Sounding creative within a certain style...

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Jaded Rescue
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Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by Jaded Rescue »

So I just started working on this new song tonight, and it's easily the most straight-up Rock & Roll I've ever written. Most of my heavy stuff tends to be very Tremonti-inspired, but this is the closest thing I've done to say, AC/DC.

Now my question is, what do you guys and girls out there do to vary up your sound when you know you're writing a song that easily fits within an extremely distinctive style like Aussie Rock? Especially considering the genre is practically owned solely by AC/DC, as far as the general population is concerned.

This isn't limited to songs that sound like AC/DC of course. This could go for boy bands trying not to sound like Backstreet Boys / NSYNC, or Dubstep artists breaking away from sounding like Skrillex.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by itaughttremonti »

Learn other styles of music. Over the years I have gone through phases of everything in between jazz and children of bodom style pick up things in a country song you won't pick up in a classic rock song. Just learn everything you can get your hands on.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by Jaded Rescue »

Good tip! I do consider my listening to be fairly eclectic. I'm also wondering if people screw around with song or lyrical structure (has anyone written a song about Unicorns with Lamb of God riffs?) or things of that nature.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by itaughttremonti »

I read somewhere that to become a fantastic songwriter, you're supposed to do exactly what you just said. Write a "song" everyday. Obviously try to make the melody and structure unique every time. It could be about cats, politics or a peanut butter and jelly'll be surprised at the melodies and lyrical structures you come out with. Then you just need to plug in words that matter lol.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by phatnonphatness »

Definitely agree with branching out in terms of musical genres. Although it can be a little overwhelming since there is a virtually unlimited supply of music out there.

I think it just comes naturally the more you write though. Before I started writing, I was horrible. The first few things I wrote were honestly terrible. But after writing every now and then I'm starting to get better.

Exploring the instrument on your own I think is the most beneficial way. Although it might be the most time and effort intensive, it's definitely the most rewarding.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by itaughttremonti »

All good points. I think you also have to consider that there is not any magical formula to making it happen, and different paths work for different people. Good luck on your journey!

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by Jaded Rescue »

Oh I definitely understand that there isn't one formula, I was just seeing what other people thought. Thanks all for your comments though!

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by NytestrykerZ »

These guys all have great points. If I were to add anything it would be always experiment with something different. Each song should have its own personality. When I'm songwriting I always try to make a new song have a different charm than the rest. Whether it be a different key, time signature, tempo or a new groove or vibe.

So I'd say to see this tune through. Once you get the other players in your band playing on it I bet it'll fit in with your style. Plus, AB played an AC/DC tune for a while in their set and it didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by cointurtlemoose »

Good thread, great question.

This may sound weird, but imposing restrictions on your songwriting can actually make you more creative. For example, one time I tried to write a chorus just using just a G chord (granted I ended up throwing a Gsus and a G/B in there). Or for rock stuff, try writing the hard-hitting main riff to a song with, say, just the G string. Or tell yourself that you have to use a chord's major AND minor in the same chorus. I don't know, just arbitrary limits, they don't really have to be anything specific.

At first it will sound like crap probably, and you'll be frustrated. But linger there, and see what you learn/discover. You'll be FORCED to do things as a songwriter you never would have done if it weren't for the restriction. If nothing else, you may just get ideas from the experiment; you don't have to copy/paste whatever you did into a song.

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Re: Sounding creative within a certain style...

Post by itaughttremonti »


Good advice, btw

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