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Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:14 pm
by JaredWard
A lot of great stuff in this video. Really makes me wish Mark would write a book about his career.


Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:13 pm
by austinjhnsn
Wow! That's a lot of stuff about Creed put to rest. Probably one of my favorite interviews Mark has done, a lot of insight into the issues behind Creed and just some cool facts.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:31 pm
by Fish Tacos
Whenever Stapp gives his version of (any) events I just sit there kind of confused. Seem to remember him saying something about Mark wanting full creative control and Stapp just couldn't work like that so "God bless" but gotta go our separate ways. Mark's account of what happened just seems Stappish and much easier to swallow.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:35 pm
by austinjhnsn
That explains things a lot better than what Stapp seems to make up... It's simple, they just stopped talking after that incident, it's a shame but it's better that they live without that tension, especially Stapp while he gets his life on track.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:16 pm
by Andy92
I'd love to read a book about Mark's career too. Everything he said in one video was more intriguing (and believable) than everything Stapp has said in 10 years. :lol

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiion

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:57 pm
by Roneit
I'm kinda intrigue about the cut a short after the question about Scott

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:01 pm
by Roneit
and it is the first time I heard about they are paying for the rights of ODR

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:05 pm
by anguyen92
Well, this video also shows that pretty much for any song in any era that Mark had a hand in writing that it always came from something that he played, recorded it somewhere on tape, time passes by, he looked back onto it from the tape, discussed it with the guys, and worked on that idea and it became a song (in this case, the most well-known song from Creed).

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:15 pm
by Fish Tacos
Roneit wrote:and it is the first time I heard about they are paying for the rights of ODR

That doesn't quite capture it. Check out the Jasta Show podcast link a few threads down. Basically what I got out of it was, Creed had signed a 7 record deal with Wind-Up and split up after 3. I'm sure there is some technical legal stuff where they're each accountable for certain things in case 1 band member ever leaves or something but I won't even pretend to understand that.

When they were making/touring ODR and it was obvious AB wasn't the same heavy hitter in the sales dept as Creed was, they started having major problems with Wind-Up and tried to buy out the remainder of their contract. ODR was technically a Wind-Up record and it did go Gold, but I'm not sure if there were any additional stipulations. You'll notice that the Creed - Full Circle album was under Wind-Up instead of Universal like Blackbird was, but although this was obviously because of the contract, I'm hoping that album helped to pro-rate their buyout. Also unsure if the Greatest Hits CD counts either.

You might have been saying in your quote that they bought back the rights to ODR to tour with it as they saw fit, which may be true too, not sure how that works.



Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:23 am
by chtimixeur
Awesome interview indeed.
When do you think this lunch happened ?
Mid 2012 ?

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:34 am
by Dolo
chtimixeur wrote:Awesome interview indeed.
When do you think this lunch happened ?
Mid 2012 ?
Might have been late 2012, since they were on tour with Creed and Mark wanted to enter the studio 'next year' which was probably early 2013 with Fortress.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:10 am
by axlar
@FishTacos, you didn't know the original name for Creed?

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:39 am
by Seeker_1306
I would love to hear Mark sit down and tell the story of Creed from beginning to end. Let him have an hour or whatever to do it. I do respect him though for not being one to instigate things in the media when it comes to his bandmates.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:07 am
by abw1987
Really cool interview. Between this and the Jasta podcast, I feel like Mark is starting to open up a lot more about what goes on behind the scenes.

I can totally see Stapp's reaction when Mark told him about his intentions to record the next AB album. Stapp probably thought that Creed was as the main priority, and it felt like a betrayal when Mark returned to work with AB. It's so terrible hearing about how Mark felt uncomfortable even looking at Stapp on stage as well.

These guys really need to communicate better. It shouldn't just be a casual lunch conversation. They should sit down and talk openly and honestly about their goals for the band, their intentions for Alter Bridge and Stapp's solo work, and so on. It's the only way to keep from hurting anyone's feelings.
Seeker_1306 wrote:I would love to hear Mark sit down and tell the story of Creed from beginning to end. Let him have an hour or whatever to do it. I do respect him though for not being one to instigate things in the media when it comes to his bandmates.
Agreed! Though I'm sure Mark would find it difficult to spend an hour ad-libbing the entire story. He'd need a good interviewer -- someone conversational who already has a deep knowledge of Creed's history.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:11 am
by Timotheus
abw1987 wrote:someone conversational who already has a deep knowledge of Creed's history.
Scott Stapp?

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:23 pm
by facelessman07
abw1987 wrote: These guys really need to communicate better. It shouldn't just be a casual lunch conversation. They should sit down and talk openly and honestly about their goals for the band, their intentions for Alter Bridge and Stapp's solo work, and so on. It's the only way to keep from hurting anyone's feelings.
Maybe over drinks??

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:49 pm
by Fish Tacos
facelessman07 wrote: Maybe over drinks??
Maybe over water for Stapp :D
axlar wrote:@FishTacos, you didn't know the original name for Creed?
But he said it was fiction!

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:03 pm
by JaredWard
Here's the quote about Mark from November 2013. The rumor was that Mark told Stapp directly to not come up to him or in front of him on stage or something like that.. basically trying to paint Mark as a ego-maniac. Some user on The Creed Nation said he had inside info or whatever but that site is a complete joke. (hence the name)


I can believe Mark would say something like that if they were fighting but who knows.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:41 pm
by anguyen92
abw1987 wrote: These guys really need to communicate better. It shouldn't just be a casual lunch conversation. They should sit down and talk openly and honestly about their goals for the band, their intentions for Alter Bridge and Stapp's solo work, and so on. It's the only way to keep from hurting anyone's feelings.
Agree on most of this part of the quote. The one thing I don't quite agree on is the hurting anyone's feelings part. I mean if you have a talk with someone and that someone says "something else is the main priority for me, sorry," you are going to feel something and it's not going to be pretty.

How that person will deal with it is key and, given how things resulted for Stapp, he did not handle it as well (in addition, with all the other things that's going on with his life). I can sympathize with him in that sense. In fact, there are times where I'm kinda scared I may end up in something similar to what he went through (though on a much lower scale), but that's a different story.

One thing is clear is that they need to have a good conversation where both guys are stable and just lay out what they want in the future, in terms of what they want in their music, and their life, and family, and if it results to the end of Creed again, then that's just how it is, but at least, these guys can discuss matters in a healthy manner, rather than bottle it all up and suffer certain ramifications that could hurt internally when they are contemplating "what could have been" if they could just talk freely.

Re: Mark Plays Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:36 pm
by Andy92
If Mark was really the egotistical one, Brian wouldn't have joined AB in 2004. Once those 3 guys started making music without Stapp, it seemed pretty simple to see what the problem was.