Marching In Time

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Re: Marching In Time


tried to copy this article over to TABN as best as I could but the formatting was a bit scuffed with multiple paragraphs repeating so I tried my best to fix it :lol Bolded the section that gives us the meanings behind The Last One Of Us and Thrown Further. ... 7057237945
you can set your watch by Mark Tre­monti. For three decades the guitarist has run his ca­reer like a mil­i­tary cam­paign. There’s the al­bum and tour cy­cle, as reg­u­lar as clock­work. The pre­cise gui­tar so­los, never a note missed. And, sure enough, here he is on Zoom at eigh­teen hun­dred hours, black-clad and as close­cropped as a Navy Seal (if a lit­tle longer and greyer of beard). “My kids have made fun of me for cut­ting my own hair over lock­down,” the 47-yearold sighs. “I think I’d be a lot cooler to them if I was a bas­ket­ball player.”

While Tre­monti has been a steady pres­ence through the bib­li­cal blus­ter of Creed in the 90s, the arena-fill­ing as­cent of Al­ter Bridge in the noughties and the first four en­tries in his solo ca­reer since 2011, this year’s March­ing In Time, he re­mem­bers, marked his first pro­fes­sional wob­ble. “I had a lit­tle pe­riod, maybe five months deep into the pan­demic, where things weren’t turn­ing around and just kept on get­ting worse. I lost my drive – to get to the stu­dio, to write, to even pick up the gui­tar. I just kinda fell into this gloomy daze.

“I got into paint­ing my house,” he con­tin­ues, squirm­ing like a sin­ner in a con­fes­sion box.

“I spent a month paint­ing a mu­ral on the wall of my baby daugh­ter’s bed­room – this big gar­den scene, bugs and flow­ers. But a few months into that pe­riod I started to feel ashamed of my­self.” Did you worry your mojo might have flown? “Well, me and Myles Kennedy have the same the­ory on song­writ­ing. It’s a creative mus­cle. If you turn it off long enough it’s gonna take you a while to get it back, and it might come back in a dif­fer­ent way than be­fore. So ev­ery night, as I fell asleep, I’d say to my­self: ‘Dam­mit, I only played gui­tar for twenty min­utes to­day. What the hell was that?’ In the end it was like: ‘Pick up the damn gui­tar. Get the next al­bum done.’ And I did.”

Per­haps it’s un­der­stand­able that Tre­monti needed a run-up be­fore em­bark­ing on an al­bum as in­tense as March­ing In Time. De­spite his muso fol­low­ing, the guitarist is far from a dead-be­hindthe-eyes shred drone, and has writ­ten elo­quently of the wrenches in his life, not least the loss of his mother in 2002 (she’s saluted in the Al­ter Bridge song In Lov­ing Mem­ory). But it’s on his most re­cent solo work, and es­pe­cially 2018’s ni­hilis­tic robot­themed me­tal-opera A Dy­ing Ma­chine, that his lyrics have re­ally ri­valled the fret­board flash, with Tre­monti go­ing to darker, starker places that sug­gest this con­sum­mate pro­fes­sional has stormy wa­ters within. “I think this new al­bum has the
heav­i­ness of [2018’s] A Dy­ing Ma­chine,” he says, “but it doesn’t take you so deep down the rab­bit hole.”

March­ing In Time could be a Roger Wa­ters al­bum ti­tle, it’s sug­gested to him. Frankly, it looks like one, too, with the sleeve de­pict­ing a line of shadow men cir­cling like ants into a plug­hole. All that’s miss­ing is the gi­ant ham­mer.

Tre­monti nods. “Yeah. When I was writ­ing the melody to that song, right off the bat, I said: ‘So many lives, march­ing in time’. That’s how I write lyrics, I just spit stuff out, then try to make sense of it. To me that line sounded like a bunch of lem­mings, do­ing the same thing, to the same end.”

He says he of­ten writes from a fic­tional place, but that eerie ti­tle song – the cor­ner­stone of the al­bum, the­mat­i­cally – is deeply per­sonal, drilling into the ex­pe­ri­ence of cre­at­ing a life while the uni­verse was busy snuff­ing out mil­lions of them. “Dur­ing the worst part of the pan­demic, my wife told me she was preg­nant. So the sen­ti­ment of the song is about a fa­ther speak­ing to his chil­dren, say­ing: ‘Don’t let this world cor­rupt you.’ It’s about try­ing to shel­ter your chil­dren from all this. And it’s about be­ing afraid of bring­ing a child into the world as it’s been. Right now there’s more cases of chil­dren get­ting sick with the virus. I worry about my baby daugh­ter. The prob­lem is she’s so adorable that ev­ery­body wants to hold her. ‘Can I hold your baby?’ ‘No! Go wash your hands!’”

March­ing In Time is not a down­beat al­bum, as such, but nor is there much light re­lief. Tre­monti says the brit­tle chug of Thrown Fur­ther is about “how some­one saw them­selves as a child and now, as an adult, they’re kind of dis­ap­pointed with what they’ve be­come”. He doesn’t nec­es­sar­ily think it’s about him – but per­haps the bleak jan­gle of The Last One Of Us cuts closer to home. “It’s about some­one you look up to, a leader of peo­ple. But your hero is start­ing to lose steam and fail, and your whole world comes crum­bling down.”

Last year Tre­monti emailed me a tes­ti­mo­nial to Ed­die Van Halen. It was heart­felt stuff. On some level, with The Last One Of Us was he writ­ing about the fad­ing leg­ends who set him on this path?

“It’s get­ting to that time now,” he says. “No mat­ter how young our legacy he­roes were when they started, they’re start­ing to pass. It’s de­press­ing. It’s sad. It makes you think about your own mor­tal­ity – and the legacy you want to leave be­hind.”

Be­ing fifty isn’t so far off now for you. Do you ever think about how old is too old?

“I don’t think any time is too old, as long as you’re adapt­ing to your age,” he con­sid­ers. “I just did a tour with Iron Maiden on the last Tre­monti run. I don’t know how old those guys are, but they’ve gotta be ten or fifteen years older than I am and they’re just killing it. If you look at them from afar it’s like Iron Maiden from the old days, jump­ing around. When I was younger, go­ing into it, I fig­ured this life would wear you out. That you’d party all the time and get old quick. But I feel like this ca­reer keeps you young.

“I lost my drive – to get to the stu­dio, to write, to even pick up the gui­tar.”

“When I stop,” he coun­ters, “that’s prob­a­bly when my hair is gonna fall out and I’m gonna get arthri­tis. But there’s never been a mo­ment when I’ve thought: ‘I’m tired of this.’ I’ll be re­ally de­pressed when no­body cares any more. It might be when I’m sixty, but who knows?”

For now, Tre­monti’s tech­nique is as eye­pop­ping as ever, fly­ing out of the blocks with the bru­tal groove of A World Away, a song iced with a gui­tar solo that seems be­yond the ca­pa­bil­i­ties of hu­man phys­i­ol­ogy.

“The most chal­leng­ing thing for me is com­ing up with the so­los,” he says. “I don’t write them be­fore we know which songs are go­ing on the record. But once that record starts track­ing, I’ve got a strict dead­line, maybe five weeks, where I’ve got to write four­teen so­los, all dif­fer­ent, with as many new tech­niques as I can come up with. It’s a race to the fin­ish and I’m driv­ing my­self nuts. Some­times I’ll write a solo in an hour.”

Doesn’t that ‘shred­mas­ter’ rep­u­ta­tion put pres­sure on you, though? Peo­ple come to a Mark Tre­monti solo al­bum ex­pect­ing fire­works.

“I try not to ad­here to rules that peo­ple out­side my lit­tle creative group throw at me,” he shrugs. “I al­ways loved writ­ing songs way more than be­ing a tech­ni­cal gui­tar player. I do think that with this band peo­ple ex­pect an amount of heav­i­ness to it. If Not For You is kind of a mid-tempo rock song, and then March­ing In Time is more of your at­mo­spheric, epic kind of thing. I’ve seen some peo­ple say­ing: ‘Where the hell is our speed me­tal?’ ‘Where’s the pound­ing me­tal stuff?’ But I won’t change what I’m writ­ing.”

What hap­pens at the mi­cro­phone, he adds, has al­ways given him the most grief.

“I wasn’t a good singer. But I wanted to be. As a new front­man you have to throw your­self to the wolves. You gotta get up there and do it. Nowa­days you can get on YouTube and learn how to do al­most any­thing. How to fix your car, what­ever you want. But you can’t learn how to be a pub­lic en­ter­tainer. You could watch Fred­die Mer­cury, or say: ‘Well, Roger Dal­trey did this.’ But you’ve just got to do it for your­self.

“In my early days as a front­man I was like a WWE wrestler, like: ‘Come on!’ But as you get more con­fi­dence, I think you get calmer on stage. I think a good first step to dip­ping your toe in the water is to go find a karaoke place. On va­ca­tion I’ll find the band on the cruise ship and sing with them. I don’t mean me­tal songs, I mean songs like Pur­ple Rain and Dock Of The Bay.”

How did you sharpen up your vo­cals for the new al­bum?

Tre­monti grins, reaches off-cam­era and comes back hold­ing a Frank Si­na­tra al­bum.


“Yeah, I’m se­ri­ous,” he in­sists. “When I’m mak­ing th­ese solo records, I’m singing above my vo­cal range, and I’m hav­ing to push. I think peo­ple like to hear that des­per­a­tion in your voice when you’re try­ing to hit a note. But when I sing Si­na­tra stuff, his vo­cal range is my vo­cal range. I can prac­tise my pitch, my vi­brato, my con­trol, my phras­ing, my pro­nun­ci­a­tion. Si­na­tra is prob­a­bly my favourite singer of all time.”

And a to­tal rock star, of course.

Tre­monti nods. “I’ve prob­a­bly read four or five Si­na­tra bi­ogra­phies over lock­down. He was the great­est guy in the world – and he was also a guy you wouldn’t like some­times. He raised over a bil­lion dol­lars for char­ity. Of course, he also walked off the set of movie shoots. He had that big ego and ev­ery­thing. He had ups and downs.” Un­like such mer­cu­rial he­roes, Tre­monti prefers a smoother tra­jec­tory: ev­ery al­bum a lit­tle bet­ter, ev­ery tour a lit­tle big­ger. But with March­ing In Time the gui­tar player breaks into a swag­ger.

As our own time runs out, we return to the sub­ject of Thrown Fur­ther, that song about youth­ful ide­al­ism cur­dling into adult com­pro­mise. I ask what he thinks the 17-year-old Tre­monti would make of his 47-year-old self.

“I think the younger me would like the older me,” he de­cides. “I’ve chased down the paths I wanted to go down and tried to get as good as I can be. I al­ways dreamed of be­ing in an arena rock band. To write songs that thou­sands of peo­ple sing, and sud­denly what means so much to you now means so much to them. Mu­sic is this thing that’s not ma­te­rial, but it af­fects peo­ple more than al­most any­thing else in the world. That’s al­ways been so mag­i­cal to me.”

“When I was younger, I fig­ured this life would wear you out… But this ca­reer keeps you young.”

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by RevenantGB »

Given my two favourite artists are Frank Sinatra and Alter Bridge/Tremonti, reading that Mark is a fan made me very happy indeed.
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Re: Marching In Time

Post by MaraCarr »

RevenantGB wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:10 pm Given my two favourite artists are Frank Sinatra and Alter Bridge/Tremonti, reading that Mark is a fan made me very happy indeed.
My youngest child is a huge “Sinatra” fan. She is an old soul. It’s pretty interesting really… she loves “Sinatra” so much that his music seems to follow us wherever we go. It always makes us laugh and brings us a moment of happiness. It’s usually in completely unexpected places like…restaurants as soon as we sit down…or shopping together.. it’s as if Frank himself knows she adores him. So hearing Sinatra’s voice come out of Mark ( who I personally have been a fan of since the 90’s) was Beautiful! I can’t wait to send “Marching in Time” to my daughter while quizzing her on what exact moment she hears Sinatra? (4:21) It also contains an awesome message that I hope she takes to heart!
Last edited by MaraCarr on Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:28 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by MaraCarr »

austin. wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 12:20 am
MaraCarr wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:31 am I love all of the songs so far! …Just Incredible! I’ve listened to the songs over and over and they never get old. I think it’s an incredible album and I am so excited to see them play live for the first time in Louisville! Going to be such a fun week for me!
Are you going to louder than life? Just booked hotel today. Hope Tremonti gets atleast 6 songs. Huge reason I’m going. Can’t wait.

“Yes me too!!! I have Marriott points from traveling for work. Staying close at Towneplace Suites. I’m debating on flying or driving? I’ve been a huge Metallica fan since I was a teen and never got to see them live. Ive been to several AB concerts but never seen Tremonti. Also Other bands like Staind …I also adore .. there are many reasons I did this! I’m nervous and excited.”

“See you There!”

Edit get there early. Being on the rail in front of a hundred thousand people is pretty fun. Did this two years ago at LTL and got Staind drum stick and Mike Mushok pics. Show up early. Hold your pee.
Long live the Tremonti Project, the greatest band in the world.

See you on the 26th. So stoked. Haven’t gotten to see Tremonti in a few years now pandemic and lack of touring within 6-7hrs one way.

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Re: Marching In Time


I'm actually surprised there's not going to be a 4th pre-release track this time around, especially with only 1 week until the album is out. I guess not every album cycle is the same for pre-releases but I was pretty confident we were gonna get one. I woke up this morning and checked iTunes NZ and there was still only 3 songs available. And checked Google/YouTube and there wasn't a 4th track waiting to be made available in my timezone. So I guess 3 songs and 2 teasers is all we're getting prior to release.


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Re: Marching In Time


this interview gave it 5 stars and gave some tidbits about the songs I guess if you could call them that :lol ... ASsGeOsllM
The following "Now And Forever" also contains some massive riffs and therefore is a logical continuation.

"Thrown Further" is a fantastic track to bang your head on that gritty riff.

Spunky is how you should describe "Let That Be Us", an absolute winner, with again, razor sharp guitar playing.

"The Last One Of Us" rolls along in a lower pace and includes some space to create a beautiful landscape of instrumental layers.

Mark's distinctive riffing is once again provided on "In One Piece".

Some of the best songs vocally are delivered with the epic "Under The Sun" and the beautiful ballad "Not Afraid To Lose", on which Tremonti shows a lot of emotion with his voice, both introvert and more extrovert.

"Bleak" could as well be on any Alter Bridge release and shines with multi layers of guitars, tempo changes and a simply amazing guitar solo right at the end.

On the metal track "Would You Kill" a huge riff accompanies Mark singing some aggressive vocals here and there, but even on this track there is enough space for some tempo changes and numerous hooks.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by austin. »

Merch shipped out. Hoping to have some new clothes to wear to Louder than Life in ten days.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by anguyen92 »

Ahh, snaps, baby. I got an email stating that my package is set to arrive by Monday. That's all I got to say about it since I have avoided hearing anything from Marching in Time. That will change on Monday.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by gbruin »

Yeah, same here! Sort of funny that Marching In Time will (allegedly...) arrive 4 days before release date after my preorder for MK's last CD got lost and didn't get to me for like 2 months after it was released.
Another photobucket casualty... :(
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Re: Marching In Time

Post by Marshall »

Any news on the bonus track?
Some press information stated that it will be only on the Tremonti Store Limited Editions but there is no info either :/

Marching In Time will be available in the following formats*:

- CD Digipak
- Digital Album
- 2LP Gatefold Black
- 2LP Gatefold Marbled White / Black + Bonus Track (Band Store Only – limited to 500)
- 2LP Gatefold Sun Yellow + Bonus Track (Band Store Only – limited to 500)
- 2LP Gatefold Crystal Clear + Bonus Track (Band Store Only – limited to 500)
- 2LP Gatefold Pink Transparent (Napalm Mailorder Only – limited to 500)
- Die-Hard Edition: 2LP Marble Transparent Black + Guitar Pick + Print (Napalm Mailorder Only – limited to 500)
- Deluxe Box: Flag, Wristband & More! (Napalm Mailorder Only – limited to 500)

*Additional formats will be available via individual retailers
Last edited by Marshall on Fri Sep 17, 2021 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by joshuabeau »

Mine will be here Monday as well, around 10 am my time. Hype!

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Re: Marching In Time


So the early deliveries begin... :eek

Any of yall who get the album early better give us some first impressions in here asap...please :lol

I remember getting ADM early and knew I would never be that lucky again, especially after I moved last year :/ :lol


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Re: Marching In Time

Post by WaywardOne »

SHEAKENBAKEN wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:55 am I'm actually surprised there's not going to be a 4th pre-release track this time around, especially with only 1 week until the album is out. I guess not every album cycle is the same for pre-releases but I was pretty confident we were gonna get one. I woke up this morning and checked iTunes NZ and there was still only 3 songs available. And checked Google/YouTube and there wasn't a 4th track waiting to be made available in my timezone. So I guess 3 songs and 2 teasers is all we're getting prior to release.

I'm surprised too, but happy (or at least I will be in a week). 4 just always feels like too much of the album revealed ahead of time. That being said, I still wouldn't be surprised if they released Let That Be Us at some random time between now and released day.

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by austin. »

Mine says Monday too. Man to legally legitimately get the album a few days early is pretty sweet. Stoked to have a new album to jam on the long trip to Kentucky next week

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by mitch103 »

Where did you guys order it from??

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by Micky »

Mine will be here Tuesday!!!!!!!! :rockon
Thanks Andy!

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by joshuabeau »

mitch103 wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:53 pm Where did you guys order it from??
I did mine from the Tremonti store

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by Ubik »

Tried to get mine from the Napalm site but the delivery cost was more than the album (thank you Brexit.)
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Re: Marching In Time


Just got the email saying my order has been shipped/its on the way. But no tracking info has been created yet wtf :lol :shrug. At least I got the email though I guess :lol

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Re: Marching In Time

Post by chtimixeur »

Doc Coyle revealed that Mark would be a guest on his Ex-Man podcast very soon.

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