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What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:13 am
by nagpo
Just curious about the community. I'm a real geek. I spend most of my time in my room watching anime. I used to play a lot of video games but recently (this entire year) i've had no interest in them. I also like to listen to music sometimes and I also draw some, which will probably contribute to my potential field of employment - career. I like to draw characters and comics. I also like to sing.

So, what do you guys like to do for fun?

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:19 am
by AllC392Was
I love road trips! But on a weekly basis its either play video games or play music

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:49 am
by anguyen92
For the most part, I play a online card game from Blizzard called Hearthstone. I'm thinking about playing more of another Blizzard game called Heroes of the Storm. Other than that, I watch a lot of video game streamers on, mainly hearthstone and pretty much anything that the people I follow play.

I dabble in some karaoke-singing from time to time via videos on youtube. Other than that, I'm just a really boring guy and, honestly, the way college is being paced for me, it's pretty much where I want to be right now.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:33 am
by One Drew Remains
I work 10 to 12 hours a day. So when I do get time off, I try and spend alot of it with my wife and kids. I pitch to my son who's getting pretty good coming up on his second season of little league.

I also spend a lot of time running and going to the gym. I'm 35 and that youthful metabolism isn't what it used to be. Gotta stay in shape.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:35 am
by Timotheus
Most of my time goes into music. I play music on the street 3-4 hours a day and I'm always busy practicing, writing and recording stuff in my bedroom. I spend a lot of time listening to music as well, and I love being on message boards like this one. This is the only one where I frequently post though.

Besides that I love watching TV series and reading. I recently started going to the gym, which I surprisingly enjoy a lot. I'm not the type of guy that needs to go out every week to fulfill his social needs, but I enjoy hanging out with friends and having a drink every now and then.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:37 am
by AHart96
On top of being a full-time student and working two jobs, whenever I do get free time (very rare these days), I like to spend it playing guitar, listening to music, and doing some audio engineering at my church.

Really need to find time to get back in the gym though, I've lost over 10 pounds since I started working, which is bad considering I'm already a twig.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:24 am
by Lotha
Video games (mostly Smite, Sims and recently Crusader Kings 2), reading, training my dog or just plain goofing around with her, cooking...

I'll try implementing some working out, but I don't really view that as "fun" but as something necessary for my health. Maybe it'll become fun along the way.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:41 pm
by Andy92
I watch a lot of sports in my down time. Used to play a lot of basketball and soccer when I was in high school, but nowadays I watch a lot more than I play. I still play video games too, although not as much as I used to. Getting a full time job really adjusts your life schedule lol. I also play my guitar pretty often.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:59 pm
by Ryan
I work 12 hour, rotating shift work so my days off don't usually involve a lot of what I want.

I spend most of my down time sleeping or with my wife and kids. Sleeping because if I'm not working 5am-5pm, I'm working 5pm-5am. It's like a constant state of jet lag. Best way to describe it. It sucks, but it pays the bills.

I also listen to music, play guitar, watch a few tv shows, try to catch movies here and there (usually end up watching them on dvd), playing video games (my oldest son is now getting into them and plays with me so that's cool), and hanging with my Camaro car club friends. Sounds like a lot, but I don't do much of all that often. Mostly just spending time with the family.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:23 pm
by Fish Tacos
I watch the webcam I have hidden in Lotha's place.


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:47 pm
by zazthespaz
I'm unemployed right now so I have more free time than I'm proud of. I enjoy going to the gym, not hardcore though, 2 hours max and I don't mind if I skip a day or two, if I skip too many though I feel it and get sluggish. Playing guitar (nothing extreme) and video games - Kev I just got an iPad for Christmas and put Hearthstone on that, can we play against each other? Also, I've found some pretty decent youtubers I enjoy watching who put out new videos frequently.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:53 pm
Play video games, work out, go on the forums, spend time with the dogs,


Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:03 am
by anguyen92
zazthespaz wrote:I'm unemployed right now so I have more free time than I'm proud of. I enjoy going to the gym, not hardcore though, 2 hours max and I don't mind if I skip a day or two, if I skip too many though I feel it and get sluggish. Playing guitar (nothing extreme) and video games - Kev I just got an iPad for Christmas and put Hearthstone on that, can we play against each other? Also, I've found some pretty decent youtubers I enjoy watching who put out new videos frequently.
Maybe. When? Also, how do you want to organize it?

Re: Too much work.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:09 am
by zazthespaz
anguyen92 wrote:
zazthespaz wrote:I'm unemployed right now so I have more free time than I'm proud of. I enjoy going to the gym, not hardcore though, 2 hours max and I don't mind if I skip a day or two, if I skip too many though I feel it and get sluggish. Playing guitar (nothing extreme) and video games - Kev I just got an iPad for Christmas and put Hearthstone on that, can we play against each other? Also, I've found some pretty decent youtubers I enjoy watching who put out new videos frequently.
Maybe. When? Also, how do you want to organize it?
Uhhhh, I don't know? Can't you just see if I'm online and challenge me? Never played a friend in it before.

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:14 am
by anguyen92
All right, one of these days, I'll do that. Just tell me your name and we'll go from there. I'm probably not going to playing it until like Wednesday due to school and stuff.

Re: Too good to ignore.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:14 am
by Andy92
Fish Tacos wrote:I watch the webcam I have hidden in Lotha's place.

Re: zaz til the day I raz

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:16 am
by zazthespaz
anguyen92 wrote:All right, one of these days, I'll do that. Just tell me your name and we'll go from there. I'm probably not going to playing it until like Wednesday due to school and stuff.
zazthespaz of course! Sounds good!

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:18 am
by anguyen92
Does that come with a # at the end or something? Mine is Anguyen92#1385

Re: [/threadhijack]

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:19 am
by zazthespaz
oh, idk. i'll get back to you on that...

Re: What do you guys do for fun?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:20 am
by Micky
I write a lot of lyrics, stories and stuff. I work almost every day and am constantly trying to get Cam to hang out with me, but he's one of the cool he wont hang out with me in public </3

I like playing video games and spending time with my nieces when they come up, any of you guys who are friends with me on social media know that those girls are my world haha. I'm also always really happy to play video games with my buddies in the military. Makes me feel like they're still home.