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Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 3:56 am
by TenaciousBe
Nice, Drew! I'm still having a hard time finding a consistent schedule. Having a newborn means you go to bed when she's ready and get up when she's ready. :lol I've almost thought about trying to get back into running, but I can't even find time to get decent bike rides in anymore so I doubt it'll happen. I'm just sort of in "treading water" mode.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:01 pm
by Fish Tacos
@TenaciousBe it's been a while since you made the post about not having enough time and you've made progress since then but I just thought it would be worth mentioning, you might be able to workout at lunch? Not sure what kind of job you have.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:54 am
by TenaciousBe
Fish Tacos wrote:@TenaciousBe it's been a while since you made the post about not having enough time and you've made progress since then but I just thought it would be worth mentioning, you might be able to workout at lunch? Not sure what kind of job you have.
That's part of the issue - I work 12 hour overnight factory shifts. Which is actually a decent source of physical activity and my only saving grace, but it's not really a proper workout. I've thought about bringing my yoga mat and trying to sneak in some yoga time during breaks, but that's also my "catch up on internet stuff" time (like right now... lol).

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:26 pm
by One Drew Remains
I work in a factory too. A friend of mine lifts full propane tanks on his break. You might need to improvise like that.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 6:00 am
by TenaciousBe
I should add, I would have time at home during the days, but having a newborn (well, 2.5 months old) kind of dictates when I get to sleep. Some days I'm off work at 5AM and get to go to bed right away, other days she's ready to eat when I get home and I'm up for another couple hours hanging with the wife and taking care of baby. I'm sure it'll all smooth back out once she gets a little older and is sleeping longer -- she's already gone from 2-3 hour sleeps to sometimes 4-5 hours, so there's progress!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:29 am
by TenaciousBe
So how's everyone doing in this new year? It's sort of cliche to start a new program at the beginning of the year, but my wife and I both decided we need to reign it in a little bit so we've been trying to get things back on track. For my part, I'm using MyFitnessPal again to track my food - actually have kept up with it for over 2 weeks now, started right after Christmas. Also, I gave myself 2 goals for the new year. The more immediate one is 100 Days of Yoga - the plan is to make some kind of time every day, whether it's an hour or 20 minutes, to use the DDPYogaNow app and do some yoga workouts. The days I work, if I don't get it done at home before, I've been bringing my mat to work with me and finding some break time where I can hide out in the upstairs offices and throw down on a workout.

The second goal is more long-term. My starting weight for the year is 265 lbs. Now, 4 years ago when I started being all fitnessy, I started at 340 and got down to roughly this weight in about 7 months, and have held steady there ever since. My goal back then was to get down to an even 200, the weight I was at back in 2000 (the lightest I've ever been as a teenager/adult). My year-long goal is to finally get that momentum going again, and get those last 60-some pounds off. Now, I know that weight isn't the only indicator, so I also took measurements around my waist, chest, arms, legs, etc, and I'm recording my weekly weigh-ins that show body fat %, muscle %, and so on. I'd still like to see 200 pounds, but if I can drop size again while retaining weight due to muscle, I'll count that as a win!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:38 am
by Lotha
Wow, you're going for it. Good for you!

One of my New Year's resolutions was to stop spending so much time sitting - or at least, if I have to do it (and I kinda do), to start moving enough for it not to be so hard on me. Even if it's just 20 minutes of jumping around in my office room like I did this morning. I'm so out of shape it's embarrassing, but I'll work on it 'cause I can't keep up this lifestyle without some serious health consequences (and I'm afraid I'm already feeling some of them).

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:12 am
by TenaciousBe
That's one reason I'm really glad I got away from the office environment. Driving a forklift is a lot of sitting too, but it's also a lot of moving around and walking and stuffs. It's so hard not to get out of shape when you have to be at a desk for so many hours a day, but hopefully you can keep it moving!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:26 am
by Lotha
I've been keeping it up for 4 days straight now and feeling good, determined to keep going!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:24 am
by TenaciousBe
Nice!! I'm on Day 17. Not always eating perfectly but watching portions and counting calories. And gotten my DDPY done every day, even if I have to do some in the office at work. The weight hasn't changed yet, but I feel a lot better!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:32 pm
by Fish Tacos
I was browsing through which curls work which part of the bicep and I came across this Gears of War built guy lmao


Hit -85 lbs down yesterday. I was hoping to hit 100 by the 6 month mark (Feb 10) but it looks like I'll land somewhere between 90-95 which is still awesome. Could have made it if I didn't have so many cheat days but I need them for sanity with my 1200 cal diet and 2 hrs in the gym a day.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:14 am
by TenaciousBe
Damn! Nicely done!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 12:39 pm
by Ubik
First run in an absurdly long time today. Have moved to a new area, so wasn't sure of the best routes and didn't want to be running next to car fumes and whatnot. Decided to try going up a trail on a hill, and oh my word death can't come soon enough right now. That was with rest periods as well.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:38 am
by TenaciousBe
Well it's taken forever, but I'm FINALLY starting to drop a few pounds. I'm down about 12 pounds over the last month and a half, really just from cutting down on eating (especially snacking on my breaks at work). My wife finally decided enough was enough and really launched into it, so I did too. I started counting on the last Sunday of July, and so far I'm averaging about 2 pounds per week, with my body fat down a couple percentage points. I really want to get a consistent exercise schedule going again too, but it's so hard to find the time with my 12 hour work schedule and balancing home life. For now, just doing the food thing and seeing where that takes me. Still trying to undo the damage done during last year's pregnancy (for both of us) but getting there!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:12 pm
by Ubik
Great stuff TB, key thing is forming the habit!

I'm up to 10k+ a few times a week now on the running, progress all round!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:47 pm
by Lotha
I bought a stationary bike. That's my first equipment I ever got.
I love it. It's right next to my window so I just stare outside while working out and listening to music.
Can't wait to form the habit and start doing it every morning.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:57 pm
by TenaciousBe
Okay, so at the start of this year, I challenged myself to 100 Days of Yoga. I did great the first month, then got derailed in February. Well, I just realized the other day that if I want to try again at the end of the year, Sunday of next weekend (the 23rd) will be 100 days from the end of the year. I'm going to put that on my calendar, and give it the ol' college try one more time. It's not always easy to find (or make) time, but even if it's 10 or 15 minutes some days, it's better than nothing. I can feel the nagging soreness creeping back on, the lack of flexibility, missing all those benefits I was getting as a regular yoga person. 10 days away...

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:11 am
by Lotha
Need an accountability buddy? I'm tempted to try as well.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:30 pm
by MuffinMcFluffin
So at fifteen years old I had my best mile time ever at 4:50. Hadn't run a timed mile since, really.

On my thirtieth birthday I started to feel a little "old" inside so I began conditioning... running and biking, running and biking, trading off every weekday for twelve weeks, running a mile every two weeks.

Yesterday I ran a 4:59.464 mile time. First time I've broken five minutes since being half my age. I feel very accomplished. Now time to try and break 4:50 again.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:15 am
by gbruin
That's smokin, muffin. Well done!