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Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:20 am
by Fish Tacos
I don't think this is a violation of our terms of service since it's just streaming but feel free to remove it otherwise. I use this website a lot

*** Spoilers ***
For anyone that is caught up - wtf @ Sasha, what a bone headed move. How can anyone that's been living in that world for that long be that dumb? The guy is your freaking hostage, how could you not tell he was isolating you then let him behind you! Ugh...I swear, sometimes it's like watching a classic horror movie where the plot moves forward from people making bad decisions /rant

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:25 am
by Timotheus
Yea, I felt the same way. I can't believe they even ended the episode that way.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:10 am
Timotheus wrote:Yea, I felt the same way. I can't believe they even ended the episode that way.
What made that ending seem even more redundant for me; was the fact that in the promos for the season finale; you can clearly see that Sasha is A-okay and not in trouble from that. So it was basically just done to make you think "OMG WTF"

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:31 am
by abw1987
***SPOILER S5E7***

I agree, what a dumb move on Sacha's part. Did she really not see that coming? In her defense, Noah did say that Lamson was "one of the good ones", and maybe Sacha felt some connection with Lamson since his first name is Bob? But still...

It was good to finally see all of the story lines progressing simultaneously again, rather than focusing the entire episode on a single group of characters. Overall, it was a great setup for the mid-season finale. I wonder what that Gabriel guy is up to...

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:29 pm
by Fish Tacos
***S5 E5 Spoilers***

Was anyone else going for a ride in the roflcopter when Eugene dropped his knowledge bomb? I won't really say "I knew it". I did find it fishy that for like half a season, they never went into the mechanics of it, but after he'd been around for so long, I just figured we were supposed to accept it as true.

I feel like the show needs a little bit more direction. Similar to what bacon was talking about, it seems like most things are just there now to get the audience to go WTF. Without goals, the group will just be wandering around constantly getting captured. I thought that was Eugene's purpose but I guess we're back to square one. If this turns into a zombie soap opera I may have to wait for the series to end before continuing through season 6.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:56 pm
Fish Tacos wrote:If this turns into a zombie soap opera
I thought that's what it was. That's how I've always seen it, anyways.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:27 pm
by Fish Tacos
Well first we had to get Rick to his son and wife which were great plot points. We were learning about how the zombies behavior and the various people and what it was like during the transition. Then we had to get to the CDC cuz safety. We learned a bit more, but after that the main point was to find decent shelter to hole up in. They tried the farm but that failed and eventually they made their way to the more robust prison. We had our first substantial human threat with when Woodbury wanted to take that away and make it their own, Terminus eventually became the dream. Without Eugene's thing now, there don't seem to be anymore overarching plot points that extend past the current circumstances of the hospital rescue.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:24 pm
by abw1987
I've always seen the show as less of a zombie story and more of an examination of the human condition. Not a zombie soap opera per se (lol), but a postulation of how people would behave under a hypothetical situation.

It is kind of weird that they no longer have a goal (i.e., saving the world), but that was true before Eugene; they were just trying to survive. I think it would be cool if the show started focusing on rebuilding society and restoring some order/structure to the world. As the weak are slowly weeded out, and the strong learn how to deal with various zombie threats, the obvious next step will be to begin pursuing a better quality of life.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:09 am
by Ashlee
To me the show is about humans always having the capacity to be the scariest thing on earth.

Gabriel is a psychopath. And I am amped up to see it.
The Eugene truth bomb was too good.

And Carol? Carol manages to get hit by the only moving car in the city? Carol girl, look both ways!

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:53 pm
by Fish Tacos
Ashlee wrote:And Carol? Carol manages to get hit by the only moving car in the city? Carol girl, look both ways!

Honestly though, if they're going to off a main character that'd be a good way to do it. Everyone can't go out in a blaze of glory, or a big buildup like Bob / Urcshel. I wouldn't mind the audience or the character getting blindsided like that.

I love Carol's character, she's one of the few strong, independent women characters I enjoy. Andrea, on the other hand, is what I'm more used to seeing when they try for that type of role.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:32 pm
So apparently Norman Reedus was crying for like 60 minutes straight during the filming of the mid-season finale....I'm scared.

Re: This is how smoking addictions are created

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:42 pm
by zazthespaz
I just binged watched the first 4 episodes of season 5, so i don't feel confident enough to look at your posts yet as I'm afraid of seeing spoilers. I bought the first 3 episodes on itunes and accidentally bought the 7th episode too not realizing itunes had it sorted by popularity and not release date (so long $3!). Every episode has ended on a huge cliff hanger, loving it! Gonna suck when I catch up to tonight's mid-season finale and have to wait the two months between episodes. The longest I think I've gone between episodes is 1 week and that was a fluke. I don't know how I can handle two months :lol

Re: Crying already....

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:43 pm
by zazthespaz
SHEAKENBAKEN wrote:So apparently Norman Reedus was crying for like 60 minutes straight during the filming of the mid-season finale....I'm scared.
I just read this. Now I'm scared to watch the episode...

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:57 pm
by Fish Tacos

Totally blindsided! :eek

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:06 am
I've never been caught more off guard then I was tonight when that happened, Fish Tacos. Blindsided is an understatement.

Re: Crying already....

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:13 am
zazthespaz wrote:
SHEAKENBAKEN wrote:So apparently Norman Reedus was crying for like 60 minutes straight during the filming of the mid-season finale....I'm scared.
I just read this. Now I'm scared to watch the episode...
How much longer until you'll be able to watch it, anyways?

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:16 am
by Fish Tacos
***Spoilers for Zaz***

I know! I just wanted to put the chunks of her brain back in there, pat her on the back and say "it's gonna be ok, it's just a flesh wound!"

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:21 am
you're going to have make it less evident like this; Fish Tacos:


Yeah I know; but seriously; I don't know how they managed to surprise me; as I was expecting her to be dead any episode and especially on a mid-season finale. Bu then they did. It was like the best timing. BUT WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T SHE AIM FOR THE NECK GOD DAMMIT?! I guess Daryl wouldn't have been able to avenge her if she did.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:35 am
by abw1987
Mid-season finale spoilers below - highlight to read:

I actually kind of expected it would be Beth who ended up dying. I think everyone expected Carol (or maybe even Daryl), so killing Beth would catch people more off-guard. And the death of such an innocent soul would likely have been much more emotionally devastating than the death of any other character. Still, I was surprised by how it happened. I figure she'd get caught in the crossfire, or she'd be killed by Dawn when the negotiation went sour. Totally did not see that coming. She will be missed! Poor Maggie/Daryl.

Re: This is how smoking addictions are created

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:43 am
by abw1987
zazthespaz wrote:Gonna suck when I catch up to tonight's mid-season finale and have to wait the two months between episodes. The longest I think I've gone between episodes is 1 week and that was a fluke. I don't know how I can handle two months :lol
LOL - that happened to me as well when I started watching sometime during season 3. Seasons 1-2 were on Netflix, and the early season 3 episodes weren't available on demand, but I found them elsewhere online, and then I caught up the rest of the way via on demand. And once I was up to date, I was like... I need to wait a week for the next episode? And then months for the next season??