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Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:38 pm
by AB4Lyfe
Being 6 foot 1 helps, bud!

Re: But 50 lbs heavier

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:47 pm
AB4Lyfe wrote:Being 6 foot 1 helps, bud!
Damn just an inch taller than me!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:10 am
by vChris
I had my first official 10K run! I was terribly slow but I didn't stop once. Considering that running was the stuff of my nightmares when I was in school and that I couldn't run 1K without stopping and gasping for breath afterwards I am pretty happy!
When the finish line came up, my music list randomly played Tremonti's Catching Fire. Quite the epic finish for me :)

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:16 am
by Dan Dando
vChris wrote:I had my first official 10K run! I was terribly slow but I didn't stop once. Considering that running was the stuff of my nightmares when I was in school and that I couldn't run 1K without stopping and gasping for breath afterwards I am pretty happy!
When the finish line came up, my music list randomly played Tremonti's Catching Fire. Quite the epic finish for me :)
You made this world your own... (shifty eyes)

Nice one, dude :)

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:23 am
by Ubik
vChris wrote:I had my first official 10K run! I was terribly slow but I didn't stop once. Considering that running was the stuff of my nightmares when I was in school and that I couldn't run 1K without stopping and gasping for breath afterwards I am pretty happy!
When the finish line came up, my music list randomly played Tremonti's Catching Fire. Quite the epic finish for me :)
Nicely done! I'm aiming to do one in a month or so, targeting 55 mins. Similar to you, when I started out a few months back the idea of running even five minutes non-stop sounded like the ravings of a madman.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:37 am
by vChris
Dan Dando wrote: You made this world your own... (shifty eyes)

Nice one, dudette :)

Thank you guys!
Yeah, it is amazing how fast the body adjusts to running. I would have never imagined that it can be fun...

Good luck with your own run Ubik!

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:45 am
by Lotha
My body's just falling apart, I sit too much, everything hurts, 0 energy... Can you guys recommend some light stuff that can get me started and that I can do at home?

Normally my "I'm gonna get active" plan consists of doing a circuit workout, then being in pain for the next 2-3 days even with stretching and all that after, and then I just give up. The longest I could keep up continuous exercise was for 3 months. I suck.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:11 am
by Dan Dando
vChris wrote:
Dan Dando wrote: You made this world your own... (shifty eyes)

Nice one, dudette :)
Forgive me :facepalm :)

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:30 am
by vChris
Dan Dando wrote:Forgive me :facepalm :)
Lol, I don't expect you to know and I don't expect you to remember. It's all good :)
Lotha wrote:Can you guys recommend some light stuff that can get me started and that I can do at home?
Normally my "I'm gonna get active" plan consists of doing a circuit workout, then being in pain for the next 2-3 days even with stretching and all that after, and then I just give up.
Well, as someone who is no sport expert whatsoever, the best advise I can give you is: don't go from 0 to 100 and expect your body to keep up. When I tried that I was in pain afterwards and had zero motivation for a repeat. All it got me was frustration. Isn't circuit training high-intesity training?

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:32 am
by Lotha
It certainly is for me. :lol I do yoga too, pretty basic stuff, but I wanna become stronger and I feel that doesn't do the trick for me.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:01 am
by vChris
Not only for you :)
Hm, maybe some bodyweight training where you can adjust the intensity? I know of people who swear on those Mark Lauren books and I know of people who say it is a waste of money for information you can easily find online :D

I know for myself that I lack the discipline to keep up with stuff like that at home...

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:20 am
by DonHarry
My body's just falling apart, I sit too much, everything hurts, 0 energy... Can you guys recommend some light stuff that can get me started and that I can do at home?
You're too young to be having such ailments!! Everything is fixable. Number 1 recommendation would be to get a GOOD fish oil supplement or start eating a lot of oily fish. The former is easier. Fish oil helps modulate your inflammatory response and has a number of cognitive benefits. Could certainly help with your 'everything hurts' problem.

Keep up the yoga. Look at your diet, doesn't have to be militant changes but ensuring you're getting a wide spectrum of nutrients will go a long way.

Habits. Low energy levels are a common complaint. Questions:

• How much coffee / caffeine do you consume per day?
• Do you get enough sleep?
• Do you have broken sleep?
• Do you have a regular bed time?
• Do you wake up feeling rested?

Exercise. Paradoxically, doing nothing all day makes you tired. Being more active has the opposite effect. Frequency is key. Better to do 45 minutes of something moderately intense 3-4 times a week than 1 day of blitzing it. Spending energy makes more energy ironically (Generally - I don't mean immediately after finishing your session). I'm not talking in terms of ATP expenditure, obviously energy burned must be replaced on a cellular level, but 'feeling' more energetic is certainly synonymous with increased activity and hard exercise.

Get out of the house more. Be outside. I can have sluggish days when there's not a lot on but even something like taking the dog for a spin can really perk me up.

Ironing out the little things can bring you back to normality pretty quickly. I always cite sleep as the most overlooked factor in a persons health, it's one of the most important factors and yet time and again people underestimate it's effect.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:02 am
by Timotheus
Is fish the best way to intake fats? I eat different kind of nuts to get to the amount of fat I need.

I love salmon, but it's so expensive.. For the rest I don't really like fish. I tried tuna for a while, but I really couldn't eat it.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:44 am
by Lotha
DonHarry wrote:
• How much coffee / caffeine do you consume per day?
• Do you get enough sleep?
• Do you have broken sleep?
• Do you have a regular bed time?
• Do you wake up feeling rested?
- none, I don't react to caffeine well so I generally avoid it
- I try to, but I'm not disciplined enough to keep up the routine of going to bed early and rising early
- no
- most of the time, it varies between 23-01 generally, but I also can stay up late often
- almost never

Really what kills me most is sitting in front of the computer all day and the fact that everything's nearby so I don't walk much. (Due to feet ligament problems though, I can't walk much anyway, at least not without getting cramps, and my feet get tired easily.)

As for the diet I think I probably need to incorporate more raw greens, everything else is okay.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:50 pm
by One Drew Remains
I eat tuna when I want to cut weight. I'd say fish, since it isn't a red meat is probably the healthiest way though, TImo.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:19 pm
by AB4Lyfe
Timotheus wrote:Is fish the best way to intake fats? I eat different kind of nuts to get to the amount of fat I need.

I love salmon, but it's so expensive.. For the rest I don't really like fish. I tried tuna for a while, but I really couldn't eat it.
Avocado works well, also.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:19 am
by TenaciousBe
The good news: Almost 3 years into my weight loss / fitness journey, and I've FINALLY gotten my weight down past the 250 lb mark (which I've been stuck at for the past year+), to 241. One more measley pound, and I'll hit an even 100 pounds gone. This was my big main goal when I started, to get to 240 and then try to weasel my way down to 200 from there.

The bad news: those last 10 pounds came off over the last few weeks, mostly because I've been sick off and on, and it's probably mostly because I've been, uh, cleansing out my colon (to put it sorta nicely). Thankfully I'm feeling better, but we'll see if I can maintain that loss or if it'll rebound. I'm hoping I can keep it off. I actually do feel a difference in my clothes (especially since I had fluctuated up to 260 a few months ago). I'm down to size 42 in pants (started at 50), and just another size or two will get me to a more "normal" range where it'll be easier to find pants in stores, especially on the "cool" racks and not on the "generic crappy dad jeans" wall of shame.

I've actually been really out of my exercise habits over the last couple months as well, and need to get that back on track. My girlfriend has been gaining some weight back and I know she's felt crappy about that, so hopefully we can get back into our biking / yoga habits and keep things going in the right direction. Or find some new things to do, but those are our favorites.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:13 am
by Lotha
Wooo, good for you! Congrats, hopefully you get back on track with exercise.

After suffering from a headache for 3 days straight due to my upper back and neck muscles going completely stiff and bonkers, I started doing some light yoga every morning before I sit down to write, and I do notice I've improved my sitting posture and managed to keep aches away.

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:43 pm
by Jaded Rescue
TenaciousBe wrote:The good news: Almost 3 years into my weight loss / fitness journey, and I've FINALLY gotten my weight down past the 250 lb mark (which I've been stuck at for the past year+), to 241. One more measley pound, and I'll hit an even 100 pounds gone. This was my big main goal when I started, to get to 240 and then try to weasel my way down to 200 from there.

The bad news: those last 10 pounds came off over the last few weeks, mostly because I've been sick off and on, and it's probably mostly because I've been, uh, cleansing out my colon (to put it sorta nicely). Thankfully I'm feeling better, but we'll see if I can maintain that loss or if it'll rebound. I'm hoping I can keep it off. I actually do feel a difference in my clothes (especially since I had fluctuated up to 260 a few months ago). I'm down to size 42 in pants (started at 50), and just another size or two will get me to a more "normal" range where it'll be easier to find pants in stores, especially on the "cool" racks and not on the "generic crappy dad jeans" wall of shame.

I've actually been really out of my exercise habits over the last couple months as well, and need to get that back on track. My girlfriend has been gaining some weight back and I know she's felt crappy about that, so hopefully we can get back into our biking / yoga habits and keep things going in the right direction. Or find some new things to do, but those are our favorites.
Staying consistent is the most difficult part of almost any exercise goal, so nice work on hanging in there dude! Keep it up! :headbang

Re: The Fitness Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:31 pm
by One Drew Remains
Great job, TB. I actually wondered since you perform, does dropping the weight help your vocals?