, so I consider that to be a win. I still think it’s so flawed. The octave riff that plays in the second part of the first verse comes back in many places in the song, and I like that a lot. But it’s so buried in the mix.. If they’d turn that part into a synth line, and had given it a bigger role in the song, it would’ve been so much more memorable. Also as a first single, it would’ve been a way bigger statement. When it came out, it really felt like the album was going to be TLH 2.0.

In The Deep
I really like this song. I like the riffy chorus, the moody verses, the palm-muted bridge. Same thing here though. I think the intro guitar sounds awful. They could’ve easily let that be done by a synth, and again: much more memorable, much more true to the tone of the album and a lot more effective in my opinion.

This one took me a few listens, but I love it. The verses are the closest AB will ever get to ABBA with the disco beat on the drums and I think it’s awesome. I love the guitar in the verses. The chorus is well done. The solo is one of the best on the album. Really unique song and I think an important song in their discography.

Native Son
I don’t like this one very much. I think it’s very similar to Wouldn’t You Rather in the way it’s structured and layered. It’s slightly better though. But that fucking chorus. Who thought it was a good idea to put those whoa’s in there? So fucking stupid. Such a serious theme, heavy riffs and all, and suddenly it’s all “yay, I’m estranged to my own land!l Let’s all hold hands and sing along!” The worst part is that it’s almost impossible not to sing along to that part.

Take The Crown
I still don’t know what to think of this song. I enjoy parts of it, but other parts are kinda cringy. The chorus is a mess with all the layers, and the “so sorry” part is silly. I don’t know.

Now we’re talking. I absolutely love the beginning of this song. I love the trippy sound. It’s something I never imagined AB doing, and I think they’re doing it so well. All the different sounds and layers. It builds really cool, the growl in the background, the synths and all the extra effects.
Then the chorus comes, and the chorus is a bit of a grower. It disappointed me at first, but I’m growing to like it. It sounds a lot like the chorus of Lost Inside The Girl by Slash, which I also didn’t care about. I think it fits the song though, and I think it wil grow on me even more.
The first minute or so of this song, is a highlight for me of this album.

The Bitter End
Loved this song from the start, but it’s kind of lost my interest right now. I still like it a lot though. I think I really liked this song in the beginning so much, because it’s such an easy song. I particulary really like the “but the joy I have found in the sweet here and now” part.
What is going on in the second verse though? There’s some kind of phaser effect on Myles voice, which adds nothing and sounds horrible. It sounds like they’re trying to hide something.

Pay No Mind
Loved it from the start. Definitely top three of the album for me. It’s just such a cool song.

Forever Falling
I absolutely do not get the hype fort his song. I think Mark sounds very weak on the verses. There are all kinds of tricks in the mix to mask the fact that he’s not really capable of singing those high notes.
I like the intro and the riff that kicks the song of. I like the “Run” drum groove in the pre chorus. But for the rest…

Clear Horizon
This one starts off amazing and gets less interesting as the song progresses. Again the fucking whoa’s in the chorus. Also why do they go to major in the chorus? That’s such a Slash thing to do. Imagine Blackbird “May you never be broken again” with a G major in stead of a G minor on the “again”. Just weird, and unnecesarry.
The chorus bothers me less than the chorus of Native Son though. All in all this is a really cool song.

Walking On The Sky
Such a fantastic song. From the vocal harmonies in the verses to the badass riff in the pre chorus to that MASSIVE chorus. So fucking good. Best song on the album.

Tear Us Apart
I like this one a lot as well. I really like the chorus. Thank god, they didn’t fill the instrumental parts in the chorus with “woah’s”.
I really like Myles’s vocals in the verses. So bluesy and dynamic. Wish there were some dynamics in the instruments, but oh well.
It’s like a mix of My Champion and Outright. Interesting song

Dying Light
Great closer. The verses could’ve been so much better though… Such a shame. Still, really like it.
Last edited by Timotheus on Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by AustinH22 »

Macca wrote:
AustinH22 wrote:Forever Falling > Words

Also. What's up Everyone? I'm here for all the people that remember


Not checked out this album yet. I think I only ever listened to The Last Hero once or twice. AB isn't really on my radar much these days. Will check out the album today. Intrigued by people saying its less metal-y as I've always felt AB's strength was in the less heavy tracks.

Macca!! I also haven't heard the album in full yet. But Pay No Mind is probably gonna end up being my favorite song. It's gonna be a perfect song to hear live.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

AngusWolfe wrote:
LosingPatience wrote:
AngusWolfe wrote:So just a quick one after one listen from me:

When you guys were describing The Bitter End, I was convinced it wasn't going to be for me, but it's an instant banger for me, and is the part that made me take this seriously as one of their good albums It's not Fortress, and maybe not quite Blackbird, but it's at least on par with ABIII for me, at the moment. It's surpassed ODR for me, and it leaves TLH so far in the dust it's not even funny (the Spotify algorithm tried to play My Champion after it though, that got an instant skip from me). Forever Falling, Clear Horizon and Walking on the Sky are instant favourites, Pay No Mind has already grown on me to be up there, and there are more growers for sure. The first half of the album does feel a bit like it was ideas stuck together, but they're all solid ideas, and from The Bitter End onwards, it becomes tune after tune. Very happy at the moment, but we'll see how I feel when it's not 1am and the "ooh shiny" feeling wears off.

Not sure i agree it leaves TLH in the dust, nothing on here is topping TSOF,Island or Cradle for me and TLH actually had guitar solos but still its a great album
I absolutely love Island of Fools and Cradle to the Grave, I'm a big fan of the Other Side as well. I've never been as big on This Side of Fate as others, but I see where people are coming from. The big difference here is consistency. There is no "Instant Skip" song like My Champion or You Will Be Remembered, which are the only two AB songs I actively dislike, and unlike ABIII I feel like every song has an identity, either musically or thematically. There are parts of ABIII where I forget what song I'm listening until the chorus, there's none of that here. I knew there were going to be no prog masterpieces going in, so that's fine. There's something in every song that I like, and I wasn't able to say that about TLH.

As for Guitar solos, I addressed this in another post somewhere, but the shreddy guitar solo has been done. There's nothing that Mark can do that hasn't already been done by EVH, Satriani, Nuno Bettencourt, or someone else. That's not a knock on Mark, he does a much better job than many guitarist, that's rock music and guitar solos generally. So I'd much prefer having one solo like the one in Dying Light that's different musically than one that's just pentatonic widdly stuff I've heard before. It's also why I want to hear Myles unleash his full jazzy glory over a stupidly heavy riff somewhere eventually. Maybe there are fewer solos on Walk the Sky, but it has the first one I've given a damn about since Blackbird.

Im already skipping half the album the first half other than Godspeed is completely forgettable. TLh i barely skip a song. The more i listen to this album the more i think its my least fav. Barely any solos, nearly no bridges no memorable ones. Walking On The Sky is the best song on this album by a margin. Forever Falling doesnt even sound like an Alter Bridge song its a Tremonti song through and through. At least Waters Rising felt like an AB song with actual trade offs on vocals between Mark and Myles a great bridge etc. Also the mixing is bloody awful on this

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Crumbso »

I'm working away, so was only able to listen on my phone for now but..... it's definitely not a safe album. I couldn't even begin to rate or rank it yet.

Everything is, somehow, even more dense and faster moving than ever before. It's the opposite of everything I hoped for out of a new AB album.... but I don't necessarily dislike it.

Highlights so far:
- That intro and main riff for Native Son (F€€^ YES)
- Native Son in general
- Indoctrination it's very interesting, so many weird modulations. Not standard AB
- Forever Falling is awesome but too short
- One Life leading into Wouldn't You Rather it's epic, I just wish the transition was seamless.
- Dying Light still rules

- Production sucks hard
- Not entirely certain about the synths but I'll let them settle in a bit before judging
- So little space in arrangement and structure. Let me breathe!

So... yeah. It's a ?/10 for me right now. Very unexpected but not generic or AB by-the-numbers at all. Time will tell how it sits in the catalogue.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by GazEd »

Synths are fucking amazing.

Never thought I would be so open-minded to such a change in AB. But to my ear it all sounds amazing.
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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by AngusWolfe »

LosingPatience wrote:
AngusWolfe wrote:
LosingPatience wrote:
AngusWolfe wrote:So just a quick one after one listen from me:

When you guys were describing The Bitter End, I was convinced it wasn't going to be for me, but it's an instant banger for me, and is the part that made me take this seriously as one of their good albums It's not Fortress, and maybe not quite Blackbird, but it's at least on par with ABIII for me, at the moment. It's surpassed ODR for me, and it leaves TLH so far in the dust it's not even funny (the Spotify algorithm tried to play My Champion after it though, that got an instant skip from me). Forever Falling, Clear Horizon and Walking on the Sky are instant favourites, Pay No Mind has already grown on me to be up there, and there are more growers for sure. The first half of the album does feel a bit like it was ideas stuck together, but they're all solid ideas, and from The Bitter End onwards, it becomes tune after tune. Very happy at the moment, but we'll see how I feel when it's not 1am and the "ooh shiny" feeling wears off.

Not sure i agree it leaves TLH in the dust, nothing on here is topping TSOF,Island or Cradle for me and TLH actually had guitar solos but still its a great album
I absolutely love Island of Fools and Cradle to the Grave, I'm a big fan of the Other Side as well. I've never been as big on This Side of Fate as others, but I see where people are coming from. The big difference here is consistency. There is no "Instant Skip" song like My Champion or You Will Be Remembered, which are the only two AB songs I actively dislike, and unlike ABIII I feel like every song has an identity, either musically or thematically. There are parts of ABIII where I forget what song I'm listening until the chorus, there's none of that here. I knew there were going to be no prog masterpieces going in, so that's fine. There's something in every song that I like, and I wasn't able to say that about TLH.

As for Guitar solos, I addressed this in another post somewhere, but the shreddy guitar solo has been done. There's nothing that Mark can do that hasn't already been done by EVH, Satriani, Nuno Bettencourt, or someone else. That's not a knock on Mark, he does a much better job than many guitarist, that's rock music and guitar solos generally. So I'd much prefer having one solo like the one in Dying Light that's different musically than one that's just pentatonic widdly stuff I've heard before. It's also why I want to hear Myles unleash his full jazzy glory over a stupidly heavy riff somewhere eventually. Maybe there are fewer solos on Walk the Sky, but it has the first one I've given a damn about since Blackbird.

Im already skipping half the album the first half other than Godspeed is completely forgettable. TLh i barely skip a song. The more i listen to this album the more i think its my least fav. Barely any solos, nearly no bridges no memorable ones. Walking On The Sky is the best song on this album by a margin. Forever Falling doesnt even sound like an Alter Bridge song its a Tremonti song through and through. At least Waters Rising felt like an AB song with actual trade offs on vocals between Mark and Myles a great bridge etc. Also the mixing is bloody awful on this
That's the joy of music and art, it's completely subjective. People like Celine Dion too :shrug . I do think Native Son is anything but forgettable though.

Forever Falling sounds exactly like an Alter Bridge song, that Alter Bridge song being Forever Falling. A band has to evolve or you end up being Motorhead and producing the same album for 30 years. Tremonti is the writer for both, it makes sense that they sound somewhat similar, like how Lover has some MF4 vibes to it.

I will not defend the production though, I feel it's better than TLH but that might just be because I like the songs more.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by UninvitedZero »

I'm still not entirely sold on Native Son or Clear Horizon...

Is anyone else hearing the band HIM in the intro of Godspeed?! It's like something straight from "Razorblade Romance"!

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by DCooper727 »

LosingPatience wrote: Also the mixing is bloody awful on this
So says the user who thinks TLH has no production issues. :P

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Ubik »

Unlike TLH, where my top 5 was pretty well established after a couple of listens, this one is proving tougher to nail down. Walking on the Sky, Forever Falling and Dying Light are probably the top 3 but honestly right now any of 7 or 8 could get the last couple of spots. Keep going back to Godspeed though. Myles sounds like Cat Stevens in the quiet chorus!

Songwriting wise, I think a mix of the new and the old approaches could result in something really excellent for AB7. But I get ahead of myself.
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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Flet »

AB23 wrote:But it's sad that my favorite band in my entire life has stopped making music I truly enjoy more than any other competition. Now, I can't say that I think they do. It's not a bad thing, I mean, music is subjective. It's just depressing for me.
I know what you mean, and this happens to all of us with our favourite bands over time. I can name so many. It's sad.

I also feel this albums sound is worse than TLH, and TLH is my second fav AB album, with only Fortress beating it.

This album is just terrible to listen to, sonically.
The songs don't hold up that well either, no epics, no great solos.

What I don't get, is how Tremonti alone have better songs, heavy and catchy, and the albums are sonically better (with the sole exception of the horrendous to listen to Cauterize).

Can't wait for the next Tremonti now that they got the business band stuff out of the way with AB.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by DCooper727 »

Yo, can someone please post the lyrics?

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by slasherbridge »

To my ears, it isn't as loud as TLH. However, I'm still in the honeymoon phase, so we will see how I feel after a few listens. TLH can be exhausting to listen all the way through. Particularly songs like This Side of Fate, which has a lot going on. I still love the hell out of that song, but I have to turn it down a little because it's so loud.
I don't get that with any of the songs on Walk The Sky.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Flet »

slasherbridge wrote:To my ears, it isn't as loud as TLH. However, I'm still in the honeymoon phase, so we will see how I feel after a few listens. TLH can be exhausting to listen all the way through. Particularly songs like This Side of Fate, which has a lot going on. I still love the hell out of that song, but I have to turn it down a little because it's so loud.
I don't get that with any of the songs on Walk The Sky.
Not loud, but the mix is muddy as heck. No instrument comes out clear. Worse than TLH, which I love. What I would do for Remixes of both these albums. Loud doesn't bother me as much as it does everyone else (unless there is unlistenable clipping of course), but bad muddy mushy cramped mixes just kill it. How can a band like AB not have a good mix when Pretty Maids can, and Eclipse, and H.E.A.T, and Harem Scarem, etc....makes no sense. They need...NEED outside ears.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by CrowsOnAWire »

In terms of production I agree that it does sound muddy at times. It’s very loud which unfortunately has been a trend since the mid 90s, although in terms of alter bridge this album seems to have upped the stakes in terms of loudness.

One of the worst albums in this sense over the last 15 years was Metallica’s Death Magnetic in 2008. They corrected this substantially on their last album, but that album is one of the worst for it.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by slasherbridge »

Death Magnetic is so compressed that it hurts. Particularly evident in Hetfield's vocals.

The poppiness in some of these songs on Walk the Sky is still blowing me away. Clear Horizon, with its stop-start thing before the chorus, for example. Very catchy.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by peapod0609 »

AngusWolfe wrote:
LosingPatience wrote:
AngusWolfe wrote:So just a quick one after one listen from me:

When you guys were describing The Bitter End, I was convinced it wasn't going to be for me, but it's an instant banger for me, and is the part that made me take this seriously as one of their good albums It's not Fortress, and maybe not quite Blackbird, but it's at least on par with ABIII for me, at the moment. It's surpassed ODR for me, and it leaves TLH so far in the dust it's not even funny (the Spotify algorithm tried to play My Champion after it though, that got an instant skip from me). Forever Falling, Clear Horizon and Walking on the Sky are instant favourites, Pay No Mind has already grown on me to be up there, and there are more growers for sure. The first half of the album does feel a bit like it was ideas stuck together, but they're all solid ideas, and from The Bitter End onwards, it becomes tune after tune. Very happy at the moment, but we'll see how I feel when it's not 1am and the "ooh shiny" feeling wears off.

Not sure i agree it leaves TLH in the dust, nothing on here is topping TSOF,Island or Cradle for me and TLH actually had guitar solos but still its a great album
I absolutely love Island of Fools and Cradle to the Grave, I'm a big fan of the Other Side as well. I've never been as big on This Side of Fate as others, but I see where people are coming from. The big difference here is consistency. There is no "Instant Skip" song like My Champion or You Will Be Remembered, which are the only two AB songs I actively dislike, and unlike ABIII I feel like every song has an identity, either musically or thematically. There are parts of ABIII where I forget what song I'm listening until the chorus, there's none of that here. I knew there were going to be no prog masterpieces going in, so that's fine. There's something in every song that I like, and I wasn't able to say that about TLH.

As for Guitar solos, I addressed this in another post somewhere, but the shreddy guitar solo has been done. There's nothing that Mark can do that hasn't already been done by EVH, Satriani, Nuno Bettencourt, or someone else. That's not a knock on Mark, he does a much better job than many guitarist, that's rock music and guitar solos generally. So I'd much prefer having one solo like the one in Dying Light that's different musically than one that's just pentatonic widdly stuff I've heard before. It's also why I want to hear Myles unleash his full jazzy glory over a stupidly heavy riff somewhere eventually. Maybe there are fewer solos on Walk the Sky, but it has the first one I've given a damn about since Blackbird.
That's interesting, which solo on this album are you talking about? I like the solos to Dying Light, Forever Falling and Godspeed.

But none of the solos on this album are in the same league as the solos in Cry of Achilles, Bleed it Dry, Fortress, This Side of Fate, or TLH. Not even close, for me. I also think Fallout has probably their most underrated solo in their entire discography, it's so melodic in the beginning and I love it.

I would have liked some longer songs for sure but that isn't even an issue for me. I think a few songs could have used a good guitar solo instead of a weak bridge or repeating a chorus at the end type of thing.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by ToNsOFuN88 »

So, Walking on the Sky finally fully clicked for me. That song is amazing. I just need to spin Godspeed, Native Son, Indoctrination, and Clear Horizon a little bit more. I like them, but I still can't fully play the songs out in my head, which means I haven't listened to them enough to really get to know them. Overall I just really love this album, I'm so happy to have some new AB!

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by mycarhasabs »

Hoo boy! This is going to take several listens before I can wrap my head around what I just heard! This is a lot of new material to take in honestly.

My initial first listen reaction is overall very positive! I can understand some of the comments regarding 'filler tracks'. There's a couple that come close to hitting the mark but fall just a tad flat upon first listen. I have no doubt this album will grow on me as do most albums for me in general.

The initial standouts for me are Walking On The Sky, Forever Falling and Dying Light. I think it's quite obvious they're trying to get as much radio exposure as possible, hence why the tracks are mostly shorter than usual. Hey, if this gets my favorite band more exposure that they rightfully deserve.. I'm cool with it!

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