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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by ThravRande »

When I pay my friend $20 for a game he has, I don't care what he does with it. He might spend 'my' money on porno. I dont care, because it's not my money anymore. I got my game, I'm happy with it.

This is the same thing, on a larger scale. You're paying for chicken. After that, it's not your money anymore.
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Vaux »

I know it's "hip" to be pro gay marriage and all, but half of America doesn't agree. Was this even an issue 10 years ago? What clicked and all of the sudden we have the mayor of a city telling an establishment they are not welcome because of their views on marriage?

Boy I am just itching to get into a gay marriage debate lol... gays can get together all they want, a person can do what they want, but calling it a marriage and saying it's legitimate? No.
Last edited by Vaux on Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by AustinH22 »

I don't like how he put the whole company up to bat. I think its unfair to all the employees who don't have the same belief as him. I think that he should've spoken on his own beliefs and not declare what the whole company stands for.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by 10topprs »

Just another hit against Christianity... the media does absolutely everything they can to make Christians look like a bunch of ignorant bigots... You never see anything about the good that Christians do... The only time anyone sees anything is when the radical religious groups protest a troop's funeral with signs that say "Thank God for dead soldiers," or when some cult church wants to bomb a mosque... or, in this case, when their political or religious views don't line-up with the "popular" opinion... I consider myself a Christian, albeit not a good one... I'm not really what you would call a holy roller haha

but seriously, this has been such a big debate, and folks always end up calling Christians bigots as a generalization... the fact of the matter is, the Bible itself has a few things to say about homosexuality. If folks don't like what it says, then they should take it up with God I guess... Live and let live in my own opinion, but if you're a devout Christian and you follow the teachings of the Bible, well... everything isn't supposed to be just ok because the popular opinion says it is.

As far as this companies chicken goes, though... I don't give a damn about their political or religious views... the food is good. If we were to boycott companies based on the believes of their founders or CEO's we'd probably boycott a whole lot of companies in this country! The difference between Chick-Fil-A and those companies is those companies' chairpeople keep their opinions to themselves. They know it could be bad for business

*Sorry if this offends anyone... certainly not meant to :cheers

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Ubik »

Vaux wrote:Boy I am just itching to get into a gay marriage debate lol... gays can get together all they want, a person can do what they want, but calling it a marriage and saying it's legitimate? No.
How come?
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by agny »

AustinH22 wrote:I don't like how he put the whole company up to bat. I think its unfair to all the employees who don't have the same belief as him. I think that he should've spoken on his own beliefs and not declare what the whole company stands for.
That's a good point.
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by agny »

Ugh, typed a long better response and somehow it didn't post so this will be rough. Not like anyone's going to change their mind from what I say anyway but...
Vaux wrote:I know it's "hip" to be pro gay marriage and all, but half of America doesn't agree. Was this even an issue 10 years ago? What clicked and all of the sudden we have the mayor of a city telling an establishment they are not welcome because of their views on marriage?

Boy I am just itching to get into a gay marriage debate lol... gays can get together all they want, a person can do what they want, but calling it a marriage and saying it's legitimate? No.
It's not about being "hip", it's about civil rights. When this country started most people were treated as property, so I'm glad that doing what is right has become more "hip". Seriously, replace your statement with racial equality, women's equality, etc. At some point it became cool to let women vote and I'm kind of glad about that.

Civil rights should not be voted on by popular will of the majority. If a majority are not comfortable with interracial marriage, should it be illegal?
10topprs wrote:the fact of the matter is, the Bible itself has a few things to say about homosexuality. If folks don't like what it says, then they should take it up with God I guess... Live and let live in my own opinion, but if you're a devout Christian and you follow the teachings of the Bible, well... everything isn't supposed to be just ok because the popular opinion says it is.
Sure, if you're in a religion and disagree with some church policy, take it up with God or the church or whatever. But that's different than the law. The Bible also has things to say about women being treated as property and what you can and can't eat. Following those? Do I have to follow them too? Do you really believe in live and let live, or do you think our laws should impose your religious beliefs on others?
10topprs wrote:If we were to boycott companies based on the believes of their founders or CEO's we'd probably boycott a whole lot of companies in this country!
Lots of people vote with their dollars. Actually we all do, all the time, but most people pay no attention to the bigger picture of what their money supports.

"Marriage" is a shorthand for two things. One is a personal/religious/family ceremony. The government doesn't get involved in what counts as a Catholic, Jewish, or atheist marriage. The other is a legal partnership that extends into property ownership, legal powers in the hospital, child custody, financial transactions, etc. etc. For many people one ceremony counts for both, but they are different functions.

New York State has had marriage equality for just over a year now. I haven't been forced to marry a lesbian or prevented from marrying a man. Actually, it's had no effect on my life.

People who get worked up about their religious idea of marriage should focus their energy on adultery, divorce, marriages for financial purposes, etc. instead of trying to restrict civil rights of people who actually want to be legally committed to each other.
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by 10topprs »

agny wrote:Sure, if you're in a religion and disagree with some church policy, take it up with God or the church or whatever. But that's different than the law. The Bible also has things to say about women being treated as property and what you can and can't eat. Following those? Do I have to follow them too? Do you really believe in live and let live, or do you think our laws should impose your religious beliefs on others?
Yeah, I REALLY believe in live and let live haha... there are a lot of things in the Bible that I, personally, don't go along with, hence the reason I say I'm not a good Christian... but that doesn't mean that the stuff isn't there. For those who truly believe that the Bible is THE word of God, and strongly believe in their faith, I don't call that ignorance nor bigotry. My personal views don't reflect the teachings of the Bible in many cases, but I respect those who walk the walk. As far as the law goes, I'm indifferent... I could care less either way. I DO, however, believe in the Constitution, which states that we're all equal. If that's true, I see no reason why gays shouldn't be allowed to be married... It should be their choice. If the teachings of the Bible are true, they'll have to answer to God... but who the hell am I to say someone shouldn't live the way they please?

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by agny »

10topprs wrote: Yeah, I REALLY believe in live and let live haha...
Sounds like you do :cheers
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Ubik »

Good post there, agny.
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Jim »

Chick-Fil-A is BY FAR the best take out place in all of USA. Makes McDonalds chicken meals look like ass. Burnt, broken ass.

Stupid fucking story.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by agny »

Friend just sent me this:
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by itaughttremonti »

AustinH22 wrote:I don't like how he put the whole company up to bat. I think its unfair to all the employees who don't have the same belief as him. I think that he should've spoken on his own beliefs and not declare what the whole company stands for.
All companies do this...all the time. Every time you turn around, some company is supporting this or not supporting that. The company I work for openly supports the LGBT community even though I don't support that lifestyle because of my beliefs. Someone said it earlier, the only reason this is news is because it's an unpopular stance in today's society. I like 10topprs live and let live philosophy. I don't go somewhere simply because I support what they support in the same manner that I don't not go somewhere because I don't share the beliefs. But please don't act like this is the only company that puts their beliefs on the line. And even if it was, it's his business and he can say what the company stands for as an entity, not necessarily as the views of everyone employed.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Macca »

The fuck is this
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Vaux »

Ubik wrote:
Vaux wrote:Boy I am just itching to get into a gay marriage debate lol... gays can get together all they want, a person can do what they want, but calling it a marriage and saying it's legitimate? No.
How come?
People won't like this but I feel it's not good to be gay. It's wrong. Allowing gays to be married just puts a seal of approval on it, and it just should not be that way.

Humans have the power to do what they want. I can't tell you not to be gay. You do as you wish. But that doesn't make it right. The fact of the matter is, if all humans were gay, the human population would cease to exist. Nature says it's wrong. It goes against one of the most basic human instincts, which is survival. It's just not the way it's supposed to be, and that is why I feel the way I do.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by agny »

Do people on those dating tv shows get goverment seals of approval when they marry?

And you're confusing instincts for survival (eat, don't get eaten) vs. reproduction (pass on your genes). Shouldn't you want those icky gay people to associate with each other and not reproduce?
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Vaux »

"It's not about being "hip", it's about civil rights. When this country started most people were treated as property, so I'm glad that doing what is right has become more "hip". Seriously, replace your statement with racial equality, women's equality, etc. At some point it became cool to let women vote and I'm kind of glad about that.

Civil rights should not be voted on by popular will of the majority. If a majority are not comfortable with interracial marriage, should it be illegal?? -------------------

These issues are not the same. It was never right for a person to be another person's property. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now. I look at humans as just another animal on this planet. There is no other animal that owns another animal, and it should never happen.

Racial equality? Same thing. Woman's equality is a little different. Some of it is the same, and some should not be. Women voting? Sure. Women on the battlefield? No. Man and woman are built differently to do different things. That's just the way it is.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Vaux »

agny wrote:Do people on those dating tv shows get goverment seals of approval when they marry?

And you're confusing instincts for survival (eat, don't get eaten) vs. reproduction (pass on your genes). Shouldn't you want those icky gay people to associate with each other and not reproduce?
People on dating TV shows are making a mockery of marriage also, and it's not right either.

The human race is designed to survive via reproduction. Just like just about all living organisms.

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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Ubik »

It doesn't go against the survival of the species at all, it doesn't inhibit heterosexual people having kids in any shape or form. Should we ban couples that don't want kids from being married as well? How about infertile people? Some people are just gay (and it's not a choice, so it's perfectly "natural") and would like equal recognition under law with their partners.

They might, also, make really good parents and give an adopted kid a chance of a happy family life.

Darwinism is not something that should be used in accordance with marriage legislation.
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Re: Chick-Fil-A

Post by Vaux »

-----Should we ban couples that don't want kids from being married as well?

No. Man and woman are designed to couple. That is natural, despite the kids aspect.

------How about infertile people?

Same as above. Being infertile is wrong. Not saying someone did something wrong, but being infertile is not the way the body is meant to be. Even if you can't have kids, you can still couple because men and woman are designed to do that.

It's not just only the reproduction aspect of it. You mentioned that some people are just gay - I don't disagree with that. Some people are born gay and some make a choice. But some people are also born with three arms or conjoined heads or whatever. Is that natural also?

It's just not natural for two men or woman to come together as one. Round hole, square peg. It doesn't fit right. Gays can play it off all they want, but it's still not right.

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