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Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:16 pm
by TenaciousBe
So am I crazy, or do the drums sound crisper and overall better on these Projected songs than they typically do on AB / Creed songs? I was thinking it could be a production thing, working with someone other than Elvis, but he is indeed included as a co-producer with John (Connelly). But maybe John had more input into it this time? Or do they just sound different because he's working in a different environment with other musicians?

Or am I indeed crazy?

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:26 am
by JaredWard
You're not crazy. Much better drum sound overall than AB III... especially his kick/snare. The sounds he got on FC were okay but I think the best sounds he's gotten so far are on "One Day Remains" & "Human Clay". This Projected album could top those though... it's still too early to tell.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:29 am
by Andy92
You think it's possible Flip's drumming isn't that big in the BB or AB III mix due to those being "guitar albums" so to speak?

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:54 am
by JaredWard
Good question. I think the mastering takes away from his sounds too... but that's been discussed to death.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:57 am
by TenaciousBe
That is a good point, Andy. The 7dust albums always seem to feature the drums a bit more (and with a guy like Morgan back there, who could blame them?), so maybe that influence bled over into these recordings. Whatever it is, I like it :)

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:00 am
by Andy92
There's multiple factors involved I'm sure, but it seems to me like most producers put what they think is the key part of the band higher in the mix. I can't think of a Tool song where Danny Carey's presence isn't fully heard.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:36 pm
by John Connolly
Hey guys! first off , thanks so much for checking the stuff out. very cool of you to do so. I think there are multiple factors involved here in Flips drum sound (which by the way is very watered down in the versions you are currently hearing) This is the first time Elvis has actually mixed Flips drums. Even though he produced the last 2 AB records, he didn't mix them and in my opinion he knocked it out of the park. Next would be the actual live room at Paint it Black is one of the best Ive ever used, which was a first for both Flip and myself. Then there's the fact that we mixed through a Neve 8048 which is arguably the best sounding console on the planet. Finally, Ted Jensen, who in my opinion is the best mastering engineer around for this kind of music.

And after you take all those things into consideration, although I'm singing and playing guitar in this band, drums are my first and most natural instrument, so i like them to be very up front and big. Probably the only guitar player around who asks for more drums lol

I'm really happy to hear such positive feedback about the sonics on this record, particularly the drums. Really means a lot to us that it translated like we hoped. Thanks guys!

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:43 pm
by Jim
Hey bro!
Good to see ya here, welcome!

Glad to see you sticking by Elvis man. Stick around!

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:46 pm
by TenaciousBe
Nice! Thanks for the insight man, always cool to hear how things were done on the "inside."

How much was Elvis involved in everything else besides the drums? I know he takes a lot of flak around here for "overproducing" and falling into the Loudness Wars trap, and from the clips on your site, I don't really hear that happening as much.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:09 pm
by John Connolly
He was very involved in the mix on everything but he wasn't involved in any of the physical tracking pre se. he has his q's and plugins that are his go to's and other than discussing delay throws and harmonies I pretty much let him do his thing. I heard what he did on Marks record and just knew he had to mix on top of the fact that we both have used Ted Jensen for about 6 years now and we know exactly what to give him so he can do his thing. I wasn't a big fan of mastering till my first experience with Ted and he is the master (no pun intended).

If I have anything to do with he, he will produce and mix the next Projected record. Great guy to work with and he gets the vision very easily. He and Jef Moll are an awesome team to work with

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:43 pm
by JaredWard
Thanks for all of the info John! & welcome! :cheers

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:55 am
by abw1987
John Connolly wrote:the next Projected record.
I like the sound of that!!

Thanks for stopping by the forums. I'm always fascinated by insider accounts of all things production-related, whether it's recording an album, shooting a concert DVD, or what have you. Also I did not know you were primarily a drummer -- very interesting.

Do you know whether Flip sought out to differentiate his sound and playing style at all from AB/Creed? Or did he just kind of get in there and go with the flow of the song? I'm curious because it seems like this record is being made very... I don't want to say casually, but perhaps more carefree, without any agenda in mind, just a few guys getting together to have some fun.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:53 pm
by steve987
Really can't wait to hear the full Projected album, imho it sounds great regardless XD

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by Rampage24
I actually just heard the songs released and they are badass to say the least. Nice rock vibe with a hard edge. Phillips drums are awesome and the vocals and guitar are solid as well. Can't wait for what the future holds for this band!

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:57 pm
by John Connolly
It was very carefree going when we tracked this. no real rehearsal or agenda. flip tried lots of different things and was kind of playing without really knowing what he was going to play. Very spontaneous. we literally played each song 3 or 4 times together then he was tracking it. Some songs went down very quickly and others took a bit longer, but only because he wanted to explore several options of some of the fills and transitions. It was a lot of fun and everything was tracked pretty quickly.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:27 pm
by TenaciousBe
John Connolly wrote:It was very carefree going when we tracked this. no real rehearsal or agenda. flip tried lots of different things and was kind of playing without really knowing what he was going to play. Very spontaneous. we literally played each song 3 or 4 times together then he was tracking it. Some songs went down very quickly and others took a bit longer, but only because he wanted to explore several options of some of the fills and transitions. It was a lot of fun and everything was tracked pretty quickly.
I love this. I love how raw and organic that makes these songs... my favorite kind of album. Haha. Very cool!

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:20 pm
by Clyde
John Connolly wrote:It was very carefree going when we tracked this. no real rehearsal or agenda. flip tried lots of different things and was kind of playing without really knowing what he was going to play. Very spontaneous. we literally played each song 3 or 4 times together then he was tracking it. Some songs went down very quickly and others took a bit longer, but only because he wanted to explore several options of some of the fills and transitions. It was a lot of fun and everything was tracked pretty quickly.
Looking forward to the album. Are you going to be releasing a single to radio anytime soon?

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:40 pm
by Andy92
Last I heard about a single, I think John said they're still debated whether or not to send anything to radio. They might just wait for the record to release and see how the popularity goes.

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 am
by AustinH22
Flip destroys it on these songs!

Re: Flip's drumming in Projected vs. AB/Creed

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:27 pm
by Andy92
Update from today...John's been posting some different artwork on his Facebook page. Looks like Watch It Burn is going to be a single.